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Sacrificing Children on the Altar of Religious Freedom: A Flood of Mask and Vaccine Lawsuits are Warping ‘Religious Freedom’

…consider themselves “Followers of Christ,” a sect with an infant mortality rate ten times higher than the rest of the state. While not new, the exemptions from criminal law that protect the parents who pray their children to death in lieu of seeking medical care date to the 1970s. In 1972, the Supreme Court decided a case about children being raised in the Amish community. Did those children have to go to school until they were 18, as the law requ…

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Not Peace, But Division? Evangelical Vaccine Refusers Divide Families

…ng white evangelicals, frequent church attendance correlates with a higher rate of vaccine refusal, while the opposite trend holds true for other Christian demographics. With that in mind, it’s worth recalling that frequent church attendance among white evangelicals also tracked with higher Trump support throughout Donald Trump’s term in office. And yet, while the vast majority of white evangelicals supported Trump, only about a quarter of them ar…

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The Latinx Culture War is the Untold Story of the 2020 Election

…Yet Catholics tend to set the tone of the overall Latinx vote due to their numbers. For example, the AP Votecast found that 63% of all Latinxs, and 67% of Latinx Catholics, voted for Joe Biden in 2020. Latinx Catholics have generally been more liberal on social issues such as same-sex marriage and on economic issues than their white coreligionists so it makes sense for this group to remain solidly in the Biden column. Though no data is readily ava…

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Are Churches Making Americans More Racist?

…systemic discrimination following the Floyd protests. While surveys demonstrate a changing white America becoming “woke” to the systemic nature of police brutality and mass incarceration, and responding favorably (for the first time) to the Black Lives Matter movement—and this is indeed good news—other studies suggest that white Democrats are still wary of significant or costly proposals to reduce racial inequality. As a recent poll discovered, “e…

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In Convention Event Democrats Embrace the ‘Nones’

…both Democrats who are already engaged and attract new activists to the party who have long felt that they don’t belong.” Should the religiously unaffiliated, now America’s single largest “faith” demographic, begin to vote at anything close to the rate of white evangelicals, that will indeed be a heavy blow to the anti-democratic and anti-pluralist GOP. But “God” only knows whether demographic changes in the electorate will be dramatic enough to…

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Corporation as ‘Citizen’ is the Next Anti-Black, Anti-Democratic Model that Needs to be Torn Down

…ut don’t even think about messing with their money or suggesting that they ought to pay taxes at the same rate as the people who clean their mansions and haul away their trash. Thus it falls to us to keep this conversation alive, reminding anyone who will listen that our corporate players operate mainly in the manner of the golem in Jewish folklore: i.e., as lifeless and intimidating entities that nonetheless get to simulate humanity and lay a bog…

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Why Didn’t Trump Lie About His Bible?

…of the president losing support among white evangelical Christians. At the rate he’s going, however, Trump won’t have to lose too many to lose the election. Christianity in this country is transforming just like every other social phenomenon. The protests over George Floyd’s murder are taking on the form of a religious movement that even twice-born conservatives are not immune to. The president can’t afford to lose too many supporters, yet he’s gi…

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The Most Important Religious Category of the Primaries, the Non-Religious, Doesn’t Break Down as Cleanly as You Think

…to the polls, the youth vote dropped as a percentage; in other words, its rate of growth didn’t keep up that of older voters. Appropriately enough, Teen Vogue put it best: As expected, Sanders won big with the young voters who did show up, but the youth vote continues to be outnumbered by older voter turnout across the country. Even that might be somewhat generous. As USA Today notes, Sanders won a smaller share of the under-thirty demographic th…

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Spiritual Mapping Evangelicals Battle Vodou in Haiti

…grown enormously in recent years. Two ministries from the movement orchestrated Rick Perry’s huge prayer rally in 2011, while another prayed to protect Sarah Palin from witchcraft in 2005. Of course, as with many other fringe movements, Spiritual Mappers now find themselves wielding a measure of influence over the White House. Last year, then-Republican candidate Donald Trump tapped Spiritual Warfare proponent Frank Amedia as his Christian Policy…

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Government Prayer Isn’t Inclusive—Let’s Not Pretend Otherwise

…igion in our government. Americans are abandoning the church at a dizzying rate and, for the first time in history, nonreligious Americans are the largest demographic group in the country. There are more “nones”—people who check “none of the above” on a religious survey—than there are Catholics or evangelicals. The age of Christian privilege is coming to an end in America. The Religious Right is raging against the dying of its religious privilege…

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