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United Methodist Church Votes Against Israel Divestment

…fthose courageous Jews troubled by Israel’s discriminatory course. In this latest iteration, the Bishop’s case against Israeli policies was framed as a response to a letter sent in April to the United Methodist Church. Signed by 1200 American and Canadian Rabbis, the letter called on the church to back away from criticizing Israel. It noted that: A one-sided approach damages the relationship between Jews and Christians that has been nurtured for d…

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We Are All Nuns

…e bishops, was just more than the delicate souls in Rome could stand. This latest mandate to reform the LCWR—indeed to put it out of business—has been in the works for years. In a process that began in 2008, the “doctrinal assessment,” as it is known, was aimed at investigating the “serious doctrinal problems which affect many in Consecrated Life.” In the face of wars in several parts of the world, ecological crises throughout the planet, and seve…

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Aspirin as Birth Control, Shazam! and the GOP’s Crusade Against Contraception

…chor Andrea Mitchell picked her jaw up off the floor. As I heard about the latest installment of the 2012 Presidential Campaign Time Travels To Another Millenium, while I was across town in a Congressional hearing room, my first thought was that no one should tell the Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that aspirin could be used as birth control. First, they’d believe it, and second, they’d start a crusade to make s…

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Inventing Jesus: An Interview with Bart Ehrman

…ul himself converted to be a follower of Jesus within a year or two at the latest of Jesus’ death—which means that people were telling enough stories about Jesus for Paul to convert a year or two later.  All of that shows that the mythicists who claim that Jesus was made up 30 years later in Egypt, or some other claim—that simply can’t be right. We have evidence of people telling stories about Jesus in Palestine within a year or two of the traditi…

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Resolved: Obama Can’t Win Even Young Evangelicals

In the latest episode of my Bloggingheads program, I talked with Matt Anderson, author of the book Earthen Vessels (which he describes as a theology of the body for evangelicals) and lead writer for the blog Mere Orthodoxy. Our starting point was Andrew Sullivan’s much-discussed cover story on Christianity, but the conversation took us in some really fascinating directions. In this segment Matt discusses how the Obama administration, and in parti…

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Obstacles for Secularists

In the latest episode of my Bloggingheads program, I discuss, with The American Prospect’s Paul Waldman, the political obstacles facing the secularist movement in the United States: You can watch the entire discussion, which was prompted by this past weekend’s Reason Rally, here. Waldman wrote more about atheism in the United States in a column at TAP, and I wrote one on the prospects for a secularist political movement for the Guardian.  Waldman…

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The Fire Next Time: Tibetan Protests Spread

…hat they term “house arrest.” Below, Megan Sweas reports from India on the latest wave of protests. –Eds.] DELHI—Shibayan Raha had worried that this would happen. At a protest against the upcoming visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao, a 27-year-old Tibetan exile lit himself on fire and ran past the podium before police and other activists could douse the flames.  As an Indian who has worked for Students for a Free Tibet, Raha has seen young refuge…

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How Evangelical Women See Limbaugh

In the latest episode of my Bloggingheads show, Christianity Today online editor Sarah Pulliam Bailey and I discuss whether evangelical women’s rejection of Rush Limbaugh’s misogyny will have any impact on either their position on the contraception coverage requirement or the presidential election: You can watch the entire program here; we also discussed the KONY12 controversy and Mitt Romney’s evangelical problem. (Click on the links in the prog…

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As Culture War Rages, What’s the Status of LGBT Rights on Catholic Campuses?

…Religious Freedom: Fundamental Goods That Stand or Fall Together.” It was latest epistle in the growing canon of hierarchical statements aimed at gaining exemptions from federal and state laws that protect the rights of same-sex couples. But as the church leaders fortify their culture-war defenses [see here for some of RD’s recent coverage –Eds.], some Catholic universities seem to be taking a decidedly different approach to LGBT issues.   A four…

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The Republican “No Schools Left” Program

…a proper function of government. “Government schools” were the vehicle for promoting the anti-Christian religion of humanism and should ultimately be abolished. Few outside his small circle took him seriously. In Rushdoony’s vision, the single most important tool for transforming the whole of culture to conform to biblical law (i.e. the exercise of dominion), was to replace public education with biblical education. The decades since have brought t…

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