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Repent, Hillary: Trump’s Evangelical Backers Play the Sin Card

…er of religious identity, we can see that a theological emphasis on sin is central to evangelical self-understanding. Indeed, this focus on sin is central to the public performance of evangelicalism, especially in politics. George W. Bush, for instance, didn’t shy away from discussing his past misdeeds—which Molly Ivins has characterized as “a life of sin, drinking, womanizing (before marriage) and, by inference, drugs.” He embraced his past as tr…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

…e back” rhetoric of the anti-abortion sites dovetails with the rhetoric of Republican politicians. It’s not yet clear why Chen left the embassy, or whether his departure means anything about the degree to which the U.S. government supports him. Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney called the Chen incident “a day of shame” for President Obama, assuming the U.S. faltered in its support for the dissident. Urging Obama to take a tougher line wi…

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Unfair Treatment of Women Clergy in the PCUSA and Presbyterian Korean Community

…gs, not knowing how critical they were. After serving faithfully at Korean Central for eleven years, I was informed in 2015 that all paid staff members were being asked to resign. I later learned only that only two of us had been asked to leave, myself and the youth director. To add insult to this injury, because Korean Central had never provided me with a contract, I was unable to claim the $27,000 in severance I should have been entitled to. Wit…

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The Bible Says… and Other Myths About Scripture

…nt establishment created a world in which Protestants could now argue more freely with one another. One purist sect, the “Puritans,” complained of the laxity of their quasi-Protestant brethren, and their less than pure theologies. A great many English language Bibles proliferated under Queen Elizabeth, and since every translation is also partly an interpretation, they presented subtly and not-so-subtly different theologies as well. My favorite exa…

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Jesus Went to Hell, But Nobody Wants to Talk About It

…ong the murders, rapists, fornicators and heretics of Hell. And yet it was central to Christological accounts of salvation for two millennia that God Himself be present in the lowest rung of creation to justify redemption for all mankind. Holy Saturday was a day in which God was not in His heaven, but rather in his Hell. It was a theme fervently embraced in the medieval world. Christ’s “harrowing” (a word that comes to us from Middle English) seem…

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Why I Will Not Submit to Arrest, Or, the Problem With Moral Mondays

…rking for beautifully fruitful change. But a movement revolving around one central hero is not conducive to the long-game sort of work toward equality and democracy. And a movement revolving around one central, authoritative, masculine, politically and religiously charismatic hero is simply not true to the best of Southern populism. At our best, people in the South have agitated for change in break rooms, classrooms, prison yards and such, pausing…

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House Health Care Bill Discriminates Against Religious Freedom

…f faiths will be subjected to limitations that will contravene their faith’s most well-considered and cherished views about the major questions of life, reproduction, and freedom of religious conscience; freedoms imagined by our nation’s founders as central to the nature of our country….

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Global LGBT Recap: Promise and Peril in the New Year

…advocates say it could draw members from across current political divides. Central America: Religious conservatives oppose USAID’s HIV Efforts Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch reports that William Murray and his Government Is Not God PAC are complaining about the U.S. Agency for International Development’s support for efforts to fight HIV/AIDS in Central America by tackling the stigma that surrounds it.  “In short,” the group says, “your tax doll…

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Spiritualism and Sex Meet Evangelical Censorship, 19th-Century-Style

…lege-educated cohort who would enjoy discussing things like religion, sex, free speech, censorship, women’s rights, blasphemy, and obscenity. It was not finally an audience of specialists I dreamed of but free-ranging brainiacs—in other words, readers with some of the daring spirit of nineteenth-century amateurs. Are you hoping to just inform readers? Give them pleasure? Piss them off? I am definitely hoping to offer my readers good, even artful,…

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Missing the Forest for the Witches

…r, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen that have very different notions of free speech and the separation between church and state. It was thoughtless for the library to check the box marked “occult” when planning their Internet filtering policy, but what’s even more disturbing here is that something as central to a democratic society as which sites can be accessed in a public library have been outsourced to a foreign corporation. How many America…

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