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The Family Research Council’s Mistaken Identity

…I believe it was 1999. When he went to three different Jewish institutions, museums, and then wound up shooting people at a children’s community center, then shooting a fellow penal postal worker later on. Matthew Hale who’s the Pontifex Maximus of the World Church of the Creator out of Illinois and Ben Smith who went on a shooting spree in three different cities where he killed a number of African Americans and Jews and Asians that day. Those gr…

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Jonestown at 40: The Real Conspiracy Is More Disturbing Than the Theories

…ut this staff was aided by parents, make no mistake about that. In addition, a number of senior citizens are reported to have been injected with poison, but it’s impossible to determine how many. This leaves the problem of how many adults voluntarily drank the “Kool-Aid.” Suicide is, of course, called into question if they were surrounded by armed guards, though the guards themselves died at the end by ingesting poison. The presence of hypodermic…

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The Plot to Turn the Synod into a “Plot”

…er which the Synod is to take up. The Supreme Pontiff may, if he so chooses, increase the number of members of the Synod of Bishops by adding bishops, or religious to represent the religious institutes, or clerics who are experts, to the extent of fifteen percent of the total number of the members mentioned in articles V and VIII. Despite this, Douthat assures us that “as a Catholic,” he expects “the plot to ultimately fail; where the pope and the…

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As Gaza Burns, Jews Disagree, Protest & Pray

…an and child killed in Gaza (797 as of this writing, most of them civilians, 5,100 wounded), while the media arm of the Israeli Defense Forces offers counter-tallies: the number of missiles Hamas has fired (2,270)—some reaching as far north as Jerusalem—the number of Hamas’ smuggling tunnels uncovered (31), the number of Israeli soldiers killed in action (29). These numbers will likely change every hour. In the weeks leading up to the Israeli inva…

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“I Speak to God in Public”: Are Young Black Millennials Reclaiming a Theology of Resistance?

…se who are unaffiliated with any religious tradition (“nones”), and of that, the numbers trended upwards among 18-29 year olds. Many news outlets covered the overall trend of millennials leaving the church in connection with the uptick of the religiously unaffiliated, but ignored the racial subtext of the millennials who chose to stay, and also were black. In all fairness, the public narrative supports why mainstream media was slow to cover this….

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Data-Mining Denominations: Same-Sex Marriage Edition

…le more than they strongly approve. Evangelical Baptists, on the other hand, really, really dislike same-sex marriage, as do evangelical members of the Churches of Christ or Disciples of Christ. Interestingly enough, Orthodox Christians—a tradition hardly known for its liberalism—hover around Hindus, both in size and net approval. My unscientific guess? We’ll probably see both pros and cons continue to move in their respective directions, with pre…

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New Poll Reveals Jews May Be Open to Change in Israel Policy

…e same survey. 40% of respondents continue to support West Bank settlements, which, no matter how J Street chooses to spin it, is not an insignificant number. 75% supported the IDF operation in Gaza, though only 41% believe Israel is now more secure. And as for Iran, negotiators and hardliners are running neck-and-neck. The stakes are high. If President Obama attempts to take a harder line with Israel he risks alienating his Jewish base. At the sa…

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Rome Has Spoken and Rome Is Finished: The Vatican’s Sexual Abuse Summit ‘Failed Miserably’

…er between clergy and laity that are the bedrock of this power differential, a causative factor in church-related abuse. Without changing those structures the chances of eradicating sexual abuse of minors by clergy are nil. Francis concluded with nothing new, concrete, or effective, using vacuous terms like “impeccable seriousness” and “genuine purification,” highly spiritualized notions that might ground new policies. I do not think so. And I kno…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…The call was led by Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Wesleyan Church in La Mesa, CA, who is the leader and initiator of Proposition 8—the California ballot initiative that would strip gays of the right to marry. Here is some of what Bathija heard from Garlow: “When I find myself up past the midnight hour asking ‘why am I doing this?’ I think of the conversation that took place in Cairo, Egypt, between an Egyptian Christian pastor who has been severely…

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How Not To Defend Atheism

…y atheist Soviet government, including the execution of hundreds of bishops, thousands of monks, and tens of thousands of priests (never a moment of failure, indeed). But throughout Fighting God, Silverman never seems particularly concerned with letting facts get in the way of a good narrative or pithy one-liner. Nowhere is this sloppiness clearer, ironically enough, than when Silverman discusses atheism. Just as Silverman relies on a caricature o…

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