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Scalia on Muslim Beard Case: “Religious Beliefs Aren’t Reasonable”

…that his very willingness to help reach a satisfactory accommodation is a sign that his dedication to his religion is insufficient to justify an accommodation. Is the idea that only the most inflexible and rigid should be deemed religiously committed enough to receive an accommodation–even though they are those least likely to accept being accommodated rather than absolutely exempted? In other words, if we require purity of religious devotion we…

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Hagee’s New Film Uses Jews and Science to Prove Christian, Pro-US God

…u start to wonder. Is it a sign? John Hagee has a penchant for seeing such signs. The popular San Antonio pastor is the founder of Christians United for Israel, an organization that makes AIPAC look wishy-washy, and the author of the book Four Blood Moons, which he’s now turned into a docu-drama of the same name. Ostensibly, FBM is about biblical prophecy, the contemporary Middle East, and the role of Jews in history, though it’d be more accurate…

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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…ated his unpopular stint in San Francisco. The smart money is on him being promoted and relocated, as happened with Boston’s Cardinal Bernard Law and other clerics who have contributed so actively to the rapid exodus of members from Catholic parishes. At some point, these sorts of executive employees become too expensive to maintain. It becomes cost effective to put a golden parachute on their mitres and wish them well. The obviously forced resign

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Eight General Seminary Professors “Resign” Without Their Knowledge

…uests.” Dean Dunkle and the board of trustees decided to take this as a “resignation,” said that they had accepted the resignation of the eight faculty members, and thanked them for their service. Clearly things have gone off the rails at General Seminary in a spectacular way. Any time faculty members are fired en masse there is certainly a crisis in leadership. Dunkle was a lawyer before he became a priest, but his behavior, and that of the board…

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Numbers, Schnumbers, Why Evangelicals Should Worry About Trump’s Popularity

…ves busy predicting when Trump will hit his “polling ceiling,” he shows no sign of giving up his lead in the polls. Far from hitting a “polling ceiling,” many are now rightly worried that Trump has found his “polling floor.” For Christians, Trump’s persistent presence in the GOP primary should be a concern. The fact that he has duped even a small fraction of the faithful into actively supporting his campaign should be cause for even more worry. Ma…

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October “Baby” is a Grown Woman

…and even a university official giving a speech. The unnamed hospital has a sign that says “Hospital.” But it isn’t really universal, is it? It depicts what abortion would be like if women were all beautiful, tragic figures, living in a world run by men who treated them with, not respect, but a kind of indulgent kindness. Well, okay. In the real world of policy, poverty, pregnancy complications, and domestic violence are often important factors too…

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How Would Religion Respond to Extraterrestrials? A Thought Experiment

…Citizens of the Christian Republic of Texas have taken the broadcast as a sign of the long-overdue apocalypse. Meanwhile, the Head Dawkins of the English Secular Atheist Community has announced that the “…discovery of alien life once-and-for-all disproves the idea of a creator god.” But Christians are left wondering whether the papal encyclical will explain how the crucifixion of Christ redeemed the Sagittarians, or whether they had need of their…

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Religious Leaders Pledge to Protect Religious Freedom—For Everyone

…at 50 religious leaders, including the 21 who were on the Cathedral steps, signed reads: I, ______________, pledge and commit to the American people that I will uphold and defend the freedom of conscience and religion of all individuals by rejecting and speaking out, without reservation, against bigotry, discrimination, harassment and violence based on religion or belief. The event was hosted by the Cathedral and the Shoulder-to-Shoulder campaign,…

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Carson’s Lead Shows Evangelicals Care More About Politics Than Religion

…l worldview,” and that they testify to their own salvation. (Notably, in a sign of possible reasons for Trump’s decline, Bloomberg reports that likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers “remain uncertain about Trump’s Christian credentials. Only about a third consider him a committed Christian, while 28 percent say he isn’t and 40 percent say they’re not sure.”) Ben Carson has spent years burnishing his credentials as a religious right ideologue, and ha…

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Conservative Bishops Headed For Synod Victory?; Indonesian Sharia Official Says Gay Caning Law Meant To ‘Safeguard Human Dignity’; Slovenian Court OK’s Referendum on Marriage Equality Law; Global LGBT Recap

…at the chance to celebrate with tens of thousands of people. They carried signs like “Stop the persecution of gays in the Arab world” and “Your life isn’t worth more than mine.” So it felt like a deep betrayal when local officials banned the march at the last minute and police turned tear gas, plastic bullets, and water cannons on participants. (Turkish LGBT activists are not sure why the event was shut down after years without incident, but it f…

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