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Breivik’s Religious Pluralist Vision: A COEXIST Bumper Sticker Without the Crescent

…anti-Islam Hindus as allies in the fight against Islam. Under the heading “Modern Jihad” Breivik writes, “Islam has systematically murdered more than 300 million individuals,” going so far as to divide that number up: “3/4 Hindu/Buddhist, Animist/Pagan 1/4 Christian/Jewish/Zoroastrian.” So, while it’s true that he borrows a lot of imagery and language from the Christian crusades, such a list of world religions indicates that Breivik also thought i…

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Record Numbers Voted for More Death and More Racism; Can We Really Just Come Together as a Nation?

…country have already counted the votes of over 67 million people who want more death, more deception, and more openly racist and exclusionary public policies. And a huge number of these voters identify as Christian. And we’re supposed to find a way to reconcile with them? I can’t, and I won’t. The only path forward I can see is the path of confrontation and struggle and relentless organizing for power—nonviolently, of course, but without the gent…

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Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and Pro-Home Birth

…). These articles reflect an emerging consensus that home birth has become more common and less countercultural, a consensus supported by CDC data showing that between 2004 and 2009 home births increased by 29%. The home birth movement has been galvanized by the fight for legislation that ensures better access to home birth care, yet some birth advocates have found themselves among strange bedfellows: individuals who disagree—often vehemently—abou…

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Unprecedented Anti-LGBTQ Statement By Orthodox Church in America Should Be Christian Nationalist Warning Sign to US Orthodoxy

…only be described as a concerted takeover by extremists of the OCA, once among the most progressive Orthodox bodies in the world. I’ve previously written for RD about the reactionary direction of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, the theological school run by the OCA in Yonkers, New York. While it’s important to stress that Eastern Christianity has its own history and debates, it’s impossible to view the movement of the OCA towards fundamentalism without…

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Republicans “Evangelizing” Catholic Voters

…is that Bush, an Episcopalian convert to Catholicism, is in many ways the most traditional Catholic of the sizeable number of Catholics jostling for the GOP nod. Bobby Jindal has labeled himself a “Catholic Evangelical” and even hosted “The Response,” a prayer extravaganza that amounts to a full-out paean to Christian nationalism. Rick Santorum has long courted the Christian right with his anti-abortion rhetoric and was once named by Time magazin…

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Before Black Twitter: How the Early Black Press Shaped American Discourse Around Race and Religion

…th immediately after the end of the Civil War. And, again, there’s so much more to say even about the five newspapers that I do cover in my book. But the vast number of people and papers that I wasn’t able to concentrate on in the book just underscores how much work there is left to do on the black press. What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your topic? Outside of a small group of specialists in early African-American print culture, m…

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Awakening, Counter-Awakening, and the End of Church

…igious talk and he has good reason for doing that. People don’t understand Mormonism. Most American Protestants and Catholics have a fundamental distrust or uncertainty about Mormonism, so he wants to play it down. If he brings on a vice presidential candidate like (Virginia governor) Bob McDonnell, there’s no way it’s going to be diminished. I suspect that the vice presidential candidate will be the person who carries the narrative for the religi…

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More than Half of Mississippi GOP Primary Voters Believe the President is Muslim

…state’s other voters. The poll didn’t ask these voters if they believe the Mormon Romney is a Christian, which would have been a telling and fascinating data point since evangelical anti-Mormonism is thought to be more pronounced in the South. But it did ask whether they believe President Obama is a Christian, and only 14% did, with 45% saying they believe he is a Muslim. These numbers are more pronounced among evangelicals, with only 9% of evange…

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The Problem with AMC’s Sci-Fi Hit Humans

…do the trick without complex parts that mimic the functions of ears and a mouth? Furthermore, wouldn’t it make better economic sense to distribute artificial intelligence across multiple hardware platforms, instead of clustering so much precious technology into a single body? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have a dog-like Roomba, a wireless home operating system, and a self-driving car, since each component could be upgraded and replaced? In our…

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New Report: Muslim Terrorism a ‘Minuscule Threat’

…activity over the span of a decade. Per annum, it is 0.001%. If we take a more realistic number of 4 million American Muslims, the numbers become 0.005% over a decade, or 0.0005% per year. Last year there were 14,000 homicides in the U.S., and with a population of 300,000,000, that’s about 0.0005% of the population are murderers. The report ends with this sage advice: “This study’s findings challenge Americans to be vigilant against the threat of…

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