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It’s Not Just Evangelicals Who Should Worry About World Vision

…n their first letter to Attorney General Eric Holder in September 2009, 58 signatories argued that the Bush OLC’s interpretation of RFRA “provides for a blanket override of statutory nondiscrimination provisions” and  “is erroneous and threatens core civil rights and religious freedom protections.” Further: The OLC Memo wrongly asserts that RFRA is “reasonably construed” to require that a federal agency categorically exempt a religious organizatio…

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Raelians’ “Clitoraid” Met With Suspicion in Burkina Faso

…epressive society. In March, Lene Segbo, the minister of health refused to sign documents necessary to open the hospital and revoked the licenses of doctors associated with Clitoraid. “Medical organizations should be focused on saving lives and not advertising their religion in an attempt to convert vulnerable people,” he declared. Clitoraid has responded with a campaign of protests and petitions and, in an interview with Afriquinfos, Boisselier b…

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Conservatives Accuse Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of Misconduct

…opal Church: You might be an Anglican schismatic if… 1. You’ve changed the sign out front from “The Episcopal Church of St. Whatsit” to “The Anglican Church of St. Whatsit.” Or, 2. You’re now under the authority of an Anglican bishop in, say, Nigeria rather than the Episcopal one installed in the cathedral nearest your church. Or, 3. Your Vacation Bible School features a rollicking game of “Pin the Tail on the Antichrist” in which the cartoon imag…

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Atheists Support L.A. Pastor Who Faces “Tribunal” for LGBT Advocacy

…e ATLAH church in Harlem made headlines for a viciously homophobic marquee sign equating homosexuality with whiteness. And terrorist anti-gay legislation in Uganda and Nigeria (sparked and endorsed in no small part by the anti-gay crusades of white American evangelicals) has heightened the stereotype that both African and African descent people are inherently more homophobic than other groups. According to a 2012 Gallup poll, “African Americans ar…

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Another Judge Rejects Religious Arguments Against Marriage Equality

…ld prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from denying or revoking a church’s tax-exempt status for its opposition to same-sex marriage. That may be a solution in search of a problem, but it’s a sign of how the conservative campaign for its version of religious freedom isn’t going to be quelled by the actions of so-called “activist” and “arrogant” judges….

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The Agenda in Making John Paul an Insta-Saint

…h are available, and the response was very clear,” Oder said. “There is no sign of a personal involvement of the Holy Father in this matter.” Supporters of John Paul’s fast-track canonization, like The Vatican Diaries author John Thavis, argue that the sex abuse scandal shouldn’t define the pope’s legacy. “One of the questions here is whether a pope can be a saint and also make managerial mistakes, and I think Vatican officials would say yes,” he…

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[This Valentine’s Day] Less Sex is Good Sex!

…a religious point of view, having less sex may actually be a good thing, a sign of maturity, a graduation from those irrational days of childhood when we are barely higher than the beasts. Most of Christian tradition, for example, has seen sex as a necessary evil, presenting marriage as a remedy for those unable to control their bodily urges; even within marriage, some tried to practice continence. In recent years most Christians have cultivated a…

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Global LGBT Recap

…a gesture of solidarity for those desperately under siege in Russia. Such signals will also act as a timely reminder for the global audience of the Winter Olympics of the international pledge, that: “All human beings are born equal in dignity and rights.” NBC also used the Olympics as a hook to review the global anti-gay crusade being waged by American activist Scott Lively. It quotes him telling 1,000 Christians in Novosibirsk, the capital of Si…

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Forget About #HotJesus, Material Objects Speak Loudly in Son of God

…took bread and wine and announced that they were his body and his blood. A sign fastened to the cross declared him “King of the Jews” in various languages.  Jesus and those who killed him were not the only ones focused on material objects. When the devil had come years earlier, he tempted Jesus to change rocks into bread and that if Jesus would bow down, the city and all its materials would be his. The release of Son of God and the exceptionally s…

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What ‘Little Sisters’ Contraception Ruling Gets Wrong

…yer representing the nuns, has repeatedly called the form the sisters must sign to self-certify as exempt from the mandate a “permission slip for abortion drugs and contraceptives.” Becket argues that the form serves as “trigger” for a third-party provider to provide contraceptives so it’s the same as requiring the nuns to provide contraceptives themselves. From a Catholic point of view, this is a neat theological sleight of hand because it collap…

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