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Eight General Seminary Professors “Resign” Without Their Knowledge

…uests.” Dean Dunkle and the board of trustees decided to take this as a “resignation,” said that they had accepted the resignation of the eight faculty members, and thanked them for their service. Clearly things have gone off the rails at General Seminary in a spectacular way. Any time faculty members are fired en masse there is certainly a crisis in leadership. Dunkle was a lawyer before he became a priest, but his behavior, and that of the board…

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Global LGBT Recap: Asylum for Victims of Homophobia Exports; Orthodox Church Sees Anti-Gay Campaign Turned Toward Itself

…has said that the legalization of gay marriage is a “dangerous apocalyptic sign.” This stance encouraged Orthodox Christians in Putin’s United Russia party to propose anti-gay legislative initiatives that crystallized into a law banning “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations to minors.” Putin, a devout churchgoer, has publicly denounced “so-called tolerance, genderless and without issue.” Kuraev’s firing from the theological academy only…

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Contraception: 1; Notre Dame: 0

…reby violate their religious freedom? “[W]e have trouble understanding how signing the form that declares Notre Dame’s authorized refusal to pay for contraceptives for its students or staff, and mailing the authorization document to those companies, which under federal law are obligated to pick up the tab, could be thought to ‘trigger’ the provision of female contraceptives,” he wrote.  But, as noted above, other courts have found just the opposit…

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UCC First Church to Sue State Over Gay Marriage Ban

…of Christ said:  “North Carolina’s laws prohibiting same-gender marriage designate some citizens as unfit for the blessings of God. We reject that notion. As all of God’s children are welcome to receive the sacraments of communion and of baptism, so all of God’s children should be able to receive the sacrament of holy union and marriage.” He also quotes Luke Largess, a partner at Tin Fulton Walker & Owen saying that current state law makes it a mi…

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America’s Most Famous Catholic Scores Late Night Slot

…said he views the church as teaching joy, which he called the “infallible sign of the presence of God.” “I love my church — warts and all,” he said, before an audience of about 3,000 cheering students, who posted his quotes on Twitter using the organizers’ #dolancolbert hashtag. Colbert said people in comedy often make jokes at the expense of religion, but he makes jokes about what he called people’s misuse of religion in politics and other arena…

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Noah’s All-White Ark, and Other Odd Directorial Choices

…ticularly those which he adds to the biblical account, and the theological significance of those choices. Not every choice has the same weight in my view; some are interesting, some are amusing and some are deadly serious. One of the most interesting innovations is the idea that Adam picked up the serpent’s shed skin in the Garden of Eden and passed it down to his children as a sign of their responsibility to care for the earth. The totemic snake…

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It’s Not Just Evangelicals Who Should Worry About World Vision

…n their first letter to Attorney General Eric Holder in September 2009, 58 signatories argued that the Bush OLC’s interpretation of RFRA “provides for a blanket override of statutory nondiscrimination provisions” and  “is erroneous and threatens core civil rights and religious freedom protections.” Further: The OLC Memo wrongly asserts that RFRA is “reasonably construed” to require that a federal agency categorically exempt a religious organizatio…

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Raelians’ “Clitoraid” Met With Suspicion in Burkina Faso

…epressive society. In March, Lene Segbo, the minister of health refused to sign documents necessary to open the hospital and revoked the licenses of doctors associated with Clitoraid. “Medical organizations should be focused on saving lives and not advertising their religion in an attempt to convert vulnerable people,” he declared. Clitoraid has responded with a campaign of protests and petitions and, in an interview with Afriquinfos, Boisselier b…

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Conservatives Accuse Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of Misconduct

…opal Church: You might be an Anglican schismatic if… 1. You’ve changed the sign out front from “The Episcopal Church of St. Whatsit” to “The Anglican Church of St. Whatsit.” Or, 2. You’re now under the authority of an Anglican bishop in, say, Nigeria rather than the Episcopal one installed in the cathedral nearest your church. Or, 3. Your Vacation Bible School features a rollicking game of “Pin the Tail on the Antichrist” in which the cartoon imag…

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Atheists Support L.A. Pastor Who Faces “Tribunal” for LGBT Advocacy

…e ATLAH church in Harlem made headlines for a viciously homophobic marquee sign equating homosexuality with whiteness. And terrorist anti-gay legislation in Uganda and Nigeria (sparked and endorsed in no small part by the anti-gay crusades of white American evangelicals) has heightened the stereotype that both African and African descent people are inherently more homophobic than other groups. According to a 2012 Gallup poll, “African Americans ar…

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