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Eyes on the Prize, Rainbow People! A Post-DOMA Challenge

…therwise compelling story about the need for queer people to make common cause with low-wage workers. She and her spouse are small-time farmers in the Central Valley: in that context they can feel how wrong it would be for them to say “thank you very much” to the Supremes and then proceed to ignore the economic struggles of their neighbors. But the phrase “saved the best for last” thoughtlessly suggests that the other SCOTUS decisions bearing on t…

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Episcopal Church Divided Over Trinity’s Denial of Occupy

…iolently in the face of peaceful resistance. Such violence, whatever the cause and source, would surely impute to the church’s reputation in a variety of potentially damaging ways. I would worry, too, about the church’s relationships to the police and other city agencies, as these would likely be fractured by offering sanctuary for continued nonviolent protest. And, if I were the CEO of Trinity Wall Street, I’d be alarmed at the idea of the “unspe…

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Tweeting ISIS Attacks: A Lesson in Not Learning a Lesson

…ear. The Islamic State began in 2004 as al-Qaeda’s Iraq affiliate, not because its then-leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, discovered that female motorists populate America’s highways, but because America had just invaded Iraq. We can and must fight back against ISIL. We have a moral obligation, not to mention a national security obligation. But we must be careful in that response that we do not fall prey to ideas that have already failed before (and i…

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Jeffress’ Statement About Trump’s God-Given Authority is Nonsense

…uthority to “execute wrath on the wrongdoer.” He predicts that others will use the previous chapter to argue that Christians should never avenge themselves, “but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’” Jeffress is right in reading Romans 12 as a moral instruction to individuals or communities of Christians, and chapter 13 as dealing with systems of government instead. But then he goes off…

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White Evangelical Leaders Still Too Preoccupied With ‘Order’ to Listen to Black Truth

…t the visit and that Episcopal clergy who were present are livid about the use of violence to clear the space. Of course, more insidious than the direct praise of Trump’s show of Christian nationalist force, which came on the heels of his threat to use the military to restore order in the face of days of demonstrati…

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Reexamining the Shaky Theology That Gives Humans ‘Dominion’ Over All Creation

…n this story? Is it, as the dominionist interpretation argues, a matter of use value? Are animals and the rest of creation there for humankind to use, a bounteous gift of “natural resources”? The fact that, after each stage of creation, God declares that it is all “good,” in and of itself, without reference to humans, already suggests otherwise. Not once does God say “The humans are going to love this! I can’t wait to see what they do with it.” In…

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Religion vs. Science: America’s Perilous Fight

…ht. Teaching ID as science violated the Constitution, the court ruled, because ID promotes religion and the Establishment Clause requires that the government remain neutral on religious issues. If Richard Dawkins was right about evolution disproving God, then teaching evolution presumably would also violate the Constitution. He should temper his claims, especially given the limitations inherent in any effort to use science either to prove or to di…

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The Sacred and the Dead: Three Ways to American Beauty

…n environment,’ which is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.” ~Music Promoter Bill Graham, April 29, 1971 One sentence, spoken by an anonymous “usher” to a maverick producer who then riffed to boisterous audience at the Fillmore East—all the words spoken then say more than any of us digitally-connected folk will be able to say. But as Bill Graham tells it, “you can use sentences and sentences,” so we might as well try. I nominate the Gratefu…

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LDS Church Disavows “Mormon”-ism

…at—and went so far as to claim it was a brand, suing people who used the word in businesses. Will it still find grounds for suing people who try to use the term now? The most recent statement concludes, “In the coming months, Church websites and materials will be updated to reflect this direction from President Nelson.” However, those updates might be hampered by the church’s failure to plan ahead and secure domain names that don’t invo…

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From Empire to Shire: Rod Dreher’s Nostalgia for Middle-Earth

…onservatism? On page four, Dreher writes, “To avoid political confusion, I use the word “orthodox”—small “o”—to refer to theologically traditional Protestants, Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox Christians.” Besides the fact that “orthodox” and “Orthodox” are used inconsistently at various points in the text, here he clearly distinguishes the political from the theological. But what exactly is the relation between the two? Is “conservative Christian”…

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