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Awakening, Counter-Awakening, and the End of Church

…lear about where we might be going in the future. You also write about the rising number of “nones”—those who claim no religion—and how church attendance across the board, even in more evangelical churches, is in decline. If all of this is true, that people are now more “spiritual” than religious, what do you make of the huge role religion has been playing in the GOP presidential primary, in particular? I think that the rise of the “nones” is a re…

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More than Half of Mississippi GOP Primary Voters Believe the President is Muslim

…grich for the votes of Alabama and Mississippi evangelicals in tomorrow’s primaries. According to PPP’s statement on the poll, Romney has a chance of winning both states because even though he lags behind his competitors among the states’ most conservative voters, Gingrich and Santorum are splitting those voters, which could benefit Romney. For all the talk of Romney performing poorly among evangelicals, though, he’s really still in the race for t…

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The Problem with AMC’s Sci-Fi Hit Humans

…robotic arms are now picking the lettuce we eat, operating the grocery distribution systems that bring that lettuce to our neighborhoods, and building the cars that get us to the store. Like any great work of science fiction, Humans draws from our current world to ask big questions about who we are now and what we might become. But although the synth may embody our collective fear of being replaced, the reality is that the android scenario helps o…

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New Report: Muslim Terrorism a ‘Minuscule Threat’

…it is unclear how many individuals overall in the U.S. are accused of terrorism-related crimes. Previous FBI data shows that Muslims usually make up 6% of domestic activity. • Muslims were involved in disrupting many of these plots, working with law enforcement. • Approximately 40% of those accused are converts to Islam. • At least one attack was a Muslim targeting a mosque, confining his victims to other Muslims. • In the decade from 2001-2011, a…

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Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and Pro-Home Birth

…care for women throughout the pregnancy spectrum, which can mean support during abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal anomaly, or childbirth. Increasingly, pro-choice advocates argue that choice in childbirth should be subsumed under the umbrella of reproductive justice and human rights; that women of all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds should have access to the best in reproductive health care, whether that means a safe abortion or the ri

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Muslims in America, Fifty Years Later: New Poll Shows Pride and Optimism In the Face of Bias

…he United State since 9/11. Yet counter-terrorism remained the number one priority of the FBI, which spends several billion dollars annually to prevent and prosecute Muslim terrorists. Is this myopic focus on Muslim terrorists doing all of us more harm than good? Finally, citizens and policy-makers must grapple with its never-ending war on terrorism abroad. For a significant portion of the country, the war on terrorism is, by definition, a war on…

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Record Numbers Voted for More Death and More Racism; Can We Really Just Come Together as a Nation?

…ut to fight and win it. Joe Biden has no interest in fighting, and he certainly won’t lead in this one. Joe Biden wants to be a healer, even with all the knives circling his throat. I’m all for healing, but not at the price of accommodating secessionists and haters and authoritarians. This election tells us that a powerful white supremacist minority intends to keep imposing its necropolitics on the rest of us, using every means at its disposal. An…

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Participant Discredits the Original Ex-Gay Study

…ed by the Pattisons. As Bussee explained, interview questions were about various aspects of sexual orientation: “The questions had to do with ongoing attractions, intensity of desires, fantasies, etc. I think his wife [Myrna Pattison] interviewed me, if I remember correctly. As far as I know, no follow-up was done.” Bussee said the Pattisons did not question the authenticity of the responses, saying, “They took it on faith that we were giving hone…

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Who’s Scared of Polygamy? A Restrained Case for the “Slippery Slope” Argument

…for polygamy would be untimely for the international fight for same-sex marriage rights, that there are compelling state interests in not legalizing it (e.g. staving off practical issues around things such as visas for spouses), and that polygamy is essentially and damagingly patriarchal in a way that monogamy is not (or so we are to believe). I must confess that I do not find these apologetics for monogamy convincing. I buy, in other words, a lim…

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How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Permanently Change Our ‘Good Death’ Narrative

…-person limit. Others will choose a direct cremation or burial without any rites, rituals, or ceremony in favor of a funeral or celebration of life at a later date (something many choose to do even under normal circumstances as part of a “convenience” storyline in the American Good Death narrative). Italy has banned funerals altogether. The dead are being buried or cremated without the family seeing the body of their loved one and with no service…

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