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Christian Pol, Attacked for Opposing ‘In God We Trust’ in School, Talks Church and State

…hat. But this gets us to a knotty question: How should citizens and public officials approach competing faith claims about matters of public policy? JM: I don’t ordinarily talk about my religious faith when discussing political issues in the Senate. My religious faith shapes who I am and what I believe. But as a public official, I am accountable to the people I serve for the policies I support and the positions that I take. I am on the ballot, not…

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What the Hail: Satanists Got Busy in 2018

…isiting protesters was a coup for TST’s Chicago chapter, which only gained official status in February. April: TST announced their intent to sue the state of Arkansas. The legislature, in an effort led by Sen. Stanley Rapert, installed a Ten Commandments monument on their capitol in 2015. After TST began meeting with the capitol arts and grounds committee to discuss a location for their statue of Baphomet, the legislature passed emergency legislat…

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Changes in Role of Mormon Women Can’t Be Discussed—But Let’s Discuss Them Anyway

…pic for the foreseeable future; the fact that discussion of this matter is officially verboten means there can be no official clarification, and even external corroboration of facts may be slow. For instance, though unofficial documentation exists of a survey about perceptions of temple in the 1980s (I love the question about whether people fell asleep during the endowment ceremony), I couldn’t find verification of reports of a recent survey of ot…

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Vatican Sexual Abuse Meeting Is Destined to Fail—To Stop the Problem or the Decline

…Today that percentage is 45 with reports that in Latin America as a whole numbers are down 20% in the same period. In Switzerland in November 2018, six prominent progressive Catholic women left the Church by filing the requisite papers that relieved them of contributing church taxes. Four are former members of the Swiss parliament and two are highly regarded feminist theologians. For these women, the straw that broke the camel’s back was Francis’…

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Long Before Lying to Congress, Barr’s Views on Church and State Should Have Disqualified Him

…government is the platform upon which religious freedom rests. Without an official policy of secularism, our nation will drift toward theocracy. High government officials who criticize secular government should be asked what their alternative is—religious government? Barr does not seem to grasp that a decent distance between church and state is the only way to ensure the right of every American to engage in the religious activities of their choic…

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Is Bill Barr’s Belief in a Powerful President Actually Religious? A ‘High Papal’ Fable

…ngship, and in doing so, produced nothing short of “the most revolutionary official document in the history of the world,” according to John Neville Figgis. This is no small thing. And, for someone like Holland, a likely partisan of ‘high papalism,’ the first official statement of the rights of the people or popular sovereignty over the pope would be a most inconvenient truth. Another weakness in Holland’s claim that the emergence of “the new suff…

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New Study of Christian Nationalism in Texas Should be a Warning for the Whole Country

…on of our country” and “provid[e] information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values.” The WallBuilders ProFamily Legislative Network assists “conservative God-fearing legislators” across the nation by supplying “expert testimony” and screening and drafting legislation. Barton’s radio program/podcast, “WallBuilders Live!,” described as “a daily journey…to capture the ideas of the Foundi…

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Exclusive: Why Did Chicago Public Schools Just Quietly Drop Transcendental Meditation?

…RD was notified by a CPS official that “CPS is no longer allowing for the official Quiet Time Program through David Lynch Foundation to be offered in CPS schools.” But why would CPS quietly drop such a high-profile program? Though CPS decline to elaborate further, a July 26, 2019 article in the Chicago Tribune provides a clue. Hannah Leone’s article includes some disturbing information about the program based on the harrowing recollections, befor

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Some Christian and Muslim Leaders Urging ‘No’ Vote in Australian Mail Ballot on Marriage Equality; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…rities extends far beyond conservative religious circles, however. Uganda: Officials force cancellation of pride celebration Kuchu Times reported that Pride Uganda 2017 had been cancelled due to police harassment and threats from Simon Lokodo, the intensely anti-gay Minister for Ethics and Integrity who reportedly “had all the venues of the planned Pride events surrounded by state militia.” The U.S. embassy in Uganda tweeted the U.S. government’s…

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Why America’s Whitewashed Thanksgiving Needs to Go: A Short Study in the Power of White Christian Mythmaking

…from combining forces, sweeping in, and slaughtering a large encampment of officially neutral Narragansetts in Rhode Island’s Great Swamp. The heavily armed raiders—and here is where the word “ranger” first comes into popular use to describe state-sanctioned guerrilla warfare—burned hundreds of wigwams, killed at least 700 Indians, and took hundreds of captives, whom they sold into slavery in the Antilles. Regrouping, the Narragansett warriors set…

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