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The Latest to Botch Mormonism: Garry Wills

…nk he decided they were not. That poses problems I have often thought of since. For instance, the Constitution rated a slave as only three-fifths of a person. Did that have anything to do with Mormon reluctance, in the past, to admit blacks to full equality? No. It really didn’t. And Mormon missions are two years, not one. And just about no one receives their mission call in time to enroll for language preparation classes during their freshman yea…

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400 Churchgoing Mormons March in SLC Pride Parade

…and hugged him.” Clair Barrus witnessed the tears of parade-goers as evidence of deep wounds carried by gay Mormons and gay people with Mormon backgrounds. “Their soul has been torn in two pieces,” said Barrus, “their integral gay selves, and their Mormon selves.” The Mormons Building Bridges effort was also an important opportunity for LDS families to show public support for their gay children, said Troy Tenney, who marched near the family of on…

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A Journalist in Church, Hiding in Plain Sight

…e, passing myself off as a churchgoer, to unmask deplorable social intolerance. I was there to experience, observe, and report on the very real, powerful presence of God in these peoples’ lives. In the weeks following I was able, for the first time, to keep my head up during ‘the call.’ As my reporting passed into weeks, months, and then years, other personal rules also fell by the wayside. I began signing off phone calls with Paz de Cristo (Peace…

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Pennsylvania Rep. Says Contraception Mandate Is Like Pearl Harbor and 9/11

…twists of metal. Maybe he thinks that the only people who have ever experienced a truly grievous affront to their agency and well-being are these three groups: 1) victims of the Pearl Harbor attack; 2) victims of the 9/11 attacks; and 3) the boss who thinks Unitarian Stella from accounting shouldn’t be using birth control and by gum he’s not going to pay for a policy that lets her do so without copay. Maybe the evidence that contraception improves…

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High Ark: A Geologist on the True Meaning of Noah’s Flood

…e of the reasons for the peer-review process. I’ve heard the idea that science advances generationally, that ideas change when one generation who expected them to turn out one way dies out. We need more respectful discussion.  You know, when I read The Genesis Flood [the 1961 book by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris which sparked much of “creation science”] I was really surprised by the fact that they were offering an insightful critique of 19…

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It’s Barack v. the Bible, Says Barton

…opponents with position papers, textbooks, blog posts, talking head appearances, and footnotes. In his work on the Christian origins of the United States, at least he has a modicum of evidence to produce, given the Christian proclivities of certain of the founders. In the war against Obama, however, Chuck Norris and Franklin Graham have to stand in the stead of Patrick Henry or Parson Weems. Thus, for the anti-Obama agonists, the president’s overt…

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Republicans in Favor of Reproductive Rights

…identified as “pro-choice” hit a record low. But respondents’ opinions on policy issues around abortion had not drastically changed from previous years. Just over half of Americans think abortion should be “legal under certain” circumstances, only 2 percent more people than last year. Meanwhile, 25 percent of Americans (compared to 27 percent in 2011) said abortion should be legal in all circumstances, and 20 percent (22 percent in 2011) said the…

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Maryland Governor says Support for Marriage Equality “Very Much Informed” by his Catholicism

…fight for America by throwing in all the chips.” Owens, Jr. is also sadly unconcerned with the truth about marriage equality, fomenting fears about churches being forced to marry gay couples: “‘You may kiss the bride,’ says the pastor as two people of the same sex lean over to kiss each other inside a Bible-believing church. Why? Because Obama’s endorsement of same-sex marriage would pass laws that would threaten to jail and/or fine pastors who di…

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The Silly Calls for Congress to Investigate Planned Parenthood

…edicine because medicine is done by people. And, yes, a small but non-zero number of instances of employees knowingly doing things they shouldn’t—which lots of people already knew about because those incidents have been thoroughly shouted about on the internet.    The conspicuously unasked question is: Is there any positive reason to think there’s a bigger problem here that would be helped by more investigation? Hypothetically, if regular governme…

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I Met God, She’s Black: An Exhibit Makes the Black Female Body a Temple

…multaneously having to take care of every ethnic group you can think of. Since the inception of slavery in Western culture, we have fed and nourished every ethnic group, and in some ways Yetunde Olagbaju’s piece speaks to the burden of that. Whether it’s a white male figure or a black male figure, we have had to take on the burden. Black women who showed up at the reception found a place for themselves where they were appreciated. A number of the…

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