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Queer Nuns: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Are ‘Serious Parody,’ Forcing us to Redefine Nuns

…houses (non-residential chapters) in many large cities in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia. They are often happy to visit classrooms, and they will come in habit to discuss their own perspectives on the order. Because they’re a non-profit organization that gives all of its monies back to the community, some will ask only for the cost of travel; honoraria generally go to the Sister’s house rather than to the individual member….

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War on Christmas Affirmed by Southern Baptist Convention

…as unaware that the messengers voted on a resolution to boycott Disney because of its policies toward homosexuals. One resolution approved by the messengers this year that may not be so widely publicized is a resolution “On Affirming the Use of the Term ‘Christmas’ in Public Life.” The resolution denounces secularism as a “pervasive and aggressive movement” fueled by such groups as the American Civil Liberties Union, People for the American Way an…

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‘Cult’ Is an Inaccurate, Unhelpful and Dangerous Label for Followers of Trump, QAnon, and 1/6

…ing in the Capitol has been alleged to be a “cult.” However, these are diffuse movements, not insulated, totalistic communities. “Cult” used in this manner is constructed to refer to the worst characteristics that people can imagine, which is what Yale historian Joanne Freeman did in a June 22, 2021 podcast with Boston College historian Heather Cox Richardson (no relation to James T. Richardson) when Freeman stated that members of a “cult” believe…

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How Far Will White Christians Go to Maintain Power? An Interview with Robert Jones

…he country. And we are seeing some clear signs that they may be willing to use whatever means necessary to protect that ownership. Yes, because now it’s definitely not just about punching above their weight. They have these aggressive networks pushing state-level legislation, they have an even wilder dominionist theology, and they have this incredible unrelenting zeal… We are certainly crossing over into something quite different with this overtly…

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Things the GOP Won’t Like about Ron Paul

…ews of the death of bin Laden, Paul expressed concern over those trying to use the development to argue that “torture works” — a view he described as “dangerous.” He then said bin Laden’s death should change our foreign policy because we are doing what Bin Laden wanted: “He wanted us to stay there, drain our resources and bankrupt our country… the connection between our foreign policy and our financial problems is significant.” These days many Ame…

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Don’t Be Fooled By Trump’s Acceptance of Marriage Equality: Here’s What to Expect

…o work at hospitals and clinics that receive state or federal funds) to refuse to participate in care they consider “morally objectionable.” Although Desanctis points to abortion and sterilization as examples of such objectionable care, the logic she’s advocating clearly creates space for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists to refuse care to transgender people, so long as they base their decision in “sincerely held religious beliefs.” Just a sentence…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…insights into the relationship between nature and divinity. Bishop Curry’s use of Teilhard’s vision of “fire” at the Royal Wedding comes largely from The Mass on the World, completed in 1923! Sadly, it also seems indisputable that the mature formulations of some of Teilhard’s most famous ideas—e.g., the Noosphere, the Omega Point, the divinization of the species—rest upon philosophies infused with conceptions of eugenics, racial superiority, steri…

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Court Rules Religiously-Based Restrictions in HHS Contracts with Bishops Violate Establishment Clause

…ge Stearns’ decision shows that the Bishops were not, in fact, entitled to use taxpayer money to refuse to refer victims of sex trafficking and rape for a full range of reproductive health services. That, Judge Stearns held, amounted to an impermissible government endorsement of a particular religious view because, although “[b]eliefs about the morality of abortion and the use of contraceptives need not be based on a religious viewpoint,” in this…

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Why Amy Coney Barrett’s Religion is Fair Game

…ngresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrote Monday night: “When politicians use faith as an excuse to pass and uphold laws that seize control of people’s bodies but not guarantee them healthcare, feed the poor, shelter the homeless, or welcome the stranger, you have to wonder if it’s really about faith at all.” No, you don’t have to wonder. It’s about their faith, full stop. Millions in this country—white evangelical Protestants and conservative wh…

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3 Takeaways from #Easter2015

…on, ran an entire branded campaign around #crossequalslove. Other churches used Easter as a verb (perhaps in reference to the final stanza of this Gerard Manley Hopkins poem, or simply because our culture verbs almost everything online). “#EasterWithUs,” requested North Point Ministries, also in the Atlanta area. Gateway Church, in Texas, urged parishioners to post a selfie of themselves with someone they’d brought to church, as part of the #Easte…

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