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Democrats Look to Conservative Evangelicals on Immigration

…or Equality; Church World Service, Immigration and Refugee Program; Clergy United; The Episcopal Church; Friends Committee on National Legislation; Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism; Standing on the Side of Love; the United Methodist Church; and the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. Even more religious leaders and groups have expressed support for broad LGBT equality, as evidenced by the mor…

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Gun-Wielding White Couple Make Perfect Protagonists for Republican Convention’s ‘Great American Story’

…In our new book, Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States, we show that Christian nationalism was one of the strongest predictors of support for Trump in 2016, and continues to be for the political wedge issues he routinely highlights. Trump and his supporters have repeatedly emphasized the dangers Christian Americans supposedly face if he’s not reelected. For Trump followers, Christianity is fundamental to telling t…

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We’ve Finally Begun to Confront White Christian Nationalism; But What About Its Source Text?

…undated America’s TV screens. At the time Wright was the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where the Obamas held membership, and many Americans were appalled at his excoriating remarks about the United States’ racist, nativist and imperialist acts against African, Asian and Indigenous peoples domestically and internationally. The optics were bad, but America’s perception was based on short cherry-picked video clips from two of…

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The British (Bible) Invasion: KJV 400-Year Anniversary Rolls On

…World. Abolition was enacted as an economic policy in England, but in the United States it came at the tremendous, Bible-inspired cost of more than one million dead. While Bragg is deeply interested in the ethical and political impact of Protestantism and the KJV, he clearly has a special fondness for the cultural implications of these things, literary ones especially. The KJV has left its imprint on the history of English literature on both side…

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Why We’re Not Prepared to Prosecute White Nationalist Violence

…ly White nationalists who are the greatest national security threat to the United States. Just as it’s significant to change public perception of who is a terrorist, so, too, is it important to alter the idea of what constitutes terrorism. However, the abiding debate over gun rights and current gun laws will undoubtedly hamper attempts to also include such weapons in the calculus of terrorist crime. A call for holistic justice In the direct afterm…

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American Indians Irate over Bin Laden Code Name “Geronimo”

…ache.  Compare that cost to the nearly one and a half trillion dollars the United States has spent since 2002 tracking down Osama bin Laden and the two or three hundred members of al Qaeda said to be fighting from the mountains of the Afghan/Pakistan border.  It’s safe to say the United States military hasn’t learned much over the generations about how to fight a war against a well-entrenched band of locals who know the country, and the conflation…

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

…d a form of religious politics that will make biblical code the law of the United States. These activists are quite serious about bringing Christian politics into power. Bray said that it is possible, under the right conditions, for a Christian revolution to sweep across the United States and bring in its wake Constitutional changes that would allow for biblical law to be the basis of social legislation. Failing that, Bray envisaged a new federali…

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A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…ir multi-national, multi-racial and multi-ethnic character. That said, the numbers of nations and people that we mention are sourced solely on the claims of the groups themselves. We have no way to independently verify these numbers, so they should be used advisedly. Simply put, the global vision of the NAR is based on their understanding of the Great Commission text of Matthew 28:18-20, with an emphasis on “discipling nations” (28:19). Internatio…

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What Most Critics Missed About Dustin Lance Black’s ‘Under the Banner of Heaven’

…and questioned the prevalence of Mormon fundamentalism in the contemporary United States. The history of Mormon fundamentalism offers important context for Banner and illuminates the reality that, while small in numbers, Mormon fundamentalism is relatively common. But, what is a Mormon fundamentalist? It was almost 50 years after the death of the religion’s founder that the LDS Church began the long process of ending the practice of polygamy. In 1…

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Faith-Baiting in Minnesota and Elsewhere Follows the “Project Blitz” Playbook

…ing of “writings, documents, and records … that reflect the history of the United States, including, but not limited to, (i) the preamble to the Constitution of this State; (ii) the Declaration of Independence; (iii) the United States Constitution; (iv) the Mayflower Compact… the National Motto” and more. The Oklahoma legislation, like the model bills it draws on, is a transparent effort to slip in overtly religious documents like the Ten Commandm…

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