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Teach Your Children Well: Challenging Religion-Based Sexism

…time. But endorsing misogyny is, of course, how we roll.   Misogynist authoritarianism demands that women be complicit in their own dehumanization. So when black recording artists rake in millions dehumanizing black women we become willing consumers. We masochistically rush to justify and excuse. Why? Because despite all of the strong-backbone-of-the-black-community post-feminist rhetoric, black women are still accustomed to seeing themselves thro…

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Right Wingers Say “Gay” is Out, But Try Putting “Unnatural Vice” On a Bumper Sticker

…this teeny-tiny minority that apparently has the power to subvert all of Christendom. (The religious right has been touting a new report that they believe says only 1.7 percent of the population is gay or lesbian.) The first order of business was decided to stop painting the LGBT community as so darn happy — so the word “gay” is out. Instead, the new in-words to describe the community are such unwieldy and bumpersticker unfriendly phrases as “same…

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A collage of a Bible, Valdimir Putin, and the Kremlin and an outline of Russia

Putin’s ‘Year of the Family’ Declaration Blends Russian Nationalism with the Far-Right Rhetoric of the Global Pro-Family Movement

…blic Eye, Spring 2024 (Issue 109) examines the far-right expansion of authoritarianism globally. Inform your resistance: Subscribe now! At the end of 2022, Putin shocked the country and the world by addressing the nation from a military base in Rostov-on-Don—a southwestern city by the Russia-Ukraine border—against the backdrop of stern-looking soldiers.[2] This year’s change in venue, however, wasn’t the only thing that signaled Russia’s return to…

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As Tensions Escalate in the Balkans, the West Could Hand Putin a Valuable Weapon

…eeks to wield influence in places like Serbia, where people are not necessarily thrilled at the prospect of Russian domination, but where there’s deep mistrust of a West that seems completely unaware of the historical memories at play. And Russia has been more than happy to fill the gap. Russian propaganda network RT recently launched a local website and broadcaster in Serbia. Offering a mildly bizarre but strangely predictable explanation for the…

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Catholic Sex Teaching is No Laughing Matter

…in Africa, the number of African Christians, including Roman Catholics, continues to increase. Catholics now comprise twenty percent of the population of the entire continent, or 185 million people.  It would, of course, be unfair to blame increasing anti-gay violence in Africa entirely, or even primarily, on the Roman Catholic Church, given the pivotal roles played in this crisis by some African Anglican leaders and right-wing American evangelica…

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Scottish Episcopal Church Angers Conservative Anglicans With Embrace of Same-Sex Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

…nts of the initiative say it “will push the EU state onto a populist, authoritarian track leading to an erosion of democratic rights and liberties.” The proposal cleared the Senate with an overwhelming majority: Few politicians openly support same-sex marriage or even civil partnerships in the socially conservative eastern European nation of 20 million, where the Orthodox Church holds considerable sway. Indonesia: International organizations call…

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Good News: Religious Outreach Works On Vaccine Hesitancy. Bad News: We Need It.

…. There are other surprises in the study. One of the milder ones is that African Americans are more dubious that vaccination programs take the needs of those being vaccinated into consideration than other demographics across the board. That is to say, African Americans trust the vaccination system to serve whites and Hispanics even less than those groups do! Other surprises: while Americans without a religious faith routinely come in as one of the…

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The Religious Right and the Tea Party on “Education Choice”

…within conservative circles over whether or not shifting public funds to private or quasi-private institutions is the best strategy for eventual elimination of what is seen as a government usurpation of a family responsibility. Indeed citing the Times article, Gary North recently wrote about a tea party-sponsored school voucher plan as an issue that might even split the tea party: “The idea is being challenged by libertarian Tea Party members… Th…

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Pope Denounces Gender Colonization; Indonesian Court Considers Islamist Request To Criminalize Homosexuality; Egypt’s Grand Mufti Says No One Has Right to Harm Homosexuals; Global LGBT Recap

…, since behind all this there are ideologies. In Europe, America, Latin America, Africa, and in some countries of Asia, there are genuine forms of ideological colonization taking place. And one of these – I will call it clearly by its name – is [the ideology of] “gender”. Today children – children! – are taught in school that everyone can choose his or her sex. Why are they teaching this? Because the books are provided by the persons and instituti…

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PCUSA’s Nod to “Traditional” Marriage Understandable, but Not Accurate

…evelopments, furthermore, continue to shape a number of the assumptions American Christians have about the nature of marriage. Consider the following examples of historical changes in Christian marriage and whether we can honestly still call today’s version “traditional.” 1) Were individuals always required to be conventionally alive? For the majority of the past two thousand years, Christian women could marry Jesus, who (in most Christian theolog…

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