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Pornography’s Dirty Little Secret: What We Say vs. What We Do

…st, whereas Vermont—known to be a liberal state—clocked in with the lowest number of both Internet porn searches and religiosity. Just knowing the number of conservatives in a given state was enough information for the researchers to accurately predict the extent of pornography searches using key words including sex, gay sex, porn, free porn, XXX, and gay porn. These findings held true even after the researchers controlled for other demographic va…

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C Street Scandal, the Media, the Future of the Family: An Interview with Jeff Sharlet

…in 1966, when he first began assuming leadership of the organization he’d come to re-brand as the Family, he sent out a memo declaring that the time had come to “submerge” the group’s public profile. In a rare interview, he admits that the National Prayer Breakfast—owned and organized by the Family since its founding in 1953, despite its official appearance—isn’t “one tenth of one percent” of what the Family accomplishes behind the scenes.  That…

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Creators of Missing Lowe’s Ad Tell All

…e’s ad, I was given food to eat between takes. The Christmas lights in the commercial were all LED, so: you’re welcome, Environment. Can I use plastic bags again now? RM: I was forced to take part in this OBJECTIONABLE ad by TWO AMERICAN HOMOSEXUAL ATHEISTS whose sole goal was to further their agenda of HATE against MONOTHEISM! An erudite scholar of Islam and sexuality commented on the website of academic excellence, Facebook, that you two guys ar…

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International reax to US Marriage Ruling; Official violence at Turkey’s Pride; Marriage Advances in Mexico Over Church Objections; Global LGBT Recap

…dicted that 30,000 people would participate in the service, but the actual number appeared to number around 2,000. “Our prayers will open the sky and the homosexuals will fall, we will be blessed with victory,” said Lee Young-hoon, head of the leading organization in the anti-LGBT coalition. Mexico: Supreme Court embraces marriage, Church and some political officials resist As we have been reporting, the marriage equality movement has been movemen…

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Does Multiverse Theory Bring Theology Into Science?

…“creation”? The image of an active God breathing life into inert matter becomes far less compelling in the face of new paradigms in the human, social, and natural sciences, which show that new organisms are “created” and changed all the time through complex interrelations of matter, culture, and energy. The next project will therefore ask what it means to call the creativity internal to our complex, symbiotic multiverse “divine.” What would it me…

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Contraception Isn’t Meat

…groceries they use, but we still need to work through the employers,” it becomes very complicated. Advocates for some Jain institutions say, “Wait, now we have to facilitate the meat-getting by our non-Jain employees? This is an outrage! We’re being forced to violate our religious principles!” Their critics reply, “Oh, please. Nobody’s asking you personally to eat meat. Anyway, you didn’t have any qualms about hiring these people, and you’ve enter…

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Dems Should Take Notes From Elizabeth Warren’s Pitch-Perfect Answer on Faith

…the candidate wants to talk about. It takes discipline and preparation to come up with an answer like that, and Warren makes it look easy. Jack Jenkins points out that she’s given variations on this response before, but that’s sort of the point. In less assured hands, it would come across as scripted, rote. From Warren, it seems off the cuff. By the end, you can hear the cadences of an Oklahoma preacher slipping in. Seriously, the last time I saw…

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Democratic Hopeful Pete Buttigieg Makes Faith 101 Misstep

…nfortunately, not enough Christians understand that Pharisees went on to become the dominant tradition in modern Judaism. Nor do many Christians get that the New Testament sees Pharisees through a partisan lens, as it were. They were rivals to the nascent Jesus movement, and often their rhetorical targets. Second and more positively, Buttigieg speaks of the need to represent all comers, religious or not. Good on him for that. Much of the discussio…

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Recent Debates Highlight Democrats’ Antisemitism Blind Spot—But It’s Not What You Think

…servation of optics for the sake of a high-stakes campaign. Like Republicans, Democrats frame their support of Israel as fundamentally American and resulting from the abhorrence of antisemitism. But the Democrats don’t seem interested in the nuances of antisemitism, and they damn sure don’t seem interested in examining their own ingrained antisemitism. Recently at the 2019 AIPAC conference…

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Russian Operative Maria Butina, Who Leveraged Christian Right Connections, Sentenced For Conspiracy

…fast was not on display at the 2019 breakfast. As I reported at, Butina’s Family connections run far deeper than simply infiltrating this annual breakfast: In a July 21, 2018 article for The New York Post, [Jeff] Sharlet noted, “At a 2017 prayer breakfast in Moscow, Doug Burleigh—a current Fellowship leader and lifelong Russia hand—appeared alongside Butina’s handler, Alexander Torshin, to declare ‘a breakthrough in relations betwe…

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