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Simon Critchley, Atheist Religious Thinker on Utopia & the Fiction of Faith

…the unfolding of God’s plan but the unfolding of an evolutionary form of design. So I’m not a triumphant atheist, and never have been. To disavow religion, or to think of it as nonsense is just a non-starter, from my position. Many of the people I like reading most are religious authors: Pascal, Augustine, Paul. I’m occasionally mystified by the moves they make. But philosophy without religion is a non-starter for me. The debate over whether you b…

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Gay Rights a Go in Chattanooga

…ht. The bill will go into effect immediately and employees will be able to sign up for the benefits by next Spring. This news from Chattanooga is especially striking a few reasons. First, the city has come very far, very fast. Chattanooga does lean Democrat, in no small part because it’s 35% African-American. But as anyone familiar with Southern politics can tell you, a city of Southern Democrats is not necessarily a city of social liberals. And,…

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Was Student Who Claims She Was Suspended For Saying, “Bless You” Mimicking God’s Not Dead?

…ce of anti-intellectualism, portrays educators as modern-day Pharisees who promote ideology rather than critical thinking. So it’s hardly surprising that some Christian students began performing this script in the first week of classes. By equating educators with the villains of the New Testament, ordinary classroom encounters can be transformed into an extension of Biblical narratives. In Cronk’s film, Harper’s character is compared to a Christia…

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Global LGBT Recap: “Lavender Fascism,” Rage in India, Pope Francis Ousts Culture Warrior

…mes’ Jim Hardley and Jason Horowitz report, some Catholics hope the change signals a future shift from recent appointments that disappointed many progressive Catholics, including the appointment of Salvatore J. Cordileone, an outspoken opponent of same-sex marriage, as archbishop of San Francisco and Leonard Blair, who played a major role in the Vatican investigation of American nuns, as the archbishop of Hartford. Pope Francis was named Person of…

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This Year in Satanism

…h of Satan, headed by Magus Peter H. Gilmore, for being more interested in promoting their brand then in challenging the status quo. In early January the Temple released sketches of their statue. Peter Gilmore poo-pooed the design, saying it smacked of pedophilia. On Fox Business News, producer Bernard McGuirk suggested that Satanists should be lined in front of their statue and shot. Lawyers from the Satanic Temple demanded an apology. FEBRUARY I…

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Raelians Push White House for Alien Embassy to Save Humanity

…there’s unrest and trouble brewin’ And those flying saucers may be just a sign That if peace doesn’t come it will be the end of some So repent today, you’re running out of time The man known as Rael (née Claude Vorilhon) incorporated the same elements of UFOs, nuclear anxiety, and Biblical prophecy. Rael allegedly encountered space aliens in 1973, who warned him that humanity had entered the “Age of Apocalypse” following the bombings of Hiroshima…

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Arkansas Governor Admits RFRA Bill Is Not Like Federal Version

…morning, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, a Republican, said he would not sign HB 1228, a Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed by the legislature yesterday. The reason: it does not mirror the federal RFRA. Hutchinson has just exposed his fellow Republicans who so adamantly supported Indiana’s recently-enacted RFRA on the erroneous grounds that it is the same as the federal version. Although the Arkansas bill differs from Indiana’s RFRA (and I…

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Studies Confirm: Your Steak is Possessed by Demons

…r appetites, emitting harmful gasses as they digest the meat. The telltale sign of demonic infection is uncomfortable bloating, flatulence, and belching. For Porphyry, then, burps at the dinner table weren’t just violations of good table etiquette. They were indicative of demonic possession. No, really, your meat is full of demons Porphyry wasn’t alone; many writers in antiquity asserted that their world was populated with demons. Still, it’s easy…

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Evangelicals Looking for Walker to “Do Nothing” in 2016 Election

…, crucially, “gets” evangelical culture. Bush’s Right to Rise PAC recently signed Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice, as a senior advisor—a move the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody called the move “a big get” for courting the evangelical vote. While Sekulow has been at the forefront of the culture wars, the ACLJ is also one of several religious right legal firms who, for example, brought lega…

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Religious Freedom is Impossible… Compared to What?

…on rests on the principled difference between religious claims that impose significant costs or risks of harm to others and those that don’t. If that’s cultural chauvinism, sign me up. Even if the Court’s dissenters and their liberal supporters were driven by a tacit enmity towards a particular form of religion, we could ask whether their conclusions, and the framework they presuppose, are legally sound. However, Sullivan is not simply making a te…

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