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Egypt’s ’Secular’ Gov Uses Religion as Tool of Repression

…es’ vote on the 2014 constitution, and lavished praise on Al-Sisi, who was promoted to Field Marshal shortly after the constitution was ratified. Religious scholars supportive of the regime are regularly featured on state television, often either praising the current government or denouncing the Muslim Brotherhood. One Imam recently wrote a poem in praise of Al-Sisi, while a Coptic Priest publicly admired Al-Sisi’s beauty. An Azharite scholar even…

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Catholic Healthcare Is Not the Enemy

…rtlesville Examiner-Enterprise…” To some extent, questions like this are designed to cover up the fact that the reporter does not know the answer to her own question and for some reason hasn’t bothered to find it. “The order to restrict contraceptives,” wrote The Nation’s Steven Hsieh, “reportedly came from Ascension Health, a non-profit Catholic health services company that acquired St. John Health System in 2013… Sheila Reynerston, Advocacy Coor…

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Was Student Who Claims She Was Suspended For Saying, “Bless You” Mimicking God’s Not Dead?

…ce of anti-intellectualism, portrays educators as modern-day Pharisees who promote ideology rather than critical thinking. So it’s hardly surprising that some Christian students began performing this script in the first week of classes. By equating educators with the villains of the New Testament, ordinary classroom encounters can be transformed into an extension of Biblical narratives. In Cronk’s film, Harper’s character is compared to a Christia…

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Douthat, Dionne Push Wrong Lesson on Religious Exemptions

…rrangements with their insurers. The fact that the bishops refused to even sign on to the so-called compromise shows that for them the whole point of the exercise was to make a political statement about the moral unacceptability of non-procreative sex (especially for unmarried women), to save face about the fact that most Catholics use contraception, and to gin up “religious liberty” concerns that would backstop their campaign against same-sex mar…

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No Zombies Here, Just a Bunch of Women Talking to the Dead

…the book? I cannot think of an alternative title, which I think is a good sign. The title originally incorporated some of the Gullah/Geechee dialect, but that just did not work in terms of flow and feasibility of actually being able to find the book. “Talking to the dead” is the phrasing that perfectly captures the relationship between the living and the dead without compromising the active nature of the practice. So, I love it! How do you feel a…

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Is Downward Dog the Path to Hell?

…nd meditation and Easternism is [sic] all opening to demonism… if you just sign up for a little yoga class, you’re signing up for a little demon class. That’s what you’re doing. And Satan doesn’t care if you stretch as long as you go to hell.” Similar to Islamophobic attempts to produce and demonize a monolithic vision of Islam, Mohler’s recent post simplifies and flattens yoga. In particular he’s bothered by the fact that yoga is grounded in the…

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Catholic Bishops Throw Cold Water on Ice Bucket Challenge

…cese of Cincinnati, which has been forcing all Catholic school teachers to sign a “morality clause” pledging to abide by all the teachings of the church in their public and private lives, told principals to give money from the challenge—which requires an individual to dump a bucket of ice water on their head or give $100 to the ALS Association—to another charity instead. He recommended the John Paul II Medical Research Institute, which does resear…

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Ugandan Anti-Gay Fallout: New Laws, New Violence, New Underground Railroad

…iation for Sexual Health (LebMASH). As we noted earlier this year, a judge significantly weakened Article 534, the county’s anti-sodomy law. Officials have suggested that the men arrested this month might instead by charged with public indecency. Ireland: Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Marriage Equality A new poll conducted by the Sunday Times found that more than 85 percent of people in Ireland believe it is acceptable for gay and lesbian co…

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Obama Won’t Allow Religious Exemption for LGBT Discrimination

According to the Huffington Post, President Obama will sign an executive order on Monday barring federal contractors from engaging in employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The decision comes after pressure from religious, civil rights, and LGBT advocates that the president not yield to demands of religious conservatives to include the exemption. (Link to my prior posts) The president reportedly will not, howev…

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Islam=Peace: What’s in a Slogan?

…h neighborhood join a gang? Why does a high school student in a quiet town sign on to terrorism groups who preach supremacy? Why does a young woman abandon her family and future and become a suicide bomber? In the months that followed, Ndugwa and a friend who was with him that night in the stadium founded the UMYDF. He has been involved in trying to fight the lure of terrorist groups with what he describes as the true teachings of Islam. They work…

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