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White Nationalist Mottos, the Fate of Jews in the New Christian State, and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Humor — Day 2 of NatCon 2024

…structure of the modern Christian and Political Right as the strategists whose tactics he looked to and copied when building what he calls “a conservative revolution” in France. He recalls that it was necessary to have “wealthy businessmen” willing to buy media outlets to build a right-wing media landscape from scratch, which had happened successfully in France—and thanks American conservatives for providing him with the strategies to create a con…

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Noah, Cosmos Controversies Not About Biblical Literalism

…ate article: “It never ceases to amaze me how many dummies out there still buy the whole story of the flood, and frankly, all the stories in the Bible. They still think there is some invisible supreme being living in the sky who controls earthly events. Un-effing-believable!”) What tends to get buried beneath the landslide of coverage of religious conservative outrage—and outrage over the outrage—is meaningful analysis of what, exactly, the religi…

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Why ‘Respectable’ Evangelicals Can’t Rein in Evangelical Conspiracy Theorists

…istianity in your marriage, in your workplace, or in your school.” I don’t buy this distinction, but it is a key premise in French’s argument. When it comes to politics, French maintains that “the theological ‘training’ consists mainly of education about issues and controversies that Christians should be aware of and concerned about.” That is, voting for candidates who are anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ equality, etc. The solution, therefore, is for evan…

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The Broken Promise of Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘The Goop Lab’

…alienation in the first place. Freedom becomes a thing that you can either buy, or, lacking that, lead you toward an ever-receding target that tends to promote an unending, anti-political, winding inward pursuit of health and wellbeing. Thus does Paltrow declare in the episode on aging, “I’ve tried a million, different crazy fasts and diets … but this one was pretty incredible.” Freedom without direction, however, very quickly becomes alienation….

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Jesus Has Left the Building: Celebrating the Next Reformation

…Reformation also reimagined a rowdy and robust sense of grace. You didn’t buy your salvation—you received it by grace, through faith. You had a slogan: sola gratia. From God, you don’t get what you might deserve—you get what you don’t deserve and can’t possibly purchase. The Church, argued the reformers, had turned Christianity into a bunch of rules and regulations, rights and wrongs. And it had institutionalized the Holier Spirits. Like the Jesu…

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Satan, Contributor to Teen Vogue‘s New “Sodomy” Section?

…er/their attention is directed elsewhere. If I were plotting to lead large numbers of Christian youth to their damnation, I would aim for something a bit more consequential than a single issue of Teen Vogue—with all respect for its circulation numbers. I mean, I would try for systemic corruption. It might be possible, for example, to render Christian teaching about sex so shrilly ridiculous that it provoked widespread ridicule. (Imagine what it wo…

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A Pair of Exhibitions Demonstrate How Biases Color the History of Jerusalem

…s, Christians, Muslims and Jews have a lot in common. But I couldn’t quite buy into the attempt to portray medieval Jerusalem as a rich mixture of cultures on equal footing. As the title suggests, this is an inclusive exhibition, reflecting our present-day preoccupation with diversity. And just in case you missed the message, strategically placed screens play videos of interviews with a Muslim merchant, a rabbi and a Christian monk. Only a pair of…

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“The Camp Is a Ceremony”: A Report From Standing Rock

…of goods fueled by petroleum consumption. Some have declared Black Friday “Buy Nothing Day,” or added a Green Saturday. Just focusing again on the fruits of the earth, and giving thanks for the water that sustains us all and its endangered state is a huge improvement. In Oceti Sakowin camp on Standing Rock reservation, we learned this week about the elemental nature of water and its centrality to life. “Mni wiconi,” Lakota for “water is life,” is…

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From Bad to Worstest: How Liberals Should (And Should Not) Talk About Values

…rth!” Nobody gives a shit, and you just gave away all your moral ground by buying into a conservative frame. Besides, do I really have to tell you how weak “Liberals have values too!” is? Worser: “All Christians can surely agree on the value of…” Wrong. They don’t, and they don’t think you’re a Christian. (Also, not everybody’s a Christian.) Worstest: “On this special day, we must all strive to live up to the ideals of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King…

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Dear Readers: Letter From an Anonymous Liberal Pastor in Trump Country

…o stand up to the authoritarian drift of this administration. Or will they buy into the same politics of white resentment that got them hoodwinked into voting for Trump the first time? I don’t know. I just know that like that time with the Syrians, the extremists running the show these days make it hard to live my faith sometimes. They make it hard to stand up for the right thing. Pretty ironic, considering all their rhetoric on religious freedom….

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