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Could This Supreme Court Undo Marriage Equality?

from now on, moving forward (called prospective relief, though “relief” seems a poor appellation here). Second, the burden of the utter chaos would fall largely on LGBTQ folks. And that might not be the barrier some people think. This is the court that upheld the Muslim ban; allowed Alabama to execute a Muslim without spiritual succor to stay on schedule; gutted the Voting Rights Act; claimed the only solution to partisan gerrymandering destroying…

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Here’s What Hospital Care Could Look Like in a Post-Roe World

…ke the risk of testing them. Patients will, of course, be the primary victims of this legal threat. Further, the end of Roe will impact medical care beyond the issue of when and whether to perform an abortion. Absent a medical emergency, pregnant patients may find themselves being denied essential treatments, such as radiation therapy, that could help them but might pose a risk to a developing embryo or fetus. One doctor explained how her hospital…

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As Problems for Pregnant People Increase, Catholic Bishops Claim They’re Heroes For Ending Abortion Rights

…t. This is doubly so when what’s needed is to undo the harm the bishops themselves have done. If they want to be helpful, let them sponsor solid sex education. Men are involved here too. Let clerics distribute condoms in their parishes and help men who don’t want to sire more children find the nearest vasectomy clinic. Assuming that a person who’s pregnant is a ‘mom’ is offensive to many. Just ask a woman who’s miscarried how she feels on Mother’s…

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Pray Vote Stand 2022 Kicks Off With Some Head-Scratchers on Predictable Topics

…elissa Ohden in the previous panel on abortion. Bomberger, who describes himself as “conceived in rape and adopted in love” delivers a message of hope: if each evangelical family would adopt one child, all of the children in US foster homes would have found a loving home. Perkins agrees: “we need to focus on adoption!” Not to lean too firmly on the hypocrisy, but the disconnect between Bomberger’s and Faust’s messages is salient. Which is it: Do a…

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What Protests and Executions in Iran Can Tell us About America and the Fall of Roe v. Wade

…in 2017. Focusing on religion and religious freedom he issued a call to arms: “It is up to all of us to evangelize our fellow Americans about the issue of religious freedom.” “A wind is picking up that is hostile to those with traditional moral beliefs,” he said, conflating conservative religion with morality. By “traditional moral beliefs” Alito means “religion”—just as he does in his Dobbs opinion. The abortion ban that Alito and the other cons…

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2022 American Values Survey Offers Some Good News — And Some Bad

…Democrats (64%), but significantly more likely to be “very excited” than Dems (41-33). Democrats seem to be motivated this election season primarily by issues like preserving American democracy, abortion, guns, and climate change. While 67% of all those surveyed say they’re motivated to vote by the repeal of Roe, the issue only came in fifth on the list of critical issues for voters, after inflation, immigration, crime and the health of the democr…

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The Quiet Part is Very Much Out Loud: Conservative Publication Calls For Embrace of Totalitarianism

…e of his most vocal supporters. So what should conservatives be calling themselves, then? According to Davidson, they need to “start thinking of themselves as radicals, restorationists, and counterrevolutionaries. Indeed, that is what they are, whether they embrace those labels or not.” As a historical example to aspire to, he quite tellingly offers “the Pilgrims—those iron-willed and audacious Christians who refused to accept the terms set by the…

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Still Left Behind: What the Endurance of the Left Behind Cinematic Universe Can Tell Us About Conservative Moral Psychology

…series has been adapted to film six times. Preceding the 2023 and 2014 films mentioned above were the 2000, 2002, and 2005 iterations with Kirk Cameron, and a sixth 2017 spinoff of the 40-volume adolescent series Left Behind: The Kids, featuring young people becoming Christians and facing the Tribulation. But the fact that the End keeps on not coming suggests we need a different explanation for the Left Behind Cinematic Universe’s continued appea…

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Blaming Young People For the Fall of Roe is Like Holding Firefighters Accountable for Arson

…ns to be bombarded day in and day out by graphic signs and aggressive, megaphone-amplified shouts from those who compare abortion to the Holocaust. It bears remembering that Catholic and evangelical churches and organizations haven’t merely condoned but often coordinated these activities for decades. These demonstrations—which are their own kind of violence—have been ongoing. And they’ve coincided with clinic invasions, arsons and bombings, and th…

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2023 in Review: Year One Without Roe, GOP Code Red, SCOTUS Gone Wild… and a Ray of Hope

…leaf. In November, the Court revealed the “ethics code” they’d drafted themselves which, not only isn’t being enforced by anyone except SCOTUS itself, but also has the fingerprints of the Federalist Society and its allies all over it. And, while this attempt to confront a crisis of confidence in one of the nation’s most critical institutions amounts to little more than a PR stunt, even under mounting pressure from the truly abysmal press the cour…

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