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RDBook: Power Belongs to God

…loose and invisible organization, he sets out to unravel the whole knot of American political fundamentalism. Sharlet, who has since become one of the best journalists covering American religion today (and a columnist for Religion Dispatches), got a remarkable scoop some years back. An acquaintance invited him into Ivanwald, the community in Arlington, Virginia, that exposed him to a network of which few outsiders are aware. He calls it “The Famil…

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A Lone Blogger vs. the McCain-Hagee Alliance

…tly touched on with my 4-minute, no-budget video was the growing divide in American culture, religion and politics that (according to some well-respected observers) threatens the viability of American Democracy. Beneath the most obvious and salacious details of the scandal lies a Christian subculture that, like a vast chunk of Antarctic ice, had years before begun to diverge from the mainstream mass of secular culture; some, like Hagee’s church, h…

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‘This is a War Meeting…This is Gonna Get Dirty,’ Anti-Woke Capitalism, & American ‘History’: Day 2 Roundup

…onalist who specializes in revisionist, Christian triumphalist accounts of American history. “They’ll say ‘that’s Christian nationalism!’” Perkins charges, “no—it’s American history.” Barton delivers a meandering account of the Revolutionary War through a Christian nationalist lens, claiming that “in the American war for independence, national wars were won by local battles.” Based on this, Barton concludes that “we can’t change the national [poli…

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Evangelical Groundhog Day: The ‘Times’ Identifies the ‘Religious Fervor in the American Right’ — Around Four Decades Late

…eacher Jerry Falwell on the steps of the Trenton State House surrounded by American flags and a church choir. The story began: “The Rev. Jerry Falwell, the leader of the Moral Majority movement, brought his mixture of church meeting and political rally to the New Jersey State House steps today. He proclaimed that his church was a ‘sleeping giant’ that was ‘standing again across this nation.’” That class remains etched in my mind. California in the…

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Rick Santorum Breezes Past the Genocidal Foundation of White Christian Nationalism

…I mean, yes we have Native Americans but candidly there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.” I want to show how relegating the genocide of America’s first peoples to an unfortunate historical side note is foundational to white Christian nationalism. Santorum’s comments represent a widespread understanding of history within the Religious Right. Religious Right leaders, going back to Jerry Falwell’s “I Love America” rallies from…

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Recounting (Again)
The Role of American Religious Activists in Uganda Anti-Gay Violence

…re warning has come to pass. As Candace noted, this all has happened while American evangelicals either actively promoted homophobia, downplayed the urgency of the situation, or engaged in dishonest doublespeak after bolstering Uganda’s AHB supporters. As has been extensively documented by Political Research Associates, and as Lou Engle’s visit to Uganda last year made clear, American religious right figures played an important role in fanning the…

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Selling the Idea of a Christian Nation: David Barton’s Alternate Intellectual Universe

…egun reinterpreting America’s founding and expansion as God’s plan for his American nation. Mason Locke Weems, the self-styled “Parson” Weems, constructed his own quasi-WallBuilders outfit in the early nineteenth century. As Rebecca Goetz, a historian at Rice University, has written, Weems had a habit of recreating the colonial and revolutionary American world for his readers, and he did it, I think, to show readers a lost world of religiosity and…

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Ahmadi Muslim Community Doesn’t Speak For All Muslims

…Good Muslim/Bad Muslim dichotomy that actually ends up hurting the Muslim-American community. The Muslim-American community is represented by a wide variety of organizations that speak to various interests. Large umbrella organizations, like the Islamic Society of North America, have not had much luck in covering the community because the diversity is nearly uncontainable. Each of these groups speaks with a voice that represents its own constitue…

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We’ve Finally Begun to Confront White Christian Nationalism; But What About Its Source Text?

…s. Warrior was also among a number of scholars who emphasized that African Americans were not the only Americans to identify with the Israelites. White European settlers had also adopted the Israelite Exodus narrative as they understood themselves as God’s chosen people who had a right to claim their promised land of America at the costly expense of the original inhabitants. Based on the Christian witness of America’s white settlers, Warrior inter…

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Mormon-Born Daya Mata Typifies American Yoga

…ed States—there is no mention of devotion, unless it is to beauty, fitness, or well-being.  But Daya Mata’s death reminds us that yoga has taken a variety of forms in the United States. Like the history of yoga in South Asia, American yoga has no single essence or form. It has meant a variety of things to American practitioners for a long time. Indeed, it’s in and through these countless varieties that yoga has become as American as Elvis himself….

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