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There’s No Business Like the Bible Business: 200 Years of the ABS

…ction and distribution enterprise. Fea succinctly describes it both as the American Bible Society, and the American Bible Society, capturing both parts of the argument woven throughout the work. Its initial goal in Bible distribution was to “link remote and scattered settlements into a Bible nation,” and in doing so, to spread the Word that could “produce good citizens, improve the condition of families, inspire men and women to exercise their God…

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In a Powerful Statement Black Presidents and Deans Say: No More Stolen Black Lives!

…hool of Divinity Terri Laws, PhD, Assistant Professor, African and African American Studies, University of Michigan-Dearborn Randall C. Bailey, PhD, Distinguished Professor, Emeritus, Interdenominational Theological Center Lee H. Butler, Jr., PhD, Distinguished Service Professor of Theology and Psychology, Chicago Theological Seminary Rev. Dominique A. Robinson, DMin, Dean of Chapel & Assistant Professor of Religion, Wiley College Rev. Stephanie M…

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Loving Uganda to Death: The Global Reach of Far-Right Christian Hatred

…biggest megachurch in Uganda, the high-living pastor is quite frank that “American money helped us build this church,” adding, “whatever you see here is the fruit of American labor.” In another clip, a pastor marvels that aid from U.S. evangelicals increased threefold when they started attacking homosexuality. Churches’ financial success brings added clout to anti-gay pastors like Martin Ssempa—who drives his congregation into a frenzy by showing…

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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…the crags and moors of their windswept aerie; and most significant for the American experience, English Nonconformists (note the term) struggling hard with questions of polity and ultimately breaking with what they viewed as a half-reformed Anglicanism. Christopher Hill remains the historian par excellence on the political significance of dissent among the English. Read him if you have the time, but absolutely do read Kevin Phillips’ The Cousin’s…

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With the Death of One of the Last Three Shakers, an American Religious Tradition Takes a Step Closer to Extinction

…evers in Christ’s Second Appearing,” the Shakers have never had membership numbers on their side. At their height there were dozens of communities throughout New England, the Mid-Atlantic and the Midwest. Despite always being relatively small (as the rigors of their religious vocation, not to mention the imperative to celibacy was not widely attractive), the Shakers have had an outside influence on American culture. One can see it in the almost mo…

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…ave not treated them, related to them, or engaged with them as they expect American Muslims and African Americans to now treat Farrakhan. I think the best example of a “Jewish” Farrakhan is Rabbi Meir Kahane. It is said, in fact, that Kahane was once asked in a radio interview in the 1970s, “What is the difference between you and Farrakhan?” To which Kahane allegedly replied, “The only difference between us is that I am right!” A militant American

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Breaking Up With Marilynne Robinson Over Her Refusal to Acknowledge the Dark Side of Puritanism

…example. As to whether colonial New England’s role as the fons et origo of American liberty has been a neglected topic in American historiography? Here I begin to wonder whether Robinson is having us on. This is a topic that’s been exhaustively, relentlessly pursued, to the extent that many young scholars today—scholars of color in particular—insist that we pay less attention to Plymouth and more to Jamestown as an equally, if not more important,…

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Misusing Cesar Chavez in Immigration Debate

…ded in framing the practice of legislating racism as a failure not only of American policy, but of Americanism as a Christian cult in particular, and also among good people of all faiths: A powerfully sacred international transcript. Clergy and religious laity issued statements condemning the hatred and discrimination pulsating throughout Arizona’s Christian and Jewish communities (no official word to the large percentage of Mormons was issued). H…

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Winners and Losers in the “Visitation” of American Nuns?

…l justice problems in the real world. The report said that “the very large numbers of religious in the 1960s was a relatively short-term phenomenon that was not typical of the experience of religious life through most of the nation’s history.” In seeking a condemnation of American nuns, conservatives were hoping for the ultimate denouement of feminism, of women leaving the home (abandoning convents for the real world), wearing whatever they wanted…

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Hate, An American Voter Value

…f God, blow ’em up!). Hasn’t it always been this way? Pick any decade from American history and you can find political leaders encouraging hate—both to protect American values and interests and to strengthen the civil religious ties that are supposed to bind us all together. Hate the English, hate the French, hate the Spanish, hate the Japanese, hate the Germans, hate the Koreans, hate the Vietnamese, hate the Russians, hate the Iraqis, and so on…

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