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Anger, Privilege, and Invisible Injustice: What Cain and Abel Have to Do With Ferguson

…um identifies the mark: Cain is to carry inscribed on his face the holiest sign of all, the “great and honorable name of the LORD.” ______________ *Aramaic had replaced Hebrew as the more commonly spoken vernacular after the Babylonian Exile, and scholars think that the practice of creating Targum—the Aramaic word for translation—began soon after, with new versions and additions continuing to appear for centuries. In the synagogue, scriptural read…

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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…ated his unpopular stint in San Francisco. The smart money is on him being promoted and relocated, as happened with Boston’s Cardinal Bernard Law and other clerics who have contributed so actively to the rapid exodus of members from Catholic parishes. At some point, these sorts of executive employees become too expensive to maintain. It becomes cost effective to put a golden parachute on their mitres and wish them well. The obviously forced resign

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Mister Rogers’ Radical Pacifist Neighborhood

…cemakers. So rather than donning cut-off jeans and angrily pumping a peace sign while marching in the streets, he quietly modeled compassion as the antidote to violence, This does not mean he rolled over in a namby-pamby way, as the folk singer Pete Seeger once described him. Rogers might have sounded and looked wimpy, but he was fiercely dedicated to a pacifism rooted in human dignity for all. The strength of this conviction led him to create a p…

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A Letter to the Pope in Advance of the Synod: Why Must I Get My (Lutheran) Marriage Annulled?

…t I am a full and welcome member of that family. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, I converted because the woman whom I love, and have been with since December of 2000, has deep and long family ties to the Catholic Church, and we want to share a spiritual community. We became engaged four months ago and I believe it is God’s plan for us to be married. (What I mean by that is that my heart/mind/body “knows,” at a profound and ineffable level…

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Kim Davis, County Clerk, is Not a Person

…licenses is not in itself evil. Yet, while Kim Davis is still required to sign the name of her moral person to official documents, she still fears implicating her moral person in — what, to her, are — immoral acts. In this case, the problem that Ms. Davis had in signing the marriage licenses because they transgressed her conscience could be obviated by calling attention to the fact that it was not Kim Davis in person with a conscience and religio…

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How Would Religion Respond to Extraterrestrials? A Thought Experiment

…Citizens of the Christian Republic of Texas have taken the broadcast as a sign of the long-overdue apocalypse. Meanwhile, the Head Dawkins of the English Secular Atheist Community has announced that the “…discovery of alien life once-and-for-all disproves the idea of a creator god.” But Christians are left wondering whether the papal encyclical will explain how the crucifixion of Christ redeemed the Sagittarians, or whether they had need of their…

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Religious Leaders Pledge to Protect Religious Freedom—For Everyone

…at 50 religious leaders, including the 21 who were on the Cathedral steps, signed reads: I, ______________, pledge and commit to the American people that I will uphold and defend the freedom of conscience and religion of all individuals by rejecting and speaking out, without reservation, against bigotry, discrimination, harassment and violence based on religion or belief. The event was hosted by the Cathedral and the Shoulder-to-Shoulder campaign,…

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Chuck Colson, Watergate Felon and Evangelical Leader, Dies at 80

…n would go on to become a major figure in Evangelicalism like his mentors, promoting conservative values in Prison Fellowship, and also influencing the Evangelical mainstream. Colson would start the Justice Fellowship, a criminal justice based reform group in 1983, and would later win the Templeton Prize in 1993 for Progress in Religion. The other facet of his work, however, was in declarations and statements. Joining with Richard John Neuhaus of…

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Conservative Bishops Headed For Synod Victory?; Indonesian Sharia Official Says Gay Caning Law Meant To ‘Safeguard Human Dignity’; Slovenian Court OK’s Referendum on Marriage Equality Law; Global LGBT Recap

…at the chance to celebrate with tens of thousands of people. They carried signs like “Stop the persecution of gays in the Arab world” and “Your life isn’t worth more than mine.” So it felt like a deep betrayal when local officials banned the march at the last minute and police turned tear gas, plastic bullets, and water cannons on participants. (Turkish LGBT activists are not sure why the event was shut down after years without incident, but it f…

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God Hates Nags: Why in God’s Name is Westboro Protesting Kim Davis?

…riage.” Kathleen E. Jenkin’s careful study of divorced Christians suggests significant unease, pain, and shame on the issue of divorce and remarriage among believers, and churches have responded in creative ways that provide both theological and practical avenues for divorced persons—as evidenced, for example, in new Catholic rules on annulments. Yet the dissonance is not fully resolved. For example, in online chatrooms and in advice columns, evan…

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