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Awakening, Counter-Awakening, and the End of Church

…happens with these backlash movements. They can express themselves in violence. And that kind of violence also does harm to the people who are in the mode of the fearful—it’s a devastating cultural moment.  In the GOP primary, they are playing to the hard right wing now. Do you have a sense that in the general election perhaps some of this religion talk might dissipate or soften? No, I don’t have any hope that religious talk will soften into Novem…

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More than Half of Mississippi GOP Primary Voters Believe the President is Muslim

…tian, and only 14% did, with 45% saying they believe he is a Muslim. These numbers are more pronounced among evangelicals, with only 9% of evangelical likely Republican voters in Alabama believing the president is a Christian. Fifty percent—half of all the voters in the Alabama GOP primary—believe the president is a Muslim. The numbers are similar in Mississippi, where 70% of likely GOP voters identified as evangelical. Like in Alabama, where only…

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The Problem with AMC’s Sci-Fi Hit Humans

…lakes. Visit Japan’s first robot-staffed hotel, and you’ll interact with a number of theroids, including a robotic dinosaur. If the dinosaur accidentally hurts you, and you’re elderly, you might be taken care of by a bear. This cuddle bot is a patch of interactive fur, in case that’s your thing. Of course animals aren’t always the best shape for tasks, either. Hotels around the world are buying room service robots that happen to resemble floating…

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New Report: Muslim Terrorism a ‘Minuscule Threat’

…American Muslims have been charged with terrorism-related activities. This number includes those who committed acts of terrorism overseas in places like Somalia and Yemen. Even if we take the conservative number of 2 million Muslims in the U.S., that means 0.01% of Muslims are involved in terrorism-related activity over the span of a decade. Per annum, it is 0.001%. If we take a more realistic number of 4 million American Muslims, the numbers beco…

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Liberty University’s In-House Conversion ‘Therapist’ Retires, But Will the Christian School Cease This Discredited Practice?

…t and most notorious fundamentalist college located in Lynchburg, VA, announced that Pastor Dane Emerick, who functioned as its in-house conversion therapist, had retired. This news comes to the delight and relief of many alumni who were subjected to his “counseling.” But some wonder whether Emerick’s retirement marks the end of Liberty’s conversion therapy program or whether another damaging counselor will pick up where he left off. For decades,…

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Gambian Prez Rails Against Gay ‘Evil Empire’; Irish Priest Comes Out During Mass; Trans Talk on Tunisian TV Sparks Debate; Global LGBT Recap

…r Naith Payton reports at Pink News that Thailand’s new constitution will include references to a third gender: A spokesman for the panel which is drafting the new constitution, Kamnoon Sittisamarn, said this was to ensure all sexual identities would be protected and treated equally under the law. He told Reuters: “We are putting the words ‘third gender’ in the constitution because Thai society has advanced. “There are not only men and women, we n…

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Muslims in America, Fifty Years Later: New Poll Shows Pride and Optimism In the Face of Bias

…ists were responsible for 123 of the 240,000 murders in the United State since 9/11. Yet counter-terrorism remained the number one priority of the FBI, which spends several billion dollars annually to prevent and prosecute Muslim terrorists. Is this myopic focus on Muslim terrorists doing all of us more harm than good? Finally, citizens and policy-makers must grapple with its never-ending war on terrorism abroad. For a significant portion of the c…

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Participant Discredits the Original Ex-Gay Study

…dings with the 11 subjects (from page 1555, see below). Bussee was subject number two and Cooper was number one. Both Bussee and Cooper were rated as Kinsey 6 (exclusively homosexual) before change and a 0 (exclusively heterosexual) after change. Since there was no follow-up, this study has been used to support the proposition that gays could change to straight via religious mediation. For instance, not knowing any of this background at the time,…

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Who’s Scared of Polygamy? A Restrained Case for the “Slippery Slope” Argument

…l reasons not currently being considered in discussions around the consequences of legalizing same-sex marriage. Increasingly polygamy is being considered independently of things like bestiality (here is a recent example). In some of these newer discussions, noticeably, the key question is no longer about whether the legalization of same-sex marriage will lead to polygamy, but whether a national debate on it will come to pass and, if so, who will…

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How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Permanently Change Our ‘Good Death’ Narrative

…f the same ways we’re experiencing now, and in very similar ways that the ancient Greeks experienced during the 430 B.C.E. “plague of Athens.” Too many corpses overloaded the capacity of communities to care for the dead with all of the ritual and deathcare practices that were customary. How our Good Death narratives adapt to the coronavirus pandemic may have long-lasting effects on our own deathcare and funerary practices well into the coming deca…

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