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Turning Students into Citizens, Religious Studies Edition

…omists or physicists to keep these disciplines going; we need only a small number of brilliant minds. And yet the academy, because of its conservative disciplinary nature, insists on training legions of economists, religionists and physicists. If graduates of these programs find themselves able to enter the workforce or engage in responsible democratic citizenship, they do so in spite of their disciplinary education, not because of it. In short th…

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Hobby Lobby Aftermath: Christian College Demands an Exemption…from the Exemption

…very well to decide to boycott Hobby Lobby because I don’t want to lend my dollars to their activities. If I do, I will be acting on a theory of facilitating sin (or immoral conduct) not unlike their own. There is another reason why we should resist refusing to recognize the substantial burden involved in what the plaintiffs believe to be the facilitation of sin, and that is that, contrary to Justice Sotmayor’s assertion, there is no test to which…

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ISIS is the Islamic “Reformation”

…ts removal, they became worthless to us even if they are worth billions of dollars.” Another article in the Guardian reported that the Islamic State has bragged about the burning of over 100,000 books – some going back thousands of years – in Mosul’s central library. Which is why there’s such irony in articles like Raza Rumi’s “Islam Needs Reformation from Within” in the Huffington Post, or books like Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: Why Islam Needs a R…

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The Invention of a Corporate Christian America

…ss leaders quickly resolved to win back the public and devoted millions of dollars to a massive campaign of public relations, redirecting traditional business lobbies like the National Association of Manufacturers to the cause and creating brand new ones like the American Liberty League. But Americans dismissed their naked paeans to capitalism as just business looking out for its own self-interest. (Democratic leader Jim Farley famously joked that…

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Discrimination on the Taxpayer’s Dime? The Fight To Curtail the Overreach of RFRA

…(USCCB), which along with other Catholic entities, has tens of millions of dollars worth of federal contracts each year, is objecting to new proposed regulations under an Executive Order, amended by President Obama in July 2014, to bar all federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sex or gender identity. These new regulations will apply across all government agencies and will affect a wide range of contracts the government has with f…

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Blame Series Bonus: How Federal Policy Created America’s Fergusons

…Justice Department has made for Ferguson and which it has also made for a number of other cities around the country, are important. But the problems they’re addressing are a symptom. It’s not to say the symptom shouldn’t be treated, but the underlying cause of these problems is the fact that we’ve segregated housing throughout metropolitan areas in the country for the last century. And unless we are as aggressive in desegregating neighborhoods as…

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A Third Reconstruction? Rev. William Barber Lifts the Trumpet

…“secret” is more accurate than “black” when talking about the billions of dollars being spent to buy candidates’ souls. Of course, secret pools of money buying Southern elections is a problem. SCOTUS’ Citizens United decision changed the rules of the game, making it easier for big money to play partisan politics. As John Nichols has said in his book, we are more and more a “dollarocracy.” But we remind our progressive friends who are not up on th…

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LCWR Nuns Respond, Acknowledge Severity of Vatican Mistrust

…the LCWR. Lori is close to the Knights of Columbus, who funnel millions of dollars of contributions to the Vatican each year in support of their conservative priorities. That U.S. conservatives might be literally pulling the strings on the investigation was suggested this week when David Gibson at RNS reported that some of the harshest wording in Müller’s takedown of the nuns appeared to come directly from Anne Carey, a correspondent for the conse…

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What Kim Davis and the Little Sisters of the Poor Have in Common

…the penalty for refusal to execute the documents may be in the millions of dollars. How can it be any clearer that the law substantially burdens the plaintiffs’ free exercise of religion? The dissenting justices admit that the issue has “little to do with contraception,” which would be the doctrinal basis of the nuns’ objection. Instead, as with the litigating of authority mentioned earlier, it has to do with the nuns’ right to place “God’s law” a…

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Sheldon Adelson’s Long Game

…eporter Ken Vogel’s new book with the clunky title, Big Money: 2.5 Billion Dollars, One Suspicious Vehicle, and a Pimp—on the Trail of the Ultra-Rich Hijacking American Politics, an insidery look at the post-Citizens United world of political mega-donors. With several of the highly recognizable names—particularly casino mogul Sheldon Adelson—being Jewish, has their money bought them influence among Jewish voters? With regard to Adelson, the editor…

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