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The Right Questions Kamala Harris’ Blackness — Yet as Long as She Holds Any Power She’ll Always Be Too Black for Them

…ness. Did she aspire to be “White” and did that shape her early career and policy making? Important questions, one would think. Does she have rhythm? Debatable. Does she over-hype a Blackness that some might think is, well, ‘overhyped’ given that she kind of claps on 1 and 3? Possibly. Discussions around aligning with Whiteness for power would yield a much more interesting and honest critique than accusing this woman of not being Black. And of cou…

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An End to the “Gentleman’s Agreement” on Israel?

…ries, resources… and settlements. American maps may show the Golan as part of Syria, but every year, more Israeli-owned vineyards are planted. To suddenly focus on symbolism is good for fundraising letters, but bad for actual policy. In this case, at least, symbolism has prevailed. Because it is only a bureaucratic change, and not a geographic or physical one, I doubt it will make much of a ripple. But it may foreshadow greater turbulence to come….

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Before Breitbart: How Right Wing Media Transformed American Politics

…ral bias—conservative media simply wasn’t powerful or well-known enough to change the national conversation about media. That changed in 1969, when Spiro Agnew made his famous broadside against bias in the media. Agnew took the argument conservatives had been making since the 1940s and 1950s and turned it into a topic of national debate. And he did so at a time when many Americans were questioning the validity of objectivity—not because they thoug…

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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

…had an enormous, if indirect and underrecognized, role [in] shaping public policy.” If the message of apocalyptic demonization is not clear, try reading one of the novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins in their Left Behind series of Christian apocalyptic novels which have sold more than 70 million copies. Writing in the American Prospect, Gershom Gorenberg blasts the authors because they: promote conspiracy theories; they demonize proponents o…

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‘Do You Want Columbia to be Cursed by God?’ — Alarming Exchanges in Congress and Beyond Highlight the Desperate Need for Religious Literacy

…d religious identities are at the center of current debates over US-Israel policy and campus protest culture. Allen egregiously misquotes Genesis 12:3 by retrojecting “Israel”—a name given to Jacob later on in Genesis 32:28—into the story of God’s call to Abram and promise to make him into a great nation. In doing so, Allen extends Genesis 12 from a blessing or curse on a single person, Abram, to a covenant that affects all of his descendants and…

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Obama Under Fire From Civil Liberties Groups Over Faith-Based Policies

…n “is not justified under applicable legal standards and threatens to tilt policy toward an unwarranted end that would damage civil rights and religious liberty,” the administration has not altered the Bush policy. During the campaign, Obama promised: First, if you get a federal grant, you can’t use that grant money to proselytize to the people you help and you can’t discriminate against them – or against the people you hire – on the basis of thei…

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GOP Education Bill Would Radically Rewrite Religious Freedom and License Virtually Any Form of Discrimination

…btedly respond by citing Virginia’s “Contracted Independent Organizations” policy, which makes ineligible for official recognition any student group that “restricts its membership, programs, or activities” on the basis of any of a wide range of protected identities, including race and religion. So far, so good. But now imagine that a bill that Congress is currently considering to reauthorize the Higher Education Act has become law. Under the terms…

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Here’s What Hospital Care Could Look Like in a Post-Roe World

…xcept in the narrowest of circumstances, such as (according to one written policy) when “medically necessary to avert…a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function, other than a psychological condition.” Who decides when an abortion is “medically necessary,” and therefore permitted? In some hospitals, we discovered that these determinations are made not by treating physicians, but by dedicated commit…

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Catholic Child Neglect: DC Archdiocese Cuts Adoption Rather Than Abide Same-Sex Parents

…r sexuality. This is heterosexism raised (better, lowered) to the level of policy. It has no place in public life even if it is introduced under religious cover. Theologically, the Catholic Church is saying that its own outmoded ideas on sexuality are more sacred than the well-being of children. Its outdated take on sexuality trumps the many studies that confirm that same-sex parents are equally up to the challenges of raising children. In the ins…

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Trump Election Could Threaten LGBT Rights Globally

…outh China Morning Post reports on a push by LGBT rights advocates to push policy changes that polls show are supported by a majority of the public: Brian Leung Siu-fai, chief campaigner of the Big Love Alliance, slammed the government for dragging its feet on protection of LGBTI rights. In the past five years, many studies had been released showing a shift in public opinion towards the LGBTI community, yet the government still insisted there was…

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