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Mississippi’s Gov. Bryant Resorts To Far-Fetched Analogy To Defend Anti-LGBT HB 1523

…rney General said he didn’t think it wise to appeal a federal judge’s last-minute injunction of HB 1523 (his words: “The churchgoing public was duped into believing that HB 1523 protected religious freedoms”), Governor Phil Bryant followed through on his long-standing promise to do so no matter what. In a district court filing, Governor Bryant said he didn’t think Judge Carlton Reeves’ ruling would hold because a) none of the plaintiffs suing over…

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Green Candidate Jill Stein Maintains Anti-Vaxxer Cred

…tweeted that “there’s no evidence that autism is caused by vaccines.” Five minutes later, they deleted the tweet and amended it to a more modest, relativized claim: Armed with screenshots, some savvy Twitter users documented the hasty edit. Why backtrack? In an email to RD, Stein’s Press Director, Meleiza Figueroa, explained that “there had been a miscommunication among staffers and an earl…

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Power in a Union: How the Working Class Shaped Religion in America

…studied at a Catholic “labor school” in Detroit in the early 1940s. Wait a minute, I thought: there are first-hand responses written by ordinary, lay Catholics in their own words? This was my “eureka” moment. And, sure enough, it turned out that there were a lot of potential sources. From that point on, I was invested in the story of Detroiters and how religion played out in their neighborhoods, workplaces, and unions. The Making of Working-Class…

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Mexican Marriage Marches Show Struggle Between Church and Secular State; Pro-LGBT Mormon Group Grows After ‘Apostate’ Declaration; Botswana Gives Anti-Gay US Pastor the Boot; Global LGBT Recap

…march drew tens of thousands – or hundreds of thousands depending on whose numbers you believe – of anti-marriage-equality Catholics and evangelicals to Mexico City, the culmination of weeks of protest organized by the National Front for the Family. Days before, the Supreme Court ruled that adoption by same-sex couples should be considered, like other adoptions, according to the best interest of the child. In preparation for Saturday’s anti-marria…

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You Fix This Mess: Post-Election, Evangelicals of Color Disappointed in White Evangelicals

…written by oppressed people,” she says. “My people were shocked and for a minute they were fearful as to what was going to happen” says Perkins of his congregation. “That shock and fear has subsided, because we are people of faith and ultimately we know that our trust is in God.” “We are angry, we are grieving, we are organizing” says Khang, who challenges white evangelicals to listen to the concerns of evangelicals of color with more care and se…

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Talking With the “Religious Terrorist” that Turkey Wants Trump to Extradite

…id that he hoped that that would be the case. At the end of the forty-five minute conversation, Gulen rose to offer a gift of a nicely packaged Cross ballpoint pen and an elegant looking bottle of perfume. He was happy, his associates told me as we were leaving the room, to have had the chance to talk about broad issues and the future of the movement. Ordinarily these days, they said, he has been consumed with darker matters, about the fate of his…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…President Steve Bannon, took the stage together in an unusually cordial 30-minute discussion moderated by ACU chairman Matt Schlapp. Then again, reports of a tense working relationship between Priebus, a longtime establishment Republican who most recently served as director of the Republican National Committee, and Bannon, the self-avowed white nationalist who formerly ran right-wing site Breitbart News, are greatly exaggerated, both men said. Ask…

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Jennifer Knapp and Me: Coming Out While Evangelical

…instructed me to write and rehearse what they called a “testimony”—a three-minute story of my conversion; the more dramatic, the better. Knapp provided the soundtrack to my life as a young, zealous believer. I wanted to be broken in ways she described, so that God’s salvific work would manifest more vividly in my story. I didn’t have to try hard to be broken, of course. By the time I was in college, studying theology to become a missionary, I had…

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The Non-Mask of the Red Death: A Deadly Necropolitics Hits Home

…lovingkindness, the God who desires mercy, not sacrifice? (And don’t for a minute try to map “Old Testament” and “New Testament” onto these competing conceptions of God. It just ain’t so.) In this fallen world people get to choose which of God’s faces they prefer. How God is imaged is famously contested territory for the “people of the Book,” and no one can seriously expect today’s champions and worshippers of a wrathful male sky god to grasp how…

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White Supremacy and Orthodox Christianity: A Dangerous Connection Rears Its Head in Charlottesville

…tions for more mainstream currents in contemporary Orthodox life. From the minute he first spoke, I couldn’t help but think that Tim sounds like a lot of guys I grew up with, if slightly more earnest. This makes sense as we both come from the suburbs of Denver, Colorado. In fact, Tim became Orthodox at the Assumption of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Glendale, Colorado. That’s the church my family has attended since my grandparents arri…

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