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Trump, “Big Fan of Hindu,” To Force Thousands of Nepalis Back to Disaster Zone

…cated Indian American Hindu community—have been able to effectively advocate on their behalf. As a result, they have been marginalized. For thousands of Nepalis, that’s likely to mean being sent back to devastation. Barring a last-minute change of heart by the DHS, the future for the TPS recipients looks bleak. It’s another example of how the Trump Administration’s cruelty has gone unabated, and further exposes the hypocrisy of his allies on the C…

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Is it ‘biblical to enforce the law,’ as Trump Admin Claims in Defense of Separating Families?

…s should have taken the president’s DACA deal (that he blew up at the last minute). I can’t interpret the law to accept victims of domestic violence or gang violence. The US shouldn’t have to address the poverty and violence it helped create in Central America. If migrants choose to die in the desert, that’s on them. Again and again, Sessions deflects responsibility, interpreting conscious decisions made by him among many others over the years, to…

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The Leadership Crisis at the End of the Megachurch Era

…ecularization. Powered by charismatic, innovative leadership and up-to-the-minute styles of worship and organization, megachurches flourished all over the country even as smaller, more traditional congregations struggled. Their leaders dispensed insights, and their techniques became models for use by pastors and churches far outside the evangelical world. They had figured out how to outsmart the trend of religious decline. But long-term trends are…

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No God but Country: The Religion of John McCain Has Something Important to Tell Us

…ent, and maybe it matters to you. McCain has noted several times that the “number one issue… that people should [use to] make a selection of the president of the United States [is] will this person carry on in the Judeo-Christian principle that has made this nation the greatest experiment in the history of mankind?” A person’s faith is, according to McCain, an “important part of our qualifications to lead.” Bracketing his dubious grasp of constitu…

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Religion and Drag Coexist in ‘Drag Race’ Spinoff—but That Doesn’t Mean It’s Queer

…ations and explanations of success. It’s worth mentioning that there are a number of interesting treatments of religion in the series. In scene-transition montages set to the tune of twanging guitars, churches appear prominently alongside footage of farm animals, open fields, water towers, honeysuckles, and area landmarks—suggesting we’re in a place that is undeniably country, close to the land, and grounded largely in a very particular flavor of…

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2018: Wave Goodbye to Another Year in Religion

…hare Squirrel Hill’s grief. More generally, there was the rise of the Never Again movement, led by survivors of a mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, who offered hope that things might, even for a minute, be different. If we at Religion Dispatches have any wishes for the coming year, it’s that their efforts and the blood of the victims not be wasted. Be better, 2019, be best!…

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Vatican Sexual Abuse Meeting Is Destined to Fail—To Stop the Problem or the Decline

…all of the bishops were allegedly forced to tender their resignations, the numbers are plummeting. Ten years ago, 73% of Chileans called themselves Catholic. Today that percentage is 45 with reports that in Latin America as a whole numbers are down 20% in the same period. In Switzerland in November 2018, six prominent progressive Catholic women left the Church by filing the requisite papers that relieved them of contributing church taxes. Four are…

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Supreme Court Conservatives Allow Execution of Muslim Prisoner Despite Religious Freedom Violation

…id. Ray’s imam was not in the room, nor was the Christian chaplain, a last-minute concession. Let’s leave aside the question of whether government chaplains are constitutional (James Madison didn’t think so: “The establishment of the chaplainship to Congress is a palpable violation of equal rights, as well as of Constitutional principles.”) And let’s leave aside the horror of Ray’s crime and the question of whether state-sanctioned murder is moral…

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If You Don’t Have Peace You Don’t Have Jesus, Preacher Tells Georgia House of Representatives

…atives, Rep. Trey Kelley invited his father, Doyle Kelley, to deliver a 12-minute harangue on hellfire and damnation. Kelley spent his first 10 minutes on a sermon that detailed how people who do not adhere to his particular brand of religion will be eternally tortured in hell, “Seven million people [in Georgia] … are lost are dying and on their way to Hell.” He read from Philippians 4 and Colossians 3 and even asked for a few “amens.” He also pre…

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The ‘C’ Word: What We’re Missing When We Talk About ‘White Privilege’

…believe in him and want to see him with a second term, and of course that number fluctuates. So I think that he’s able to galvanize support by reminding people of a time that actually didn’t exist in our country. But they’ve romanticized the 1940s and 50s and, you know, it’s as if there weren’t people of color here during that time. When you look at Leave it to Beaver and when you look at some of the other shows that are indicative of that time p…

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