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‘Jesus is my Vaccine’ Has a Millennium-Long History Rooted in Antisemitism

…a dead man rather than the “true” Alexander: Jesus Christ. This fuzziness between which practices were “Christian,” “Jewish,” or “pagan” caused Chrysostom anxiety in Homily 8, leading him to preach a playbook. Following his play-by-play, Chrysostom’s congregants could take his message, go out into the city, and reclaim Christians who were judaizing and endangering both their own bodies and the body of the church with Jewish “impurity.” Not only w…

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The Problem With An Evangelical Petition Calling White Nationalism ‘Heresy’

…elf-identifies as “the Lord their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt,” so much so that Walter Brueggemann argues that it’s practically a synecdoche. This God isn’t jealous simply for the sake of jealousy, though. He’s jealous because he wants the Israelites to remember who liberated them from slavery, and it wasn’t that dumb (as in dumb) golden calf. There’s only one God responsible for liberation, and that’s God, not a statue of Donal…

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Conversion Story #643 (not a real number)

…country. It would resume with graduate school and culminate with living in Egypt specifically for the study of Arabic at an intensive level. This was ten years later and by then I had attained fluency. Still, Arabic is for me a means to an end, not the end in itself. The end—and still my on going quest—is greater and greater understanding of the Qur’an. Of course in the ten years between the shahadah and attaining a proficiency in Arabic, the poli…

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Khalifah: We Really Do Have Control Over Our Own Destiny

…dy at 10 to think of a little bit more of a challenge. The lady without diabetes ‘because the Lord had not told her she had it,’ said she would exercise: maybe once a week for five minutes. Her likelihood in meeting this goal was some where around 3 or 4. When asked what would make it more likely she said again, “if the Lord tells me.” So, I asked her if there was any way she could speak to the Lord and she turned to me with indignation and said “…

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Why I Joined Over a Thousand Faith Leaders in Masterpiece Case Brief

…individual is free to hold and to practice such beliefs, but they are not free to use those beliefs to claim a right to discriminate in the public arena. Same-sex couples have been granted access to civil marriage under the Constitution, and they must be allowed to exercise that right freely, including buying goods and services from businesses open to the public. The brief filed by Masterpiece Cakeshop’s attorneys goes so far as to say, “The cake…

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Founder of Liberal Mosque in Germany Under Guard After Death Threats; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…nitiative that has been tackled since the last three legislatures is not cause for a split between the PAN, she said, since “National Action is favor of marriage between mother and father.” The PAN denied that her links with the Confamilia organization, linked to the Catholic Church and with which she shared the presidium, damaged her image before society: “It does not affect me because I am being congruent with my principles, values ​​and stateme…

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‘Restart the Economy’ is a Prayer to a Conservative God Who Demands Human Sacrifice

…and plunging the country I love into a Great Depression, I’d happily die.” Better for a whole lot more people to suffer and die than for the free market to be stifled any further. It’s the economy, stupid! Given the prevalence of religious voices among support for Trump, perhaps we could think about our situation with the ethics of religious responsibly as outlined above. A simple translation of “restart the economy” suggests itself: the economy o…

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Here’s What the Court Didn’t Decide in Masterpiece

…sons” and, on the other, “the right of all persons to exercise fundamental freedoms,” including the free exercise of religion. And therein lies a second, likely much less welcome upshot for gay rights advocates. Justice Kennedy’s opinion for the Court argued that the Civil Rights Commission unfairly treated Phillips in two ways. His first argument, that the commission permitted other bakeries to refuse service to customers who wished to commission…

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WaPo OpEd: Pope Francis and the Koch Bros Love and Serve the Poor Together

…ess by supporting organizations that “bear the common mission of advancing free enterprise and free societies.” The Saemans write that “promoting limited government alongside the Kochs is an important part of heeding Pope Francis’s call to love and serve the poor.” This despite Francis’ unequivocal statements almost exactly a year ago in opposition to the “free enterprise” ideology: “Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assum…

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Grassley Staff Memo on Televangelists Makes Clear Religious Right Opposition to Government Oversight

…for endorsing candidates, churches would become even more politicized, and free to use their tax-exempt status to do so. UPDATE: Michael Batts, who has been appointed to lead the ECFA commission Grassley requested, reiterated that both the ECFA and Grassley agree on the “principle that less government is better,” adding that the “overarching principle is the independence of the church from the government and the independence of the government from…

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