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How To Contact Spirit Airlines 1 800-299-7264 By Phone

Missouri Pastor Goes Viral on Gawker: ‘Separation of Church and Hate’

…thereafter I came across a sermon preached by Bob Jones on Easter Sunday in 1960, in which he (as I understand it) was partly responding to Billy Graham’s move toward advocating for social reforms in the South. I did a bunch of Google searches related to strings like “sermons on segregation” or “sermons supporting racism” and started compiling phrases similar to what I had been hearing in Springfield. It was actually one of the easier speeches I’v…

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Electionpocalypse, Part I (Christianity)

…arch Institute poll, they make up 30% of those 65 and older, but just 9% of 18- to 29-year-olds. A recent Pew poll found that now the “nones” make up the same segment of the population (19%) as white evangelicals. And the younger the cohort studied, the more likely that a “none” is an atheist or agnostic.  There’s no convincing the evangelical partisans, though. As Metaxas demonstrated at one of the president’s most strenuous efforts at demonstrat…

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It’s Barack v. the Bible, Says Barton

…fornia, and then to what came to be called the “New Christian Right” of the 1970s and 1980s. Communism disappeared from the enemies list after 1989 (except for older Christian Right stalwart David Noebel, who keeps even that faith while leading the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade even into his retirement), but Islam, an economic “New World Order,” the “gay agenda,” the always-present secular humanists and feminists, and numerous other threats aro…

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Church Uses Facebook for Sacramental Scrutiny at its Peril

…need,” or Bible verses such as “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:24) written on the packaging. The DVD give-back was more than a gesture of spiritual or political defiance. It also highlighted the ethic of mutuality and equanimity at the heart of new social communication practices that have emerged from our engagements in digital social media locales like the Facebook page that became the focus of sacramental censure for Cihak and hi…

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Walking Dead and Zombie Ethics, or “Don’t Fight the Zombies. You Can’t Win”

…wers. (To put this in perspective, the series of finale of Breaking Bad had 10.3 million viewers). As AMC’s President Charlie Collier noted at the time, “It is a good day to be dead.” Zombies, an exasperated colleague told me, are everywhere. Indeed, they are, and they are unavoidable: these monsters are a five billion dollar industry. They appear in cell phone ads for Sprint, they chase runners in 5Ks, and they scare crowds at haunted houses and…

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Becoming Forever Lonesome: How Violence Changes Us

…knew it was over. I got a phone call. It was about midnight on October 23, 1998. I thought it was my husband calling to say he would be late. It was my stepfather saying, “I have some bad news.” I thought, “My mother or my sister?” He said, “Your uncle Bart has been shot and killed.” For a brief, bright moment, all I was, was relieved. A mother of an 18-year-old girl who died in the massacre at Columbine got her news by radio. She was pulling int…

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Global LGBT Recap: Nigeria Jails Gays, Russian Orthodox Spox Calls for Criminalization Referendum

…this week from his job as creative director of the country’s largest cell phone retailer after more than 15 LGBT organizations teamed up to urge Apple CEO Tim Cook to cut ties with Euroset.  He did so defiantly, saying he would never change his position that “Sodom and Gomorrah must be destroyed!” Journalist and LGBT activist Masha Gessen, who has dual Russian and American citizenship, has left Russia with her partner and three children under the…

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Giving Up God—Not Just a Spiritual Stunt

…inks your quest to Pascal’s wager and the context of your quest in today’s spiritual marketplace? Linn Marie Tonstad suggests that I am participating in a postmodern marketplace of religious ideas, choosing my “beliefs” from a smorgasbord of options. But then in the last sentence she seems to suggest that there might be a “marketplace” motive to my actions—that I might stand to benefit in the marketplace from my yearlong experience of atheism. Fir…

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Yes, It’s Worse To Be Gay in Russia

…I were to do the same thing today, I could be arrested, detained for up to 15 days, deported, and fined 100 thousand rubles (a little more than $3000) to boot. Four Dutch nationals have already been arrested and deported for violating Russia’s ban on so-called “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations,” and all eyes will be on Sochi as we wonder if any similar incidents will occur there. These days, I teach interdisciplinary humanities and…

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Why is Liberty Institute Still Defending Phillip Monk?

…hich show that Monk’s transfer date was moved from September 30th to August 14th. The Liberty Institute believes that, This documentation shows that the commander indeed reassigned Monk in a highly irregular manner immediately after her ultimatum to him regarding his views on same-sex marriage. This is totally consistent with his accusation, and totally at odds with the Air Force’s new official explanation. That’s a lot of intention to read into a…

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