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Crisis in Sudan: ‘If the World Stands Idly By This Time, They Will Bring Genocide’

…t began to isolate us from the outside world by cutting off power and cell phone towers. One hundred people sought refuge in the town’s Catholic church. They were forced out with tear gas. Some were hauled away by security forces. Some were killed, among them a priest, an attorney, aid workers, and people targeted because of their ethnicity or politics. This happened under the noses of UN peacekeepers who did not keep the peace. People who escaped…

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Prosperity Gospel and Foreclosure

…make a “Passover offering.” Seven is a biblically significant number, the number of completion and perfection, and in this spring of 2007 the Praise-a-thon began on Easter Sunday, the seventh day of Passover. If you make the Passover offering, Munsey claims, God will give you seven blessings: God will dispatch an angel to lead miracles; rid you of your enemies; bless you with prosperity; heal you; give you longevity; give you an inheritance you k…

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Students at Conservative Catholic College Speak After Sudden Cancellation of Pro-Gay Speaker

…llege they call ‘home’ would act this way.” When I spoke to Corvino on the phone Tuesday, he seemed to be wrestling with the same concerns, noting that the school’s sudden cancellation of his event sent the message that the presence of openly gay folks was like “a virus that might infect the students if they’re not protected.” Corvino reflected this same concern in a blog post Wednesday, It’s difficult not to feel as if the Providence College admi…

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Conservative Christians Insist the Toxic Theology Portrayed in the Duggar Family Doc is ‘Fringe’ — But is it Really All That Different?

…ties (IACC), founded in 1998 to implement Gothard’s character qualities in city government structures and leadership. At its peak in the late 2000s, the IACC boasted over 150 verified “Character Cities” in the U.S. and another 48 outside the U.S.. In her role as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin attended an IACC conference and later led the Wasilla City Council to pass a resolution pledging to uphold Gothard’s character qualities. As Julie Ing…

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No Space for American Islam?

…our values and our traditions endure—and there is no neighborhood in this City that is off limits to God’s love and mercy, as the religious leaders here with us today can attest. These controversies revolve around religious freedom; the right for the center to be built. Last week, the Anti-Defamation League, a prominent Jewish organization devoted to counteracting bigotry, released a surprising statement against the center. It joined a host of co…

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The Belly of the Beast: NYC’s Shiny New Transit Hub Is All Wrong for the 9/11 Site

…ying day all the unsuspecting people in those towers were attacked—and the number of New York’s finest who lost their lives helping people to safety. This is a city that values sticking up for one another. We don’t look back on 9/11 with fond nostalgia for our financial monoliths; we remember the pain, the courage in the face of it, and how everyone came together. If a retired cop or fireman who was injured on 9/11 has to use a back-alley freight…

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Christian Terrorism Comes to Milwaukee

…ing at the interfaith Shrine of the Cave of the Patriarch in the West Bank city of Hebron, had formerly served in the Israeli army. Rev Michael Bray, an anti-abortion activist who was alleged to have been the author the Army of God handbook, had enlisted in the American military but was not able to complete his training. The Christian anti-abortion war gave him his own battlefield. McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, was a frustrated former America…

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‘Atheizing’ the Dead, Religious Doughnuts, & Tax-Free Witching

…te on what they called a “Ramadan Roadtrip.”  A group of vengeful Oklahoma City atheists, reminding Oklahomans that they live in town too, erected a “Don’t Believe in God? Join the club” billboard provoking the ire of local Christians. One local pastor referred to the billboard as poking “a finger in your eye.” Federal prosecutors are suing the city of Walnut, California for refusing a zoning permit to a group building a new Zen center. In Rocklan…

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Politics in a Time of Crisis: Sandy? Blame Socialism

…rina, a disaster that helped doom the Bush Presidency; last year, New York City went into overdrive, going out of its way to be ready for Irene. That was a good thing, and thank God Irene wasn’t as bad as we thought she might be. This time around, maybe last year’s preparations will make New York City’s recovery from this disaster more efficient and more complete—perhaps people are alive today because of how seriously local, state, and federal gov…

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“Paleo” is More Than a Fad Diet: Boyd Eaton’s Plan to Return to Eden

…llion living an okay life? Well, that’s the greatest good for the greatest number—the argument that you’re making. If you want a livable lifestyle for the greatest number, then living at a minimal level with 12 billion people would be better. If you want people living the very best possible lifestyle, then 100 million people would be better. If you stop thinking about only human beings, but thinking about all the rest of the living organisms on ea…

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