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Remembering Rumsfeld: The Defense Department Gospel and America’s Desert Crusade

…ave let themselves be bothered to try. Enemy in the mirror These pieces of official iconography—at once digital folk art and presidential artifacts—lay bare that as early as 2003 the self-image of American war-makers at the highest levels had become hardly distinguishable from the enemy’s most populist propaganda. Terrorist creations collected by West Point’s Islamic Imagery Project differ only in that they were broadcasted rather than classified….

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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…count the great unchurched free radicals of the 19th and 20th centuries as official Protestants, there is no doubt at all that, unofficially, that is just what many were: not just the towering Lincoln but also such figures as Emerson, Thoreau, Melville, Emily Dickinson, Susan B. Anthony, William Lloyd Garrison, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Henry George, the James brothers (no, not those James boys: I mean Henry and William), Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce,…

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Invoking God’s Name Like a Bludgeon

…so inclined, say a simple “Amen.” Here’s the video. After years of college officials mocking their requests, Americans United for Separation of Church and State filed suit last year on behalf of eight professors and students. Three months before the suit was filed, President Wagner responded to the impending lawsuit by basically using a public invocation ceremony to say that anyone who isn’t a fundamentalist can go to hell. From the initial compla…

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Clueless in Gaza

…ed ‘information revolution.’ Particularly among the opinion makers in the ‘official’ Jewish establishment criticism of Israel is considered an attempt to ‘deligitimize’ the state. Oz’s critique of force as the commonly applied ‘solution’ to the political aspirations of the Palestinians hearkens back to the writings of Israel’s most trenchant critic of the occupation, Professor Y. Leibowitz of the Hebrew University. In the aftermath of the 1967 War…

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Vatican Equates Women’s Ordination with Priest Pedophilia?

…hat women who get ordained “simulate ordination.” According to the Vatican official’s lights, the women, and the bishops who ordain them, automatically excommunicate themselves. It all sounds rather contorted. In this soon-to-be-published document, the ordination of women is said to be spelled out as one of those dicey matters which is not only a violation of the sacrament of Holy Orders, but so serious as to warrant the attention of Rome. Perhaps…

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The Tea Party: Not Just For Racists Anymore

…I know that last line is going to cause some people to squawk. It’s not an official position, so what’s the problem? The problem, dear readers, is that when enough members of your group get behind racist or homophobic positions, it tends to indicate that the group might be, you know, bigoted. Along the same lines, the bit about conservative Christians being “attacked” when people notice that they are sometimes not very nice to gays and lesbians is…

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A Response to Hussein Rashid

…slim Community. Even Ahmadi Muslim mosques are not counted among the total number of mosques in America. As another example, when 86 Ahmadi Muslims were brutally massacred in twin bomb attacks in Lahore on May 28th, only one American Muslim leader offered condolences to the Community. More tellingly, Professor Rashid appears to blame American Muslim diversity for the failure of American Muslim organizations to speak out against extremism with the…

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Mormon “Martin Luther” Causes Stir by Uploading LDS Church Handbook of Instructions to Internet

…onishment, the LDS Church published the entire second volume on its own website. (The first volume remains officially restricted to lay clerical leaders.) The buzz among bloggers and web-journalists quickly converged around changes to the section of the Handbook dealing with homosexuality. One Utah television station even ran a nightly news segment suggesting a link between the changes, Proposition 8, and the protests following Elder Boyd K. Packe…

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Prop. 8 Ruling Delayed By Standing Questions

…es the state Supreme Court an opportunity to clearly reaffirm the right of official proponents to legally defend voter-passed initiatives they successfully enact, particularly when public officials abdicate their constitutional duties by refusing to enforce and defend the law.” But Jennifer C. Pizer, National Marriage Project Director for Lambda Legal, contends that state law does not empower activists to bring a lawsuit in support of ballot measu…

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Palin Cries ‘Blood Libel’: Can Words Harm Us?

…l, frequently receiving support from bishops, popes, and emperors. Yet the official declarations exonerating Jews from blood libel were often ignored and ritual murder accusations were brought against Jews by priests or laypeople seeking to stir up Christian passions against their Jewish neighbors. Blood libel cases spread eastward into Poland and Lithuania in the early modern period, and into the Middle East, Greece, Russia, Hungary, and the Otto…

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