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6 Overlooked Takeaways From a Reviewer of Controversial Texas Textbooks

…rn world,”³ while another lumped Muslims together with communists and socialists commenting, bizarrely, that “The greatest fear for a communist, a socialist or a Muslim is Truth.”⁴ Other TTT comments were just plain false: “Islam is spread by the sword while monotheistic religions are not.”⁵ (Try telling that to an Aztec or Inca—not to mention the fact that Islam is a “monotheistic religion.”) Yet despite TTT’s lack of credentials and the obviousl…

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The Collapse of the American Jewish Center

…o the public discourse via prominent public intellectuals, including journalist Peter Beinart, who led the way with his 2012 book The Crisis of Zionism, warning of drift away from and even hostility toward the establishment by young American Jews, and New York Times columnists Roger Cohen and Thomas Friedman, whose critiques are laced with laments over the decline, in Israel, of the liberal Zionism they grew up with and still cherish. Beinart now…

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Gambian Leaders Portray Anti-Gay Law as Defense of Islam, Ugandan Politicians as ‘Christmas Gift’; Global LGBT Recap

…pick from. Advocates of gay marriage have already announced that they will promote their own lists in all dioceses. Opponents have said they will wait until they see the first lists submitted in the spring. Their strategy seems to be to get their people in here, as they have been previously. Poland: First Openly Gay Mayor Elected Vanessa Gera reports for Associated Press that Robert Biedron had already made history by becoming the first openly gay…

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The Environmental Politics of Vodou, New Orleans Style

…n in America. Early films like White Zombie (1932)––based on the sensationalistic writing of William Seabrook—presented Vodou as a sinister religion involving poison and mind control. When I ask my students to list their associations with Vodou, “scary” is the most common response. American fear and fascination with Vodou is also closely intertwined with issues of class and, especially, race. This matrix of associations is evident in the example o…

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Eight General Seminary Professors “Resign” Without Their Knowledge

…ssing a student’s educational details in the entire General Seminary email list. As a result of a limited response to these concerns voiced in a letter to GTS’ Board of Trustees and the Dean, the faculty members in question decided to stop working until they could meet with the board. In a letter dated September 25, 2014, the eight professors said that they would “discontinue teaching and performing all other academic and administrative obligation…

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Christians and Cage Fighting, From “Fight Church” to Mark Driscoll

…dexed by the time-lapse close ups of violence in the cage. The pastors who promote MMA describe it as a “sport” through which to recapture man’s “God given attributes” of “aggressiveness” and “competitiveness”; the “strength to stand up to evil, wickedness, and unrighteousness”; a “warrior ethos”; and, the ability to “be prepared in advance” for a “battle out there” against an “enemy” that is “trying to seek and destroy us.” While listening to suc…

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Was Student Who Claims She Was Suspended For Saying, “Bless You” Mimicking God’s Not Dead?

…astised by her teacher for saying, “Bless you.” (“Bless you” appeared on a list of words that were considered distracting or inappropriate for use in the classroom, alongside words like “boring” and “hang out.”) According to Turner, she was told that “Godly language” would not be tolerated in school and that her Constitutional rights didn’t apply in the classroom. When another student stepped in and told the teacher she couldn’t “trump God,” Turne…

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No Zombies Here, Just a Bunch of Women Talking to the Dead

…aders get to the parts that talk about the music in depth, they can go and listen to it while they are reading. It is a pretty cool feature I think. What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your topic? That talking to the dead is somehow the same as seeing ghosts (and being haunted), or zombies! It is a funny thing how the moment you begin a conversation about the dead, people start making connections to ghosts and zombies. People who kno…

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Blame Muscular Christianity for Driscoll Fiasco

…the charges of plagiarism, to his gaming of the New York Times Bestseller List, to his reputation as a hyper-masculine misogynist and homophobe with an authoritarian leadership style. [T]he scheme itself is part of an overall ethos that seeks to proselytize “by every means available.” What’s important, in other words, is that people hear “about Jesus”—however that might happen. Thus it was not surprising when Driscoll announced this past weekend…

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