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Is It Immoral to Believe in Miracles?

…ns. When the poor say that they are harassed by police, for example, do we credit them? Or do we dismiss them because, for the well-educated, harassment is an unusual occurrence? The point here isn’t that you should believe in aliens, or that skepticism leads inevitably to police brutality. Rather, it’s that beliefs exist in the context of relationships, communities, and power structures. It’s worth remembering this when someone like Shapiro makes…

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The Islamophobia Election: How “Muslim” Became a Racial Identity

…that racialized component? If we look at the statistics and we look at the numbers, we have more mass shootings in this country than terrorist attacks. The majority of people committing these terrorist attacks are not Muslims. There need to be policies that take into account behavior and political motivation rather than religion or religious identity. Mass shootings are overwhelmingly committed by white men, yet we don’t say, “Well, we need to mon…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…ury Democrat and fervent populist who also had a penchant for gold. To his credit (and our panic), Bannon was surprisingly straightforward about his ideological goals for the next four years. He repeatedly called himself (and by extension, the president) an “economic nationalist,” point-blank admitting that the goal of Trump’s picks for regulatory leadership positions is “the deconstruction of the regulatory state.” In other words, it’s no coincid…

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Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

…ld and warned of a possible “perfect storm,” including the “time bombs” of credit default swaps. Elder Gong explained that they were “gaming contracts,” “financial weapons of mass destruction,” and that they represented a tremendous “moral hazard.” Elder Robert Hales spoke of a “delusion of collusion” involving financiers and multiple insurance houses that together deceived investors concerning these defective instruments. Yet, the only response t…

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The “Spaghetti Dinner” Clause That Launched The Latest Religious Freedom Suit

…ited gender-identity-based discrimination in employment, housing, lending, credit and mortgage services. These policies hew closely to federal guidance and rulings from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that have determined discrimination on the basis of gender identity is not only unlawful in itself, but also a type of sex-based discrimination grounded in a person’s “failure” to adhere to societally enforced gender norms. The trans-affi…

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More Myth Than Fact: Kushner and Ivanka Changed Trump’s Mind on LGBT Discrimination

…th watching, but particularly key to the ongoing discussion about how much credit Ivanka and her husband deserve for “saving” the modest LGBT protections enacted under Obama is the following from Posner: “You’ll note that the reporting on the Kushners’ intervention here was limited to one particular issue, and that was the question of whether Trump was going to keep in place executive orders from the Obama administration that prohibit the federal…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…of thousands from across the region and around the world. Taiwanese often credit this openness to Taiwan’s range of cultural influences, from indigenous groups to Dutch and Japanese colonizers, to seafaring settlers from the Chinese mainland — and their seafaring gods. But the groundswell of support that spurred hope for marriage equality has spurred a bitter backlash that has experts and advocates wondering when or whether the law will move ahea…

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Religious Freedom Org Sticking By Trump Clinging to SCOTUS Nominations

As growing numbers of career politicians and conservative pundits scramble to distance themselves from the ever-imploding presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, the foul-mouthed businessman still has a few reliable allies going to bat for him. And although Trump has seemed, at best, lukewarm about defending against the supposed “attack” on “Judeo-Christian values” in this nation, evangelicals and self-appointed religious freedom fighters conti…

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Bright Lights, Big Bible: A Liberal, Literary Evangelical Keeps the Faith

…inclusive—of the faith itself, the culture, and your family. A lot of that credit has to be given to my family. We all have to make an effort to include each other and the various beliefs that exist in our family. My book is really about a journey in faith—not a journey into faith or away from it. There’s no big moment. Right. Daily life is pretty quiet. Exactly. It’s not a big dramatic story. How has the election been for you? It seemed like earl…

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Including Bono on Glamour’s “Women of the Year” List is Two Steps Backwards

…ar, to the all-too-common exasperation women experience when men are given credit in spaces supposedly dedicated to honoring women. I’m not a biological essentialist. I take people’s identity at their word. But here’s the thing—Bono self-identifies as a man. He says so right in…

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