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Abortion’s Not in Kansas Anymore?

…gning the bill, claiming that “[t]he move reflects the same disdain for Kansans that Brownback has shown in other areas of running the state… Abortion is a divisive issue, with strong beliefs on both sides. But Kansans deserve an open, honest discussion, not underhanded maneuvers.” As for Dr. Yeomans, he chalks it up to theocracy. “I’m thinking of printing up some bumper stickers,” said Dr. Yeomans. “Kansas: Theocracy in Action.” Neither Dr. nor M…

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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…rs—but religion is doubtless part of the story. You can’t kill tens of thousands and rape thousands on the basis of their religion, and claim religion has nothing to do with it. One does not slaughter a people until one has hated them sufficiently to go from seeing them as individuals to seeing them as a mass to be done away with. And that hate is Islamophobia. Fears of “creeping Shari’ah”—the manufactured fear Islamophobes haunt America with, too…

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“Fast for Families” Immigration Reform Effort Enters 20th Day

…f compassionate immigration reform. How has that impacted your work? I get phone calls from LDS people who would identify themselves as politically conservative, but they say, “There’s this guy I know . . . Can you help him? He’s a really good guy.”  People need to remember that there are many “really good guys” out there waiting for immigration reform.  People coming to the US for work get villainized. “Illegal alien” is one of the most unbelieva…

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Why is Liberty Institute Still Defending Phillip Monk?

…eer put his hand on Monk’s shoulder and praised him, saying, “We’ve gotten phone calls from military members who are undergoing discrimination…and with the exception of him, those folks that have called us have all wanted to remain anonymous. Sergeant Monk, to his credit, is willing to stand up.”  Let’s read between the lines here: Monk is, quite literally, the best example of discrimination against Christians in the military that the Liberty Inst…

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Walking Dead and Zombie Ethics, or “Don’t Fight the Zombies. You Can’t Win”

…le: these monsters are a five billion dollar industry. They appear in cell phone ads for Sprint, they chase runners in 5Ks, and they scare crowds at haunted houses and theme parks. With The Walking Dead and World War Z, zombies cemented their reign as the favored monster of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.   The zombie’s ubiquity begs for explanation, and there is no shortage of theories. David Denby, writing about World War Z …

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Christian Atheism: The Only Response Worth its Salt to the Zimmerman Verdict

…ceration. I’m calling for a Christianity that no longer provides religious sanction or the cloak of righteousness to the political project of U.S. sovereignty and its vision of who is normal (and in the right place) and who is abnormal (and thus out of place). I’m calling for a Christianity whose animating logic is no longer tied to that false “god-man.” The “god” of (or that is) whiteness is a god toward which we must be thoroughgoing atheists an…

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Discovering “Little Syria”—New York’s Long-Lost Arab Neighborhood

…nity in the U.S. was home to at least 50 Arabic language newspapers and magazines, dozens of Eastern Christian churches, and bustling restaurants, bakeries, silk-traders, tailors, all living vertically next to the elevated train tracks, in time-honored New York City tenement tradition. Only, in contrast to Chinatown or the Lower East Side, there is nearly nothing left of Little Syria. I walked what remains of Little Syria with Joseph Svehlak, a lo…

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Intensive Care: Preachers’ Daughters Episode Five Recap

…ll use the term “mix tape”?) While she’s out and completely unreachable by phone, her dad, Ken, goes into the hospital with breathing difficulties and is admitted to intensive care. Taylor finally gets the message, is stricken with remorse and concern, prays for her dad’s healing, and resolves to be more responsible. My Dinner with Frankie: Mark and Cheryl Perry invited their teenage daughter Olivia’s friend Frankie over for dinner. Since Olivia h…

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A Faith-Based Opportunity for Obama

…ng of the country.” In 2010, the White House refused to comment on DuBois’ phone call to religious right ideologue David Jeremiah after the latter called the president “a dangerous person” moving the country toward “socialism.” It was obviously an incident the White House would have preferred DuBois just let go. Boorstein’s piece suggests that some critics believe that the office would have performed better had DuBois been more experienced and the…

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Becoming Forever Lonesome: How Violence Changes Us

…al professionals just prior to buying four firearms and 6,350 rounds of ammunition, or the Columbine killer Eric Harris is said to be sociopath, or that Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter, is described as having been “the challenge of [his] family.” Dress it up anyway you want. They are all just crazy guys who got guns. I hope in the coming days we have some meaningful, productive conversations about crazy guys and guns. Really, all I hope to do h…

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