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Persecution, Betrayal, and the Zero Sum Fight for Global Domination — Day 1 of NatCon 2024

…o answer the question at the heart of Christian nationalism: “What kind of American are you?” According to Hazony, if you’re the right kind of American, the answer would be to show this new flag and say: “Ten Commandments, that’s us.” ‘Our fight is not merely existential, it’s also zero sum’ Now that NatCon is moving closer to the mainstream, its leaders recognize that on their march to power “we’re gonna win some and lose some.” Demuth counsels:…

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Don’t Laugh at Rick Scott’s ‘Plan to Rescue America’ or Be Fooled by Reports of a ‘Backlash’ — His Only Mistake Was Revealing the Truth of Today’s GOP

…they “assimilate,” and they shouldn’t seek to “change” America, only to be Americans—or, rather, what Scott deems to be real Americans. This is along the same lines as the ethno-nationalist sense of “volk” that animates the latest ad for Peter Thiel-backed far-right candidate for US Senate in Arizona, Blake Masters. Both claim that there’s a narrow and fixed definition of who is and is not American—first and foremost, white, Christian people who l…

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Popesplaining: Women Remain “Strawberries” in Francis’s Book on Happiness

…d even went so far as to mansplain Catholic social teaching to a nun. Many American Catholics can’t forget either that American Catholic orders of religious investigated for “radical feminist themes” just a few years ago were all women’s orders, nor can we forget that the most prominent American theologians censured by the Vatican have also been women. Yes, those investigations took place under the previous pope, but the root causes behind them—a…

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In ‘The Evangelical Mission to Spread The Gospel to Muslims’ a Journalist Tells a Global Story About Evangelical Missionaries and the Spread of Right-Wing Ideology

…to prepare Latin America for exactly that moment. We could no longer send Americans, so let’s send Latin Americans. I want to send us out with some focus here on rising Christian nationalism, both in the US and in Brazil. Given that context, what do you think American readers need to know about this missionary movement? There is this well-financed wave of pastors and missionaries with a very right-wing neo-evangelical perspective, who have starte…

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The Elite Movement Laying the Foundation for a MAGA That Will Outlast Trump and Remake America: Inside NatCon Part I

…cosystem. Intellectuals from right-wing journals like First Things and The American Conservative rub shoulders with journalists from outlets like American Greatness and The Epoch Times; policy analysts from think tanks like the Claremont Institute and the Heritage Foundation; and representatives from organizing outfits like American Moment and Young Republicans chapters. Conservative leaders of Protestant seminaries, Catholic theologians, and Orth…

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Thanksgiving Reveals More About Us Than About 17th Century Events

…c story of America’s foundation. The conservative reads a tale about Anglo-American Protestant hegemony and the opening up of North American resources. But the radical, perhaps even the mystical interpreter, reads a more allegorically profound story about America as “Mother of Exiles,” a universal space that encompases all ethnicities, cultures, and religions precisely because of its universality. *** When Welcoming the Stranger Was Not Just a Rel…

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Kindred Hatemongers: Why American Islamophobes and Muslim Protesters Need Each Other

…to more firmly reject the protestors. In the meantime, while the Muslim world burned over a hateful video, its producer, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, was safely in hiding somewhere in Southern California. While many leaders on the political right were quick to blame Libya and Egypt for not protecting American interests, few bothered to criticize the hatemonger, Nakoula, who had created the mess in the first place. But without him the anti-American an…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…rly, all Israelis—view Obama as an almost villainous character. “No Jewish American,” the American-born writer Barry Rubin says in the video, “should vote for Obama on the belief that he’s a great friend of Israel.” You should think about, the narrator tells you, “whether Obama will really have Israel’s back when the chips are down.” Mark Zell, co-chair of Republicans Abroad-Israel, recently told reporter Roee Ruttenberg, “in the United States, th…

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Revisiting Philip Roth’s 2004 Novel that Predicted the Trump Election

…hat huge endowment of personal security that I had taken for granted as an American child of American parents in an American school in an American city in an America at peace with the world. Roth-the-author assumes that American fascism would only partly resemble its European sibling. Instead of demonizing its chosen Other, the Lindbergh government diagnoses Jews as imperfectly assimilated. Then it sets out to fix the problem. The program to help…

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Mitt Romney and the Ghost of Anti-Mormonism

…ing Smoot’s era is now a tradition maintained by a very small slice of the American population. The Republican primaries gave that small slice a megaphone: the artificial loudness of their voice makes people overestimate their number. That said, it will be interesting to see what happens now in the general election when you may begin to hear from another voice that is anxious not so much about Mormonism per se but about any candidate that is too r…

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