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Catholic Bishops End Family Synod With Little To Say To Gays; World Congress of Families Has Plenty To Say, None of it Good; How Same-Sex Marriage Came to a Buddhist Temple in Japan; Global LGBT Recap

…their faith and their sexuality. Fougere notes the rising influence of Africa’s Catholics: One thing that is increasingly defining Catholicism’s future tackling of LGBT rights is the church’s changing demographics. Because while Catholicism struggles to hold on to the faithful in its traditional strongholds like Europe, the U.S. and Latin America, the numbers are growing at a rapid pace in one part of the world known for its cultural hostility to…

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The Silly Calls for Congress to Investigate Planned Parenthood

…this is what there is. Audit after audit, undertaken by the government (because Planned Parenthood receives Medicaid reimbursement); investigation after investigation, undertaken by Planned Parenthood’s sworn enemies… and what do we have? Some overbilling, not all of which clearly shows any kind of sneaky intent. Some unintentional errors in procedure that, unfortunately, do happen in all areas of medicine because medicine is done by people. And,…

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I Met God, She’s Black: An Exhibit Makes the Black Female Body a Temple

…mentioned that some found the idea of the black woman as God problematic because it can run analogous to the “strong black woman” myth that ultimately harms black women, perpetuating the idea that they’re impervious to pain and suffering. What would be your response to that criticism? That’s a necessary conversation and dialogue. I’m certainly not attempting to encourage them to endure more. My intention is for them to claim themselves and claim t…

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Anonymous Utah Group Distributes Vigilante “Illegal Immigrant” Watchlist

…esus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it’s pretty safe to assume that a significant number of “Concerned Citizens of the United States” are Mormon. But so too are a significant number of undocumented immigrants living in the American West. As we’ve reported here at RD, the Church’s strongest growth over the last decade has been among Latino populations, and almost 4.5 million Mormons worldwide are Spanish-speaking. Economic downtimes and anti-immigran…

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Why Do Evangelicals And Dems Want Immigration Reform?

…nation of Dan Gilgoff’s secret intelligence cable listing “Obama’s evangelical cabinet on immigration reform.” Being a humble, craven paycheck blogger, I immediately agree with whatever Our Dear Overlords order, no matter how seemingly arbitrary. And so it was in this case, pausing only for a three-day weekend. It turns out the Overlords have a weakness for the “church and family time” excuse. Who knew? In any event, I don’t have much to say about…

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International reax to US Marriage Ruling; Official violence at Turkey’s Pride; Marriage Advances in Mexico Over Church Objections; Global LGBT Recap

…ports that some ISIS supporters “celebrated” the killings on twitter by sarcastically hijacking the hashtage #LoveWins. Reuters reports on reactions from Africa: In the streets, churches and corridors of power, from Uganda in the east to Zimbabwe in the south and Nigeria and Liberia in the west, the chorus of homophobic disapproval at the landmark U.S. decision rang out loud and clear. For many African leaders, whipping up anti-gay sentiment wins…

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Broken Courts, Big Lies and Genocide Rehearsal: A Review of 2022—And What We Can Expect From 2023

…2—and there’s no indication that this will slow down in 2023. Sure, Republican candidates who lost in the midterms mostly focused on anti-trans hate, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that this will lead to a change in policy. This is a party dedicated to minority rule—the very fact that they’re unwilling to change unpopular policy positions is what led them to this point. A genocide rehearsal The Lemkin Institute for Genocide prevention issue…

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C Street Scandal, the Media, the Future of the Family: An Interview with Jeff Sharlet

…the public. But in terms of worldview and action and relationships: “biblical capitalism,” laissez-faire, guides the general view of health care (see, for instance, the work of Senator Chuck Grassley and Senator Mike Enzi, two Family men involved in scuttling health care) and the economic crisis (three of the four senators who’ve voted against all five appropriations bills actually live at C Street: DeMint, Coburn, and Ensign). Afghanistan is a t…

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Marriage Vote ‘Transforms’ Not-So-Catholic Ireland; Activist to Malaysian PM – ‘Love Is Not Terrorism’; LGBTs Find Growing Acceptance in Colombia, Not At World Meeting of Families; Global LGBT Recap

…ous traditions. The stance on this matter of far more significant Puerto Rican Catholic, Evangelical and Pentecostal leaders was totally ignored. For example, Univision ignored the perspective of the leaders of Puerto Rico’s majority Catholic population. Among them, Arecibo Bishop Daniel Fernández called the day marking the onset of mass gay weddings on the island “a sad day for Puerto Rican society.” “Moved by love and compassion for our neighbor…

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By the Way: Religious Right Losing its Grip?

…p. “People are realizing that being Christian does not always equal Republican,” Heather Carr, a divinity student at Regent, told Vegh. “Your faith should direct your politics, not your politics directing your faith.” What an idea! And from South Bend, Indiana, some equally unexpected news. The University of Notre Dame recently announced that President Barack Obama would give the commencement address this May, and will also receive an honorary doc…

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