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The End of My Line: It’s Okay to Embrace The ‘Covid Baby Bust’

…. have chosen to have fewer children or delay getting pregnant altogether. Welcome to the club!, I thought. Have you considered going all the way? I don’t know exactly when I stopped wanting children. When I was young, I took it for granted that I’d have a big family someday. My grandmother had seven children and my mother had five. It was a Roman Catholic tradition, but also, just a happy fact of life—I and all of my friends grew up in big famili…

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Why We Should Ban Oppressive Speech Acts

…ponsibilities and liabilities as regards racist, mendacious user content—a welcome shift after such debates had, for years, primarily focused on the blanket banning of sex workers from online platforms, imperiling their lives and livelihoods. The issue of who has the power to grant or remove access to platforms, and according to which principles, is no doubt critical. My interest here is a little different: it seems clear to me that even in a worl…

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Hanukkah Marks the Complexities of Assimilation and Syncretism Faced by American Jews

…sen.” American Jews are multitudes in our identities and ideologies, and I welcome the messiness. The choices that others make do not always conform to my own; but the acceptance of that difference is essential for me to want my own autonomous choices to be taken seriously as well. I’m also enthralled by the vast expressions of difference among Jews seeking a relationship to Judaism. In my work running a Jewish educational institution, I’m in rela…

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Why America’s Whitewashed Thanksgiving Needs to Go: A Short Study in the Power of White Christian Mythmaking

…more flesh. New arrivals, coming from North America in chains, were always welcome, and the grandee planters paid handsomely. But routinely selling captured natives to the islands was just the beginning for the North American settlers. The long-lived Roger Williams was barely in his grave before his Rhode Island colony was already realizing the fabulous fortunes to be made in the Triangle Trade, and the rich land still occupied by the remaining Na…

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Christian Pol, Attacked for Opposing ‘In God We Trust’ in School, Talks Church and State

…eat others the way we want to be treated. How my church, like many others, promotes making a sacred, lifelong bond between couples who love each other. That we promote marriage and work to strengthen families of same-sex couples just as heterosexual ones. For me, the many scripture passages on love and commitment, on honesty and fidelity, on compassion and understanding, and on the importance of parents caring for each other and their children are…

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World Meeting of Families Again Positions Queer Catholics as Children

…he audience at a talk that Fr. James Martin, SJ, gave on “How Parishes Can Welcome LGBT Catholics” at last week’s World Meeting of Families (WMF) in Dublin. It was only the second time that a presentation on LGBT Catholics headlined at the WMF, a triennial “congress” organized by the Vatican. But for queer Catholics like me, the painful irony of “There is only us” is that Fr. Martin’s talk focused on “them”—meaning the very LGBT Catholics he seeks…

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Pope Francis Walks With LGBTQ People, One Step Forward, Big Steps Back

…n and emphasize that the meeting with Grassi was “in a spirit of kindness, welcome and dialogue” and not an endorsement of Grassi’s same-sex relationship. The last word in that statement from former Vatican press officer Rev. Frederico Lombardi is important to note. Like Francis, Lombardi is a Jesuit, and Francis’ continuous calls to dialogue among Catholics reflects their shared Jesuit theology. Shortly after being elected, Pope Francis told a gr…

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Trump’s “Muslim Ban” A Gift to Terrorists

…ld Trump wants to ban Muslims, but in 1776, the founding fathers wanted to welcome them. Muslims, though a minority, have been present in the United States from the very beginning. Historians of slavery estimate that as much as a third of slaves may have been Muslim and some even fought in the revolutionary war like Yusuf ben Ali. Thomas Jefferson kept a Qur’an near his bedside and the other framers were adamant that the United States would be a l…

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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…ckling the “root causes of oppression, including misogyny and xenophobia,” promoting greater acceptance of sexual and gender diversity, and helping build a practice of Islam grounded in “inclusion, justice, and equality.” The organization’s resistance to the twin evils of anti-gay sentiment and racialized anti-Muslim bigotry has at once preceded and been magnified by the November 2016 election. LGBT Muslims have focused mainly on domestic challeng…

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Betrayed at the Polls, Evangelicals of Color at a Crossroads

…onally to train clergy and community leaders in racial justice work and to promote her book The Very Good Gospel: How Everything Wrong Can Be Made Right. She sees firsthand how nearly “everyone is reconsidering whether or not they want to remain under the moniker ‘evangelical,’” including minorities, white people, the young and the old, “because the word ‘evangelical’ has been truly hijacked by a movement to maintain the political, economic and so…

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