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Kosher Quinoa or Human Rights: Guess Which Dominated Passover Stories

…f the signers, said the group chose this week to issue its declaration because it was Passover, which marks the freedom of the Jewish people from slavery. Sadly, the NYT front-page story about quinoa for Passover was much more detailed and extensive story than the one on Ezrahi’s declaration. For American media outlets Passover as a time to reflect on our actions regarding the stranger—wherever he or she may be—does not seem to be a newsworthy top…

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Heroes: Sex and the Single Superhero

…god—contends with Set, god of chaos and the desert, for control of all of Egypt. The rivalry between the two gods, who are sometimes depicted as brothers, entails seduction, revenge, betrayal and a blush-inducing debate over who left his semen in whom to be settled by the other gods, including Isis, their mother. More recently in the “Angels and Monsters” episode, Peter Petrelli, one of the flawed heroes at the center of Heroes, has returned from…

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Make no Mistake, if There’s a War Between Russia and Ukraine, it Will be a Religious War

…side the Orthodox world start paying much closer attention to the conflict between Moscow and Constantinople, because it’s both the source of the trouble and a proxy war. Everything one needs to understand about Russia’s current conflict with the West—politically, economically, and culturally—can be found in this pitched battle between black-robed clerics. And while the history may be unknown and the context strange to most of those living in Euro…

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First Baptist Church, Sutherland Springs Texas

Can Government Solve The Evil Of Mass Shootings? A Response to Mollie Hemingway

…you can’t read the prophets and not see how God pushes human leaders to do better—through humans themselves. Remember that whole thing about “Let justice roll down like mighty waters?” That’s the prophet Amos telling his king to stop making edgy foreign-policy deals and concentrate on feeding people at home. It’s not God speaking through Amos, it’s the prophet discerning and preaching his interpretation of the word of God. So yes, government is a…

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January 6 protester holds giant image of White Jesus in a Make America Great Again cap.

America Appears to be Heading for a Religious Civil War

…ountries’ commitment to civil liberties and focusing instead on measures of procedural democracy such as constraints on the executive branch. However, other democracy watchdogs like Freedom House, which do account for civil liberties, have also similarly downgraded America’s democracy score over the past several years….

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Pray-In On Capitol Hill for DREAM Act

…rought to this country by their parents as children. The bill passed the House of Representatives last week, and the Senate is expected to vote on it before the end of the lame duck session. Rabbi David Saperstein, Director and Counsel of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, said in a statement: Time is running out for the Senate to act on the American DREAM Act. Time is running out to extend the American dream to young people who were b…

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Goldstone 2.0: God Plays No Favorites

…nt. By extension, we can infer from Ramban that the sojourner also may not use his or her own compromised position as an excuse for harming others. No matter the situation, and no matter who the parties are, God will respond to the one who suffers. With this instruction, God models an approach that simultaneously holds every individual fully responsible for protecting others from harm, and that promises infinite divine compassion to every individu…

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Will the Religious Side with Workers?

…es, people of faith recall the sufferings of an oppressed workforce that caused JHWH to lead their ancestors out of Pharoah’s Egypt. I do know that week after week millions of the faithful break bread and drink wine together and invoke the idea of shared abundance: the common table where all will have enough. Whether all of this liturgy and preaching ever gets connected to the real world of oppression and want that the unions are specifically cons…

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Betrayed at the Polls, Evangelicals of Color at a Crossroads

…ond problem: white evangelical “racial reconciliation” lacked rigor. It focused on building personal relationships between races, not addressing the systemic inequalities that devastate communities of color. This led minority evangelicals to question whether “racial reconciliation” was simply a convenient vehicle for white absolution and, given the long history of white oppression within the church (using the Bible to justify slavery, supporting J…

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Which Side Are You On?

…meantime, the people are doing a pretty good job of getting ready to leave Egypt all on their own, and we’re stuck wondering why it is nobody thinks we’re relevant anymore. *Harold Meyerson calls Scott Walker “the cheddarhead pharaoh.” Update: No sooner have I spoken than a religious voice weighs in – on the side of the unions. Jerome Listecki, Archbishop of the Diocese of Milwaukee, says: “this much needed call for cooperation and communication b…

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