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Silence of “Religious Liberty” Activists on Muslims’ Cases Not What You Think

…ling to allow workers to shift even the minimal costs associated with five-minute prayer breaks to their employers. Truthfully, while the fact that those requesting the accommodation are Muslim may be more salient, the fact that they are factory workers could be the bigger motivator for the absence of conservative support. The prominent, conservative religious rights law firm The Becket Fund has litigated a small handful of religious accommodation…

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Brazilian Evangelicals Launch ‘Sin-Free’ (Read: Gay-Free) Version of Facebook

…to go to a vote on Thursday but parliamentary leaders decided at the last minute to postpone the vote until September. LGBT rights advocates praised the delay, suggesting that last-minuted amendments to the bill would permit discrimination against gay couples in civil unions. More from The original bill was proposed by the Interior Ministry in an effort to promote social justice and to bring Cypriot law up to speed with modern time…

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Is Religion Wrecking Our Air?

…re important natural resource could there be than the air we breathe every minute of every day? And yet, air pollution remains rampant throughout the world. The World Health Organization has estimated that air pollution causes seven million deaths per year from problems such as heart disease, respiratory ailments, and cancer. Major sources of air pollution include mobile sources like cars and trucks and stationary sources like factories and power…

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Bernie’s Roman Holiday

…all, and then delivered not much in the way of a speech. I’m serious. Ten minutes is not long to speak on a complex subject, and Sanders wasted almost a quarter of his speech thanking his hosts, name-checking popes, and giving an extensive quote from Centesimus Annus that he frankly would have been better off summarizing. The rest of it is Sanders’ usual stump speech, barely adapted to rather obviously bait Pope Francis into giving his blessing….

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What’s Behind the “Common Sense” Rhetoric of Bathroom Bill?

…h certificate, which is determined by your plumbing. That’s objective. The minute you base law on subjectivity, it’s like saying, you know what, I think a green light means stop and a red light means go.” Similar logical twists took place earlier this month when participants in a South Carolina county’s school board meeting erupted in a spontaneous chorus of “Jesus Loves Me” in a response to one woman’s attempt to defend trans students’ rights to…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…President Steve Bannon, took the stage together in an unusually cordial 30-minute discussion moderated by ACU chairman Matt Schlapp. Then again, reports of a tense working relationship between Priebus, a longtime establishment Republican who most recently served as director of the Republican National Committee, and Bannon, the self-avowed white nationalist who formerly ran right-wing site Breitbart News, are greatly exaggerated, both men said. Ask…

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Of Birds and Buddhists: Wildlife Rehab, NYC Style

…hem after learning that scores of local Buddhists had been releasing large numbers of turtles into the park’s waters, where they are ill-suited to live. Buddhists believe that releasing injured or threatened animals can bring good karma to animal and releaser alike, but practiced without care and in large numbers, these releases can cause great damage. Things are even worse overseas, in places like Taiwan, where “mercy release” has become big busi…

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Anti-Gay Evangelicalism is the Norm: A Less Rosy Take on the Evangelical “Tipping Point”

…iently concerned with the human realities of poverty, but this never for a minute threatened our general understanding that when we became old enough to vote we were morally compelled to be “values voters.” And ours was not the most hardline Christian school in Indianapolis. While Heritage encouraged students to get involved with Billy Graham’s 1999 crusade in our city, Colonial Christian School essentially forbade its students from even attending…

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Mississippi’s Gov. Bryant Resorts To Far-Fetched Analogy To Defend Anti-LGBT HB 1523

…rney General said he didn’t think it wise to appeal a federal judge’s last-minute injunction of HB 1523 (his words: “The churchgoing public was duped into believing that HB 1523 protected religious freedoms”), Governor Phil Bryant followed through on his long-standing promise to do so no matter what. In a district court filing, Governor Bryant said he didn’t think Judge Carlton Reeves’ ruling would hold because a) none of the plaintiffs suing over…

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Dems’ “Great Satan” Strategy Falls Apart Right From Start

For a minute I thought it might work. I thought that mobilizing the palpable Fear of Trump that is rattling the nerves of moderates and progressives might actually do the trick for a Democratic candidate who has the unenviable distinction of being liked and trusted less than any other Democratic nominee in the very long history of her party. Good people have rallied to defeat Satan before (although one never knows to what extent the anti-Satan fo…

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