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What Does it Mean to Call “God” a White Racist?

…sponse to a wound that will not heal, but so too is frustration and anger. African-American Christians have sought relief from this wound through the balm of their faith. Through a deep conviction of God’s solidarity with those oppressed and criminalized, many of us believe that God wills and enacts liberation for those Frantz Fanon called the wretched of the earth. But such a conviction and claim ain’t easy to carry.  Dr. Butler recalled a semina…

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The Zimmerman Acquittal: America’s Racist God

…g to do with race? You already know the answer: No. The lamentation of the African-American community at yet another injustice, the surprise and disgust of others who understand, stand against this pseudo-god of capitalisms and incarceration that threaten to take over our nation. While many continue to proclaim that the religious right is over, they’re wrong. The religious right is flourishing, and unlike the right of the 1970s, religious conserva…

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If Trayvon Martin Were My Son, His Killer Would be in Jail Now

…artin in Sanford, Florida, on February 26, is known to police, and remains free. “My son is your son,” Trayvon Martin’s mother Sybrina Fulton told demonstrators in New York City on Wednesday evening. While I’m fully aware of the vulnerability of my own children, I also think about the ways my friends who are African American must raise their children, especially sons, with an ever-heightened vigilance. Because in America, some children’s lives are…

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God’s Body, God’s Plan: The Komen Furor and Abortion as Black/Latino “Genocide”

…nger’s controversial work with the Birth Control Federation of America. As African American historian Dorothy Roberts contends in her book Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction and the Meaning of Liberty, “Sanger (may have) adopted the eugenicists’ view of the dangers of racial deterioration… but she rejected their biological explanation for its cause… she held uncontrolled fertility responsible for bringing children into conditions of povert…

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The ‘Christianization’ of Shirley Sherrod

…lbert Raboteau says Christianity initially had a slow start among enslaved Africans in the United States because, among other reasons, enslavers feared a common baptism would signal social equality. To resolve the dilemma Christian missionaries declared that Christianity would help better fit black persons to enslavement. Crafting a “Christian” argument that enabled the participation of enslaved Africans continued even after Emancipation as some b…

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Israeli Right Demonizes Israeli Left, With American Money

…ncluding John Hagee, the controversial Texas minister whose endorsement of Republican presidential candidate John McCain was rejected after his anti-Catholic remarks were widely publicized.* Hagee heads Christians United for Israel and John Hagee Ministries, which donated 100,000 dollars to the group.** Also on board with Im Tirtzu is the Central Fund for Israel, a New York-based nonprofit that funds settler militias and security for West Bank set…

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The End of Michele Bachmann?

…st Amendment, particularly given that those following the dictates of the Qur’an are under an obligation to destroy our Constitution and replace it with shari’ah law.” Bachmann is taking heat from fellow Republicans for her attempted witch hunt of Abedin. But will those Republicans back away from the FRC’s Values Voters Summit this fall in protest of Boykin’s history of Islamophobia?…

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Queer Repentance: On Not Surrendering to a Text, to Guilt, or to Habit

…when applied to homosexuality, unhealthy. For our community, “change” is a code word for repression, distortion, and fear. So LGBT people must either abandon repentance or queer it. If we are not to reject it, we must make it our own, make it more complex, set aside its oversimplifications. The good news is that this is a gift to everybody else. Total surrender to heteronomous ethics is unhealthy, period. It may be prescribed by some, but it is al…

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Tinkering with Creation: Intelligent Design 2.0

…, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana became the first governor to sign an “academic freedom” bill into law. Observers on both sides of the issue are now waiting for the first school district in the state to adopt a curriculum based on this new language. Of course, these academic freedom bills, along with the “teach the strengths and weaknesses” wording in Texas are merely a watered-down version of intelligent design—what Judge John E. Jones III, in his rul…

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Excerpt: The Christian Roots of Zionism

…d President Truman’s decision to recognize Israel to ‘‘the New York vote’’—code for the Jewish vote. Reading the Christian Century’s articles in the light of later developments, it seems that these reservations about creating a Jewish state were the opinions of a small elite. As Truman biographer David McCullough has noted, Truman’s motives in granting Israel diplomatic recognition were both political and religious. Writing of the 1948 elections,…

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