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God is Love: A Desert Prophet’s Message

…The state owns the land, but does not maintain it and people live here for free. There is no water, electricity or septic. Most of the people only come in the cooler winter months. But about 150 people, an incredibly hardy bunch, live here year round, braving temperatures that will climb to 130 degrees. It was 112 when I was there Saturday and Sunday. At the entrance to Slab City is Salvation Mountain, an adobe mountain covered in bright paint and…

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I Am Better than Him

…ill: they can only obey Allah. The jinn, like the human creatures, do have free will and can disobey. This is different from the version of this story in Genesis, where there was “war in heaven” and the war was against God. We don’t have a God in such compromising positions. In the Qur’anic story, Satan disobeys and still knows that God is one. Think about that. It was not disbelief in God’s oneness that was the problem. He (and it’s always a he s…

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Vaccine Mandates are Constitutional; Religious Exemptions are Unnecessary and Harmful

…emptions are not constitutionally required. People are fond of saying that freedom isn’t free, but nor is it absolute. And thinking in constitutional absolutes is killing Americans. Literally. The claim that the Second Amendment protects a sacred and unlimited right is a legal narrative recently invented, deliberately advanced, and grossly manipulated by the NRA—and it’s killing Americans. The Supreme Court’s political manipulation of the constitu…

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Founder of Liberal Mosque in Germany Under Guard After Death Threats; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…rom NOM President Brian Brown’s description of the bus in the U.S. as the “free speech bus,” the National Front for the Family is calling their version the “freedom bus.” GayStarNews reports that in Guadalajara LGBT activists wrapped the bus in a rainbow flag: Jaime Cobián, a protestor, said ‘these right-wing groups want to remove the rights’ of the most vulnerable people. ‘Gay people are not what you fear,’ he said. ‘They are your sons, fathers,…

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A Hidden Amy Coney Barrett Answer on COVID That Should Scare Every American

…public health restrictions on places of worship. Do states infringe on the free exercise of religion when they selectively restrict a religious gathering as a matter of enforcement discretion? RESPONSE: The Supreme Court has explained that “[o]fficial action that targets religious conduct for distinctive treatment cannot be shielded by mere compliance with the requirement of facial neutrality” and that “[t]he Free Exercise Clause protects against…

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Why I Joined Over a Thousand Faith Leaders in Masterpiece Case Brief

…lem is not theological. It’s that it misconstrues the meaning of religious freedom. Religious freedom is one of the most fundamental principles of American democracy. The Constitution makes plain that the government should not interfere with an individual’s practice of their religion. But religious freedom does not give anyone the right to impose their beliefs on others, to harm others, or to discriminate when they operate as a public accommodatio…

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Supreme Court: Law School Christian Group Can’t Exclude Gays

…oaning the tolerance found on college campuses: “Our proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom of express “the thought that we hate.” Today’s decision rests on a very different principle: no freedom of expression that offends prevailing standards of political correctness in our country’s institutions of higher learning. I mean, really, the First Amendment ought to give groups the right to name who they will hat…

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A ‘Vows’ Piece in ‘The Times’ Shows How Doctrinaire Christian Celibacy Has Become Compared to its Ancient Roots

…y. Ephrem reminded Covenanters that foregoing sexual intimacy was meant to free them from themselves, not create a privileged class of Christians. ‘Without good deeds,’ he bluntly affirmed, ‘sexual renunciation is worthless.’ Ephrem’s insights could be arrestingly prescient. He warned that if celibacy were to become institutionalized in the church, it could result in great harm. Ambitious churchmen, he said, might use it as a stepping stone to pri…

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Why Atheists Should Fight For Establishment of State Religion

…thrive because the First Amendment to the Constitution created a religious free market. What could be more palatable to conservatives than the fact that American religion is yet another success story for the free market? Now, Culture Warriors, listen up: a legislator in Louisiana just submitted a bill calling for public school students to recite the Lord’s Prayer alongside the Pledge of Allegiance. You can take your typical, predictable approach….

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HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

…Project of Australia has the entire text of Mein Kampf on line, so we are free to check Klinghoffer’s claims for ourselves. (Hat tip to commenter at Pharyngula for this.) A quick search of Mein Kampf reveals not one reference to Darwin. It has one reference to natural selection, but only in the context that the revolutionary movement must not grow too fast: An organization inspired by a veritable revolutionary idea will attract into the body of i…

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