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Talking With the “Religious Terrorist” that Turkey Wants Trump to Extradite

…in meeting him. (Full disclosure: since I had already planned to be on the East Coast on that day, the movement did not provide for my airfare or any compensation for this visit, aside from an omelette at an I-Hop on the road from Newark airport). Three other scholars were also invited to the meeting; we were a group of Christians, Jews, and Muslims. When we were introduced Gulen attempted to rise from his chair. He swayed and tottered a bit, and…

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When Religious Disagreement Seems the Least of Our Problems: The Future for “Interfaith” in a Divided Society

…new book, Interfaith Leadership: A Primer, came out in July, which was at least four months too early. In the heat of a bitter national election, a book calling for toned-down domestic diplomacy seemed out-of-sync with the political mood. Why talk with other people when you can vote them into submission? Interfaith Leadership: A Primer Eboo Patel Beacon Press September 2016 Now, after an election that has left many Americans feeling baffled, infur…

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How Orthodox Christianity Became the Spiritual Home of White Nationalism

…modern Western political discourse and the ancient Christian faith of the East. The double-headed eagle appears on internet message boards and Orthodox crosses adorn the necks of thugs. What the response of the institutional Church to this courting will be is still yet to be written. Arguably, thus far, it has not been swift, public, or bold enough, because it has not been enough to stop it. If Orthodox churches, in America and abroad, only objec…

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Right-Wing Religion, Anti-Globalism, Authoritarian Rule: America Catches Up With the Rest of the World

…n ISIS a voice for their frustrations. The Sunni Arabs in western Iraq and eastern Syria had been alienated by their own governments in Baghdad and Damascus. They felt marginalized and humiliated by being left out, by not having a voice in their own countries. That brings us to the support of Trump. In a fast moving globalized world, there are a lot of people who are left out. They are left out of the global economy, and are picking through minimu…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…g Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, and Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles, who he says “have sprearheaded the U.S. bishops’ campaign against marriage equality and LGBT rights, neglecting issues valued far more by this pope.” At Believe Out Loud, Shine rounds up Catholic reactions to recent comments by Pope Francis on gender. Israel: Single Female Legislator Announces She’s Pregnant, Gay Friend is F…

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Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

…road. Mothers also left their children to pursue professional degrees back East. Neither was there a deeper discussion about the meanings of contested concepts like “religious freedom,” apart from the concern was expressed for Christians being required to offer their professional services to gay customers. However, there is precedent in the Mormon community for putting aside religious convictions when engaging in public services. My Mormon uncle o…

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Obsession with Attackers’ Backgrounds Misses the Point of Terrorism

…w to terrorism. The earliest terrorist groups in Latin America, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe were mostly secular nationalists. The most dangerous decade in terrorism, the 1970s, was dominated by groups like Weather Underground, the Japanese Red Army, and the Marxist Fadai’yan. In fact, until 2000, the majority of suicide bombings were carried out by the enthno-Marxist Tamil Tigers. Yet, regardless of the differing ideologies, the consistent…

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Exclusion is Causing Great Harm: A Conversation With Suspended UMC Pastor Rev. Cynthia Meyer

…y. I was ordained in 1990, so 26 years ago. I was ordained into the Kansas East Annual Conference, which is now part of the Great Plains Conference. And I’ve always kept my membership here. Prior to that, I had been the Dean of Students at Candler School of Theology at Emory in Atlanta. My most recent appointment, which I’m just finishing up in the next couple of weeks, is in Edgerton, Kansas. It’s a small town just outside of Kansas City. Our att…

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The Grand Old Homonationalist Party: The Issue that Keeps the Log Cabin Republicans, Republican

…America’s closest ally and the supposed beacon of gay rights in the Middle East. These are just three antecedents to the coupling of Islamophobia with muscular pro-LGBT liberalism we see today. Senior Republican leaders, for their part, only jumped on the bandwagon this past year. It’s been speculated that they’re following in the footsteps of right-wing, anti-immigrant European politicians, such as the Netherlands’ Pim Fortuyn—who held that the “…

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Islam, Essential to America?

…ut Christianity with a group of Muslim women who wanted me to take them to Easter Mass. I hope the book makes for pleasurable reading—good sentences married to good ideas. And pissing people off isn’t hard when you’re writing about Islam—from any and all sides—so even where I’ve tried to be thoughtful, there’s lots in the book that’s sure to piss off lots of people. Maybe it’ll annoy Varadarajan as much as “Going Muslim” annoyed me. What alternati…

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