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Big MoPublican Primary 2012: Dignity Watch

…e observers believe has staked out a netfoothold at this intriguing little site) has tried to explain away as sheer coincidence the fact that he showed up at a “Jasmine Revolution” protest in front of McDonalds sporting sunglasses and a leather jacket with an American flag patch on the shoulder. Recognized and then cheerfully interrogated by fellow protestors, Huntsman melted into the crowd. Both Huntsman and Romney remind me of the premium Mormon…

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Judgment Day is Coming; Wear Clean Underwear

…ng, a San Francisco-area radio host and the owner of Family Radio. His web site,, says that Oct. 21 will be the day “when He will destroy the world and all that is therein.” Camping’s followers around the country have been promoting the big day by putting up billboards and driving vehicles with placards. But this is not the first time Camping has predicted Judgment Day: On Sept. 6, 1994, dozens of Camping’s believers gathered inside…

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Kyl Demands Condemnation of “Violent or Hateful Rhetoric,” But Doesn’t Follow Own Advice

…need a “spiritual army” to fight Islam. I can’t find anything on Kyl’s website condemning that. Nor can I find anything on Kyl’s website condemning the use of the term “spiritual warfare” to describe a conflict between America and Islam, or the promotion of that term by Boykin, and other religious right leaders, including James Dobson and Gary Bauer. I actually searched Kyl’s site for the word “warfare,” and found only this: “Some on the liberal…

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Big Mo-Publican Primary 2012 Update

…12 candidacy. If you watch religion (which you must if you’re reading this site), Pawlenty is a former Catholic-turned-Baptist who attends the Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, a suburban megachurch pastored by Rev. Leith Anderson, the Minnesotan-mild-mannered head of the National Association of Evangelicals. Which means the 2012 race as it stands looks like a thoroughly correlated (our word for orthodox) Mormon (Romney), a recently-mint…

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#LDSConf Leads Twitter Trend?

…r times more traffic than the Vatican’s, and a Web 2.0 savvy institutional site——driven by individually uploaded member-profiles, the LDS Church and its US membership is probably the most digitally networked religious group in the world. Why? Credit high rates of internet access among Mormons in the U.S., as well as longstanding cultural-religious-ethnic kinship networks among American Mormons that have served as a base for building web…

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Religion and Science: Toward a Postmodern Truce

…ural law, intelligent design, or some combination thereof…” –(from the Web site of the Center for Science and Culture) “People of faith are in their different ways planning your and my destruction, and the destruction of all the hard-won human attainments that I have touched upon. Religion poisons everything.” –Christopher Hitchens A friend quipped recently that the two topics a liberal and a conservative should never discuss together are abortion…

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Tea Partiers and Religious Right Court at Values Voter Summit

…vangelicals. While few adopted the Reconstructionist theology wholesale, a number of Christian Right leaders were tantalized by the idea of restoring America to their view of the America as a Christian nation ordained by God and under the leadership of Godly men. The result was a broad tendency that critics call ‘Dominionism’ which comes in both hard and soft varieties in terms of theocratic authoritarianism. Stephen McDowell, Providence’s co-foun…

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LGBT Mormons Ask in Historic Temple: “If they could just see us, don’t you think they would change their minds?”

…e direction of Mormonism’s founder Joseph Smith. Now a designated historic site, the temple is owned and cared for by members of the Community of Christ, the second largest denomination in the broader Mormon movement. Formerly known as the “Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” the Community of Christ split from the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the 1840s. They never accepted polygamy, and they n…

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Dangerous Religion

…America today. The opposition against building an Islamic center near the site where the World Trade Center once stood, and the growing outcry around the country about the creation of other Muslim places to gather and worship, suggests that many Americans are not afraid to answer the question without hesitation. In the post-9/11 world we now live in, Islam poses the greatest threat to American lives and security; a nefarious, fanatical religion t…

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Beck Plus God Does Not Equal X

…churning religious melee can’t end well. Beck has just started another Web site “The Blaze,” where you can get news that Beck says “will pursue truth.” Beck would probably just accuse me of being a communist, but about what he is selling on Fox and at “The Blaze,” Vladimir Lenin is thought to have said it best: “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” Let’s hope that Beck’s lies about history, theology, and America won’t be told enough to beco…

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