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Sullivan v. Gallagher: Catholics Debate LGBT Rights At Georgetown

…ality to Nazism. There was, of course, no need to debate Catholics for Equality’s mission by mentioning Soros. The fact that NOM did speaks to an effort to deploy conservative tropes about who is or isn’t the “real” religious person, and to drop code that political adversaries betray God to support evil. But it was Gallagher who had the gall to call out Catholics for Equality in her prepared remarks. “There is still time to repent,” she said witho…

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New Clashes in Portland Confirm that Christian Nationalism Remains a Clear and Present Danger

…in addition to highlighting the significance of cross-border collaboration between Canadian and American extremists. Because of its reputation for progressivism, Portland is often targeted by far-right groups as a site for bigoted actions and provocations. Both of this past weekend’s events that sparked violence were explicitly Christian in nature and featured “spiritual warfare” as themes. The first event, which took place on Saturday, was a pray…

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Why We’re Not Prepared to Prosecute White Nationalist Violence

…ecuted as a foreign terrorist, but a White nationalist cannot. This is because there’s a differential between a “homegrown violent extremist” and a “domestic violent extremist” within the Department of Homeland Security lexicon. A “homegrown violent extremist” acts under the influence or direction of a Foreign Terrorist Organization, or FTO, but a “domestic violent extremist” does not. In other words, a “homegrown violent extremist” is Muslim and…

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What Does Satanism Have to do With QAnon?

…aren’t so much sober accusations of individuals’ crimes than an insiders’ code for ‘elite liberals.’ The Satanic abuse panic of the 1980s and 90s led to the persecution and false convictions of many innocent people and caused traumatic rifts in communities. The panic involved gothic stories of bloody ceremonies conducted by community-members in black robes, including graphic claims of child and adult sexual abuse and rumors of specific “cult” loc…

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Catholic Anti-Nuke Activists Looking at 20 Years in Prison a True Test for Religious Freedom

…should be dismissed became they impinge upon the Plowshares 7’s religious freedom. This claim rested on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), a 1993 law that requires the federal government not to “substantially burden” someone’s practice of religion unless a “compelling government interest” is involved and the rule the government is enforcing is the “least restrictive means” of achieving its goal. The judge in the Plowshares trial denied…

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A Link to Jewish History, RBG’s Iconic Collars Were a Beacon for the Marginalized

…urt… the last October she would sit on the bench. RBG’s collar donated to Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv. In the wake of her death, the Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv announced that Ginsburg had donated one of her collars to the museum last March; it will appear in the new core exhibit opening there this winter. ““She was a righteous person,” Shula Bahat, a museum representative, told NPR. “She was totally dedicated to the values…

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Trump’s Nominee to Fill RBG’s Seat Is Unfit. By Definition.

…deranged rose ceremony that has become the announcement of a new nominee isn’t just selling their soul to an authoritarian devil, they’re signing it over on camera, for all to see. No principled jurist would accept this nomination. No honest or honorable justice could. The Republicans may not be better than this unseemly, unprincipled exploitation of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, but the next justice must be better. Any nominee Trump approa…

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The Wrong Man: Why Falwell’s Paying for His Indiscretion But Trump Gets a Pass

…thony Wiener). Their political fate was sealed, and negatively so, not because their sexual violations were considered particularly heinous, but because neither one built their political personas around threats of an impending national enemy. As a result, there’s no other way to talk about, or justify, or translate their wayward sexuality that can redeem them as strong, national protectors. With this in mind, what that photo exposed is far more th…

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Dear White Evangelicals: A Black Square Ain’t Gonna Cut It

…es not equal passivity. Choose a side. White churches such as Hillsong and Bethel Music would do well to incorporate the Black contribution of gospel music to their worship services instead of segregating the art forms. How do your Black parishioners feel? Included? Celebrated? Appreciated? Probably not. Until white evangelicals are willing to rework the entire framework of their teachings, they can ‘Blackout Day’ till they’re blue in the face, bu…

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The Facts About ‘Sharia’ May Surprise You

…because shariah requires the defense of synagogues. It’s in all our interests to stop mindlessly buying into the notion of shariah as draconian and violent, a view supported by Muslim terrorists and Islamophobes alike; a view capitalized upon by repressive Muslim governments and used as an excuse for war by Western ones. No legal system could have survived a thousand years without being flexible and adaptable. Understanding at least the basics of…

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