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Why is Liberty Institute Still Defending Phillip Monk?

…that The Liberty Institute is correct. All they’re arguing is that Monk’s commander moved him early because she didn’t like him. Obviously, not a good or ethical thing, but it’s a pretty lame form of retribution. If it was true, it would be less indicative of a military dedicated to persecuting Christians and more of a commander who abused their power and generally acted like a jackass.  Which brings me to a question: why is The Liberty Institute…

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Walking Dead and Zombie Ethics, or “Don’t Fight the Zombies. You Can’t Win”

…ock to the mall, as if they remember that this place somehow provided them comfort. This comfort, of course, comes from rampant consumerism. Something about “us” seems to linger as zombies wander throughout the desolate shopping space. What is it? Warm Bodies, a recent teen zombie romance, presents more aware zombies with habits, routines, and interior lives. They still consume brains, but they might feel bad about it. The narrator and protagonist…

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Lila Rose Targets Planned Parenthood with Lies

…technicalities, but imagine a latchkey kid saying “I’m sorry, my mom can’t come to the phone right now” instead of “Nope! I’m home alone and defenseless!” and you’ve got the basic idea. Not surprisingly, though, a lot of the people who are most particular about Catholic teaching—people otherwise likely to be sympathetic to Rose’s goals—aren’t convinced that’s what’s going on here. And these folks clash, from time to time, with Rose’s fanboys and f…

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Christian Atheism: The Only Response Worth its Salt to the Zimmerman Verdict

…ality are merged in the minds of most white Americans.” In forcing these uncomfortable questions on us, Professor Butler is saying that we must reckon with the legal, social, historical, and finally the religious, entanglements of Christianity with whiteness. So entwined has the racial imagination, the imaginary of whiteness, become with Christianity in the religious underwriting of U.S. society that the question is no longer the question Why god?…

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Discovering “Little Syria”—New York’s Long-Lost Arab Neighborhood

…hen it moves on, the Friends of the Lower West Side and Save Washington Street will keep working for recognition, asking the Landmark Commission to reevaluate their rejection of the community center and tenement, and getting Community Board 1 to put up signs commemorating the contributions of Little Syria. They’re also hoping to get Little Syria a mention in the permanent exhibition of the September 11th Museum  now in the works. Wish them luck….

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Intensive Care: Preachers’ Daughters Episode Five Recap

…is it that kids today still use the term “mix tape”?) While she’s out and completely unreachable by phone, her dad, Ken, goes into the hospital with breathing difficulties and is admitted to intensive care. Taylor finally gets the message, is stricken with remorse and concern, prays for her dad’s healing, and resolves to be more responsible. My Dinner with Frankie: Mark and Cheryl Perry invited their teenage daughter Olivia’s friend Frankie over…

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“God Created You”: Bishop Supports Gay Ugandans, Defies Death Threats

…ney as he was to be used as a sexual partner,” said Kayihura. But the LGBT community in Uganda has said that they fear a cover-up by a government trying to downplay the homophobia in the East African nation. The proposal of last year’s anti-gay bill in the country’s parliament provoked a firestorm of criticism in the international community, with donors—who account for about a third of the nation’s annual budget—threatening to withhold aid if it w…

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Global LGBT Recap: Culture War Claims More Victims

…picture of tensions between the Anglican Church in Uganda and the Anglican Communion over sexuality issues, and the competition between the Anglican Church and growing Pentecostal churches. Bruner summarizes: While others have focused upon the American origins of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill, it is essential that Uganda’s unique social, religious, and political contexts not be neglected in understanding how the bill developed and how Museveni…

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Religion or Insanity? Two Upcoming Murder Trials Will Ask the (Burning) Question

…ing, “The Powers of Hell want us to live. The enemy tries to get people to commit suicide.” Whether or not Dobson’s crimes have any basis in his interpretation of the Joy of Satan website, they were certainly deviant and unprecedented. If Christensen makes an insanity plea, it is less likely to be challenged. Like Dobson, she also claims to have been undergoing mental stress prior to her crimes. She had recently placed a restraining order on her h…

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Bad News for LGBT Anglicans, Mormons, Adventists, Norwegians, Russians, Georgians, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, Saudis…

…ghbours who had justified the atrocity by saying: “If we leave a Christian community here we will all be made to become homosexual and so we will kill all the Christians.” “I have stood by gravesides in Africa of a group of Christians who had been attacked because of something that had happened in America. We have to listen to that. We have to be aware of the fact,” Welby said. If the Church of England celebrated gay marriages, he added, “the impa…

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