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What Role do Feelings Play in Conspiracy, Racism and Climate Denial? Welcome to Phoning It In, Episode 1

…e a weave—they’re a cat’s cradle; they’re all linked together. So when you change how somebody feels, you’re changing how they think. And when you change how they think, you’re changing how they feel. That, in essence, is persuasion. MPG: Is it right to understand that in terms of showing folks what their personal stakes are in climate crisis? DOS: Sometimes. There are a lot of different ways that we need to be talking to people [about climate cri…

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How the Abortion Debate Turned the Christian Right On To Liberal Arguments… and Birthed the Religious Freedom Industry

…lishment Clause. This shift in advocacy corresponds with a major political change within the SBC, but it also corresponds with a change in approach to abortion, which seemed to drive the justification away from the separation position. Evangelicals became friendlier with Catholics during their shared labor on the abortion issue. Prior to this, Catholics had previously been a primary concern of those promoting church-state separation. Also, if a pr…

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Combat Soldiers & Clergywomen: Problematic Equality

…eeds to be done pastorally and argue the details later. This is how social change happens. Laws are made and changed in response to already existing situations, not to fantasies. There are plenty of differences between these two cases. Those who promote women in combat probably do not want to change the fundamental nature of the military. Women priests already exist through ordination processes that parallel the official one, and plenty of Catholi…

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A Whole New Ball Game: New Book Rethinks the History of Religion in Sport

…ld serve as a powerful way to understand foundational social and political changes taking place in sport. What’s the most important take-home message for readers? Religion is a source of crisis in sport. What I am mainly pushing back against is the idea that sport is “religious” insofar as it provides an escape from politics. This argument takes a couple of basic forms, depending on one’s perspective. Academics or popular critics interested in rad…

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Global Anti-Gay Forces Plot Against ‘Satanic’ Equality Movement

…by Orthodox Church officials, was backed by diplomats and activists from a number of European countries. European Parliament acting head Alexandra Attalides said the Parliament stood at the forefront of campaigns for human rights. “A country cannot be European unless there are equal rights for all. Today we are proud,” she said. Political party representatives voiced support for civil partnership, with organisers noting that human rights could not…

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Who Would the Buddha Bomb?

…our own motives and aspiring to reduce harm and suffering for the greatest number of those at risk.” Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu, another notable teacher and translator in the Theravada tradition, disagreed vehemently with Bhikkhu Bodhi’s position, writing a lengthy letter to Inquiring Mind in which he outlined various objections. “The common view—that murderous force is an unfortunate but necessary last resort—is what has caused so much money, time a…

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Global Warming Denialists the New Creationists?

…bills have cropped up in state houses questioning the validity of climate change and calling for a “teach the controversy” approach. It’s an interesting strategy. By expanding their argument to include climate change, they’re saying that they aren’t anti-evolution—they’re just anti-scientific dogma. “There is a lot of similar dogmatism on this issue,” Discovery Institute’s Jonathan West told the NYT, “with scientists being persecuted for findings…

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Hurricane Sandy Spawns Right-Wing Theodicy

…ing climate scientist, has written. “It is leading to more widespread drought, more frequent heat waves and more powerful hurricanes.” If that trend continues, as the L.A. Times notes, Sandy may be just the first of many “Frankenstorms” around the world. It’s unclear what role, if any, climate change plays in boosting the temperature of the mid-Atlantic waters. But its possible effect on Hurricane Sandy, [Jeff Masters, cofounder of the website Wea…

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Freezing Our Way to a Fiery Hell?

…ted. Why doesn’t the alarm stay high on global warming (excuse me, climate change)? Read a book about the state of the environment, this one perhaps. If my experience is anything like normative, your blood pressure will go up. When you put the book down you’ll be as zealous as a martyr in first-century Rome. Something must be done! But by the time I step off the bus my mind will be back to something the boss said yesterday. Or the fact that I’ve g…

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Perry’s Galileo Moment

…bate, Perry’s comments were clearly aimed at a religious audience. Climate change denial is not just hot for energy industry lobbyists, it’s especially rampant among religious conservatives. New social science research by sociologist Darren Sherkat of Southern Illinois University shows that sectarian Christians do poorly on basic scientific literacy questions, and therefore have difficulty engaging in scientific discussions involved in public poli…

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