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Strange Bedfellows: The American Far-Right and Today’s Jihad Do Have Something in Common — Just Not What You Think

…t the Islamic State (or ISIS as it’s colloquially known) which argues that today’s jihad has little in common with earlier iterations of that phenomenon but does share certain features with far-right movements in the West, I approach the comparative question from a different angle. Setting aside the terrorism framework, which sidesteps crucial questions about the nature of militant organizations and their appeal at this historical juncture, I inst…

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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…ord to resist government direction in matters of faith and public justice, today’s faux Protestants (DC division) appear only too happy to serve as the king’s errand boys and check their prophetic critique at the door. I am calling the self-willed domestication of what should be a fearless Protestant voice “Areopagitica in reverse” because Milton, in his 1644 anti-censorship polemic, was insisting on the necessity of the free interplay of ideas fo…

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Religion is Not about Belief: Karen Armstrong’s The Case for God

…for most of Western history “belief” has meant nothing like what it means today. Today, when someone asks me if I believe in God, for example, they are asking if I assent to the proposed verity or the factual existence of God—and usually it is in reference to a very specific understanding of that God. Similarly, if I’m asked if I have “faith in Christ”, the question is whether I agree with the proposition that Jesus of Nazareth was divine, died o…

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Christianity Today’s ‘Humble’ Hindu-to-Jesus Conversion Story is Still a Story of Christian Triumphalism

…n I read Kamesh Sankaran’s “The Humbling of a Proud Hindu” in Christianity Today, which mixed a genuine spiritual journey with the idea that Christianity is superior to Hinduism. This sort of triumphalism among Christians—particularly converts—is nothing new, but it also hides the realities many Hindus living under Christian contexts face. For example, in southern India, where Sankaran (and my parents) hails from, many poor Hindus couldn’t receive…

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The War Within: Religion and Our Tangled Relationship with Our Bodies

…blacks continues to shape the pervasive racism that structures our society today. As I read this brilliantly heart-breaking and challenging text, which is written in the form of a letter, it occurred to me that young women in the U.S. today (female youth of all ethnic, cultural, and racial backgrounds) need a similar book that explains through a mix of storytelling, history, and critical reflection how the misogynist religious/cultural legacies of…

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What Does a Moral Economy Look Like for the 99 Percent?

…of utilitarian “rent-a-collar” approach that is common in movement circles today), but rather political and economic demands that are made on the basis of a moral foundation. It will take wrenching change to transform today’s labor movement. It requires us to think about the labor movement as a moral force in society, not just an economic actor. One of the key lessons from Sea-Tac is that the elements of this new social movement union are everywhe…

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Pulitzer-Prize Winning Historian’s Latest Reveals the Problem with Today’s ‘Religious Freedom’

…ng shows, without openly proclaiming, that this nuance is sadly lacking in today’s conversations and Supreme Court opinions. Some scholars, in an era of rising Christian Nationalism, are trying to downplay the influence of Rakove’s guides, Jefferson and Madison, on the American government’s relationship with religion in an effort to argue that America is a Christian nation. Rakove euthanizes such attempts with that award-winning prose: “It is enti…

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Exvangelical TikTokkers Aren’t a Sign of the End Times, But Here’s What Evangelicals Need to Understand About ‘The Falling Away’

…opened his sermon by saying: How many of you know we’ve got a few problems today? In fact, I can’t remember a time ever like this, maybe even in the history that I’ve read when so much is up for grabs in our culture. And today I want to talk with you about “The Falling Away.” Throughout the sermon, which is available to stream on demand on his church’s Facebook page, he would go on to vilify the terms “deconstruction” and “exvangelical” and those…

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The Surprisingly Short History of Popular Yoga

…social justice is alive and well among many practitioners of postural yoga today. In the popular imagination, we tend to imagine yoga as a luxury activity primarily embraced by white suburbanites. Yoga has become a part of popular culture and brand-name yoga commodities are easily accessible among privileged communities across the world. And for a large number of yoga advocates, the claim to possess knowledge of yoga is closely related to the ques…

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Despite Reports, GOP Has Not ‘Turned on Trump’ For Call to Terminate the Constitution — Fascism isn’t a Dealbreaker for Today’s GOP

…e Republicans have condemned Trump—but they largely have no future left in today’s Republican Party. Mike Pence might be the most disliked man in the country both on the Right and the Left, no matter how often Fox News tries to make him seem beloved by everyone. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger won’t be in the next Congress because their conservatism isn’t right-wing enough for the GOP anymore, and John Bolton, apart from having no position of influe…

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