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Race, Reparations and the Search for Our Molecular Soul

…how some people were trying to make white supremacy claims about different European groups. So who has more Celtic ancestry? Are the Greeks, are the Mediterraneans, are they really Mediterranean, are they Anglo-Saxon? Those kind of questions. These tests can certainly be used for national ethnic chauvinism as well. But I think that’s true of anything that’s about identity and community—any of these things can be turned on their head. I’m Jewish, a…

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What’s Actually in Breivik’s “Declaration of Independence”

…ff as his own), but presumably not their permission. The sources include a number of conservative organizations including one of the founding influences in the religious right, and architect of American “Cultural Conservatism:” the Free Congress Foundation. The sources also include well known promoters of Islamophobia Pam Geller and Robert Spencer (each referenced more than 50 times) and Andrew Bostrom (whom I wrote about here, and who is referenc…

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Occupy the Greek Orthodox Church

…s and EU’s motives to date have been limited to ensuring that the troubled European banks most heavily implicated in bad Greek debt get repaid. Their shocking austerity measures—pensions cut in half, retirement age increased, huge cuts in social programs, education and health care, and crushing unemployment as the inevitable result—have been designed to help Northern European banks, no matter the cost to the Greek people. More recently, street pro…

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Santorum from the Religion Angle

…tes are. This is in many respects a dying continent from the standpoint of European-Europeans. And if we lose faith, and we lose the culture war and become a completely secular, materialistic society, then we will go the way of the Europeans and we will have no heart to face these people. The problem with the Europeans is that they are completely secular folks, by and large, who see the world through the eyes of reason. Well, these people don’t –…

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Neither Radical Nor Secular: The West Struggles with the New Islamism

…was forced to fully retract and apologize “unreservedly” for attributing a number of false statements to Rachid Ghannouchi, one of the leading Islamist figures of post-authoritarian Tunisia. Among them, that he had “threatened to hang a prominent Tunisian feminist, Raja bin Salama, in Basij Square in Tunis, because she [had] called for the country’s new laws to be based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”  What all this anxious coverage…

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A Writer’s Murder Raises Fears of Death-by-Decree

…murder Rafiq Tagi. In December seven prominent intellectuals called on the European Union to investigate the circumstances of Tagi’s death. Among them were Taslima Nasrin, Richard Dawkins, and Salman Rushdie—and in mid-December the European Parliament condemned the murder.  But one of the most powerful condemnations of Tagi’s assassination, and of ‘death fatwas’ in general, has come from a prominent Iranian cleric now living in exile. An Optimisti…

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What Do Islamophobes Have in Common with the Taliban?

…first visit to Turkey several years ago. I’d read the comments by Western European leaders and some American pundits about the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and how it was leading Turkey down the wrong path. When I was in the country, however, I was struck instead by how much political ferment was going on, how the economy was booming, how once-forbidden topics were being discussed. Of course, the AKP is flawed in many, many ways. But the m…

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How to Prevent Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

…egion, we have wealthy monarchies, again sparsely populated, and with high numbers of foreign workers, from lower-end service and construction jobs to higher-end management and finance professionals. And then we have the region from the Sinai to Iran’s western border, including Israel and the Occupied Territories, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and possibly even largely non-Arab Turkey; this region may well be the Arab world’s Balkans, and its rece…

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Death Couture: Not For Halloween Only

…1 is set aside as a special feast day—a devotion made notorious by US (and European) news media as a shadowy, macabre, and even gruesome cult venerated solely by drug traffickers.  But this is a mistaken perception, fueled largely by American fears of an exotic and unknown Mexico. La Santa Muerte, which literally translates to “Holy Death” or “Sacred Death,” is a feminine representation of death—a fate that, like it or not, awaits all people. She…

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Note to the New Pope: Half of the World’s Poor are Women

…rgoglio of Buenos Aires, stepped out on the Vatican loggia at 8:22 Central European Time today to be introduced to the world. In some respects, the election of Cardinal Bergoglio is a very promising sign. As an archbishop from the most populous Catholic continent on Earth, Latin America, the new Pope Francis I symbolizes a shift that has been a very long time coming, from Eurocentrism to the Church of the Global South. Not to mention his reputatio…

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