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Satanic or Systemic? Promise Keepers Are Back and Looking to End Racism Via ‘Trickle-Down Racial Reconciliation’

…rough worship, prayer and obedience to God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. Promise #2 Brotherhood: A Promise Keeper is committed to pursuing vital relationships with a few other men, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises. Promise #3 Integrity: A Promise Keeper is committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity. Promise #4 Family: A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages an…

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Inside the Evangelical Beliefs and Practices that Facilitate Abuse in Families like the Duggars’

…authority in their own relationship. In Josh and Anna’s wedding special for 17 Kids and Counting, Anna’s father Mike Keller describes how this system informed both families’ approach to their children’s marriage: “The way God ordained it all, Josh becomes the authority at the wedding. He becomes her authority, not me, and that’s the way God designed the transfer of authority. And it’s a good design,” Keller tells the camera. Chains of command and…

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Not Breathing Much Easier … But Still Breathing: A Modest Plea For Hope to End 2020

…erstand the basics of movement-making: the need to engage head, heart, and spirit all at once and to fully understand one’s opposition so as not to be sidetracked, blindsided, seduced into a phony peace. As well, there are plenty of elders, some of them movement elders and others not, who are prepared to join the struggle for a human future. It’s possible we won’t make it out of our 21st century impasse. The scale and depth and complexity of our c…

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And the Violent Bear It Away? Disciplined Nonviolence and the Coming Election Emergency

…nshirts—the Sturmabteiling, or SA—facilitated his rise during the 1920s and 1930s. A badly polarized Weimar Republic found itself totally defenseless in the face of stormtrooper-incited chaos and crime. Of course our official founders—those rich white men in wigs—chose to euphemize and sanitize what they knew full well would ultimately threaten the stability of their perfect machine: the unspeakable violence they authorized within the system of ch…

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New Book by Olivier Roy Argues that Aggressive Attempts to Christianize the West Actually Hasten Secularism

…n Switzerland has further secularized Christianity in that country. In the spirit of religious tolerance, the Swiss don’t object to the building of mosques as such, but only to the foreign-ness of them; to the fact that they don’t fit into Switzerland’s Christian character. Thus, building ‘Swiss-looking’ mosques (cuckoo-clock tower minarets?) would be fine because they’d conform to Swiss aesthetics ―even though, ironically, promoting Islam in the…

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Yes, Virginia: There IS a War on Christmas: Its Revolutionary Meaning is Inverted in the Winner-Take-All Era

…dered efficient (in Harvard Business School terms) as it fuels the porcine spirits needed to propel a robust capitalism. Likewise, nothing brings the reality of the lives of the poor home like spending even the tiniest amount of time with people who are not making it at all: with people who are living in unheated tenements or living rough on the street. Children, for God’s sake, suffering exposure and malnutrition right under our noses in This Gre…

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‘When I Spoke in Tongues’ Points the Way Out of Fundamentalist Christianity

…“The point was having this direct line to God, this evidence that the Holy Spirit had entered me and claimed me as his own. Now that same Spirit was reaching back out to God and appealing to him on my behalf.” It’s rare to come across individuals who can so precisely capture what it means to leave a unique and profound (religious) meaning system. Moreover, the ability to unravel the emotionally wrenching and often complex social psychological proc…

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The Christian Worldview Revealed by Sessions’ Use of Romans 13

…ames Dobson. Ralph Drollinger’s wife Danielle worked for Focus in the early 1990s and Dobson frequently promoted the couple’s new venture after its founding in 1996. The continued connection between the two groups is evident in Capitol Ministries’ support of corporal punishment as well as in the understanding of the relationship between the people and the government that Sessions learned in its lesson. Focus made its views on what constitutes a ri…

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Paul Schrader’s “First Reformed” Depicts Death Struggle Between Hope and Despair

…for destroying those who destroy the earth. It seems pretty clear that the spirit of radical mystic Thomas Merton hovers over this film. Merton’s name comes up twice in the screenplay, and both Schrader and his protagonist seem to resonate with the words that Merton wrote in 1962 to Ernesto Cardenal, the Nicaraguan theologian, poet, and revolutionary: The world is full of great criminals with enormous power, and they are in a death struggle with e…

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Paul Schrader’s “First Reformed” Depicts Death Struggle Between Hope and Despair

…for destroying those who destroy the earth. It seems pretty clear that the spirit of radical mystic Thomas Merton hovers over this film. Merton’s name comes up twice in the screenplay, and both Schrader and his protagonist seem to resonate with the words that Merton wrote in 1962 to Ernesto Cardenal, the Nicaraguan theologian, poet, and revolutionary: The world is full of great criminals with enormous power, and they are in a death struggle with e…

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